407267: GYM102740 A Valorant Score

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A. Valorant Scoretime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

After a very close 13-11 victory in a Valorant ranked competitive game, Jett and Breach are arguing about which one between the two of them had a more positive impact on the game for their team. Even though there is an Average Combat Score system already in place, Breach complained about how he was always setting Jett up for success, so she would get not only all the first kills, but also the first deaths.

Their other teammates, namely Cypher, Omen, and Sova think that it is foolish to bicker about who was more "impactful" when they won the game. However, to help resolve the issue, they have come up with a more simple system. Cypher will assign a positive point value for each kill, Omen will assign a negative point value for each death, and Sova will assign a positive point value for each assist.

Given each of their point values as well as the Kills, Deaths, and Assists of both Jett and Breach, determine which one of them was more valuable by calculating the total score. The one with the higher score will have a higher impact.


The first line contains three space-separated integers $$$k (0 \le k \le 10^4), d (-10^4 \le d \le 0)$$$, and $$$a (0 \le a \le 10^4)$$$, the point assigned for a kill, a death, and an assist respectively.

The next line contains a single integer $$$n (1 \le n \le 10^3)$$$, the number of battles that follow.

For each of the next $$$n$$$ lines, there will be six space-separated integers, with the first three being $$$k_j, d_j, a_j$$$, and the last three being $$$k_b, d_b, a_b$$$ $$$(0 \le k_j, d_j, a_j, k_b, d_b, a_b \le 150)$$$, which are Jett and Breach's KDA (Kills, Deaths, and Assists), respectively.


For each of the $$$n$$$ matches, output "Jett" if Jett has more impact, and "Breach" if Breach has more impact. In case that there is a tie, output "Tie".

5 -3 1
24 10 0 19 10 0
24 18 0 19 5 0


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