407379: GYM102780 C Emoticons

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C. Emoticonstime limit per test0.4 secondsmemory limit per test64 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

A programmer, Basil by name, is writing a new text editor. In order to display mail correspondence, Basil has written a special module that extracts all emoticons from a text file and puts them out onto a separate line for display. Unfortunately, an error has crept into the module, and the characters in the line of emoticons got mixed up.

Basil knows that the following emoticons $$$\texttt{«;-)»}$$$, $$$\texttt{«;-(»}$$$, $$$\texttt{«:)»}$$$, $$$\texttt{«:(»}$$$, $$$\texttt{«:-}$$$\$$$\texttt{»}$$$, $$$\texttt{«:-P»}$$$, $$$\texttt{«:D»}$$$, $$$\texttt{«:C»}$$$, $$$\texttt{«:-0»}$$$, $$$\texttt{«:-|»}$$$, $$$\texttt{«8-0»}$$$, $$$\texttt{«:-E»}$$$, $$$\texttt{«}$$$%0$$$\texttt{»}$$$, $$$\texttt{«:-X»}$$$, $$$\texttt{«:}$$$$$$\sim$$$$$$\texttt{(»}$$$ (character "$$$\sim$$$" has code 126), $$$\texttt{«[:|||:]»}$$$ have been used in the letter that is being processed.

Help Basil — write a program that will restore the emoticons by a given line of characters. If several recovery options are possible, then any of them will be correct.


A string of characters that one may come across when entering the emoticons of the kind described above is presented as input data. The line length does not exceed 10000 characters. The line is not empty. It is obtained by mixing the correct sequence of emoticons.


The program should write the restored emoticons: one per line and finalize the notation with "LOL" (without quotes).



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