407124: GYM102697 095 Techno Pop

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095. Techno Poptime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

Techno Pop

After listening to the Kraftwerk song Techno Pop, you decide that you want to pop a balloon. You have a spherical balloon that will pop when it reaches a volume of $$$v1$$$ in^3, and you blow up the balloon inside of a cube-shaped box with a volume of $$$v2$$$ in^3.

Given these values, figure out whether or not it is possible to pop the balloon in the cube-shaped box that you have.

Recall that the formula for the volume of a sphere is $$$\frac{4}{3}\pi{}r^3$$$, where $$$r$$$ represents the radius of the sphere, and the formula for the volume of a cube (or a cube-shaped box) is $$$s^3$$$, where $$$s$$$ represents the side length of the cube.


The only line of input contains two space-separated integers: $$$v1$$$ and $$$v2$$$, representing the volume that the spherical balloon needs to be greater than or equal to in order to pop, and the volume of the cube-shaped box, respectively. Both values are given in $$$in^3$$$.


Output "YES" (no quotes) if the balloon can pop inside of the box, and "NO" (no quotes) otherwise.

10 27
10 8

In the first example case, the balloon has room to inflate to at most 14.1 $$$in^3$$$, so the balloon can inflate to 10 $$$in^3$$$ and pop.

In the second example case, the balloon only has room to inflate to 4.2 $$$in^3$$$, so the balloon cannot pop inside of the cube-shaped box.

