408295: GYM103081 H Figurines

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H. Figurinestime limit per test3 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

Bob has a lot of mini figurines. He likes to display some of them on a shelf above his computer screen and he likes to regularly change which figurines appear. This ever-changing decoration is really enjoyable. Bob takes care of never adding the same mini figurine more than once. Bob has only $$$N$$$ mini figurines and after $$$N$$$ days he arrives at the point where each of the $$$N$$$ figurines have been added and then removed from the shelf (which is thus empty).

Bob has a very good memory. He is able to remember which mini figurines were displayed on each of the past days. So Bob wants to run a little mental exercise to test its memory and computation ability. For this purpose, Bob numbers his figurines with the numbers $$$0, \dots, N-1$$$ and selects a sequence of $$$N$$$ integers $$$d_0 \dots d_{N-1}$$$ all in the range $$$[0;N]$$$. Then, Bob computes a sequence $$$x_0,\dots, x_N$$$ in the following way: $$$x_0=0$$$ and $$$x_{i+1}=(x_i+y_i)\mbox{ mod } N$$$ where $$$\mbox{mod}$$$ is the modulo operation and $$$y_i$$$ is the number of figurines displayed on day $$$d_i$$$ that have a number higher or equal to $$$x_i$$$. The result of Bob's computation is $$$x_N$$$.

More formally, if we note $$$S(i)$$$ the subset of $$$\{0,\dots,N-1\}$$$ corresponding to figurines displayed on the shelf on day $$$i$$$, we have:

  • $$$S(0)$$$ is the empty set;
  • $$$S(i)$$$ is obtained from $$$S(i-1)$$$ by inserting and removing some elements.
Each element $$$0 \le j < N$$$ is inserted and removed exactly once and thus, the last set $$$S(N)$$$ is also the empty set. The computation that Bob performs corresponds to the following program:

$$$$$$ \begin{array}{l} x_0 \leftarrow 0 \\ \text{for } i \in [0;N-1] \\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\; x_{i+1} \leftarrow (x_i + \#\{y \in S(d_i) ~\mbox{ such that } ~ y \ge x_i\}) \mod N \\ \text{output } x_N \end{array} $$$$$$

Bob asks you to verify his computation. For that he gives you the numbers he used during its computation (the $$$d_0, \dots, d_{N-1}$$$) as well as the log of which figurines he added or removed every day. Note that a mini figurine added on day $$$i$$$ and removed on day $$$j$$$ is present on a day $$$k$$$ when $$$i\leq k < j$$$. You should tell him the number that you found at the end of the computation.


The input is composed of $$$2N+1$$$ lines.

  • The first line contains the integer $$$N$$$.
  • Lines $$$2$$$ to $$$N+1$$$ describe the figurines added and removed. Line $$$i+1$$$ contains space-separated +$$$j$$$ or -$$$j$$$, with $$$0 \le j < N$$$, to indicate that $$$j$$$ is added or removed on day $$$i$$$. This line may be empty. A line may contain both +$$$j$$$ and -$$$j$$$, in that order.
  • Lines $$$N+2$$$ to $$$2N+1$$$ describe the sequence $$$d_0,\dots, d_{N-1}$$$. Line $$$N+2+i$$$ contains the integer $$$d_i$$$ with $$$0 \le d_i \le N$$$.


  • $$$1 \le N \le 100\,000$$$

The output should contain a single line with a single integer which is $$$x_N$$$.

+0 +2
-0 +1
-1 -2

Sample Explanation

The output is $$$2$$$ since

  • first, $$$x \leftarrow 2$$$ since $$$S(1) = \{ 0, 2 \}$$$ and $$$\#\{y \in S(1) ~\mbox{such that}~ y \ge 0\} = 2$$$;
  • then, $$$x \leftarrow 0$$$ since $$$S(2) = \{ 1, 2 \}$$$ and $$$\#\{y \in S(2) ~\mbox{such that}~ y \ge 2\} = 1$$$;
  • and finally, $$$x \leftarrow 2$$$ since $$$S(2) = \{ 1, 2 \}$$$ and $$$\#\{y \in S(2) ~\mbox{such that}~ y \ge 0\} = 2$$$.


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