407116: GYM102697 087 The Robots

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087. The Robotstime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

Welcome to the CodeRams Contest #8, and thanks for participating!

We like to make contests with themes that tie together all of the problems. For this contest, the problems are all based on songs by the German band Kraftwerk. We'll provide links to each of the songs in each corresponding problem. We recommend that you listen to each song while you are solving each problem. (You're allowed to view the provided links, despite them requiring use of the internet.)

The Robots (the song corresponding to this problem)

For this first problem, you want to train your robot army to print out a given string of text three times.


The only line contains a single line of input, consisting of any ascii characters.


Print the line of text given in the input three times, with each one separated by a new line.

We Are The Robots
We Are The Robots
We Are The Robots
We Are The Robots

