407181: GYM102697 152 Unit Circle

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152. Unit Circletime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

The Unit Circle is a very commonly used geometric representation of all possible right triangles with a hypotenuse length of one. If you have not yet encountered the unit circle in math class, the coordinates of each point on the circumference of the circle can be found simply by finding the sin and cosine of the angle created between the point and (0,0). The x value can be found as the cosine of the angle while the y value can be found as the sin of the angle. For this problem, you will be given the angle(from 0 to 359), and you should output the x value.


A single integer ranging from 0 to 359 that corresponds to the angle of the point on the unit circle.


A single floating point value that represents the x value of the point created on the unit circle by the given angle.


