408435: GYM103118 E Evaluate Expression

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E. Evaluate Expressiontime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

Moca is learning how to evaluate a mathematical expression, and she is only able to evaluate a complicated expression step by step. But she is very good at counting, so she is curious about how many different orders evaluate a given expression.

In this problem, you only need to consider some simple mathematical expressions consisting of $$$0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9$$$, + (addition), * (multiplication) and (). Multiplication has a higher priority than addition. Parentheses () can be used to indicate an alternative order. In each step of the evaluation, Moca can choose an operation (addition or multiplication) and replace it with the corresponding result. Notice that Moca can not break the original priority, which may cause her to evaluate an incorrect result. For example, Moca can not choose to evaluate the middle addition in $$$1 \times 1 + 1 \times 1$$$ and the middle multiplication in $$$(1 + 1) \times (1 + 1)$$$. If many different operations can be evaluated valid, she can choose any one of them.

Moca is very curious. Can you help her count the number of different valid orders to evaluate the given mathematical expression? Since the answer may be very large, you only need to print the answer modulo $$$998244353$$$.


The first line contains one integer $$$T$$$ $$$(1 \le T \le 100)$$$ – the number of testcases.

For each testcase, there is only one line contains a valid expression $$$expr$$$ $$$(1 \le |expr| \le 10000)$$$ consisting of $$$0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9$$$, +, * and (). All the numbers that appear are not greater than $$$9$$$ (only one digit). All the + that appear are binary operations ($$$+1$$$ is invalid).

It is guaranteed that the sum of lengths of all expressions does not exceed $$$20000$$$.


For each testcase, print the number of valid evaluation order modulo $$$998244353$$$ in one line.


In the first example, $$$1+1+1+1$$$ has $$$6$$$ valid evaluation orders:

  1. $$$\underline{1+1}+1+1 \to \underline{2+1}+1 \to \underline{3+1} \to 4$$$
  2. $$$\underline{1+1}+1+1 \to 2+\underline{1+1} \to \underline{2+2} \to 4$$$
  3. $$$1+\underline{1+1}+1 \to \underline{1+2}+1 \to \underline{3+1} \to 4$$$
  4. $$$1+\underline{1+1}+1 \to 1+\underline{2+1} \to \underline{1+3} \to 4$$$
  5. $$$1+1+\underline{1+1} \to 1+\underline{1+2} \to \underline{1+3} \to 4$$$
  6. $$$1+1+\underline{1+1} \to \underline{1+1}+2 \to \underline{2+2} \to 4$$$

In the second example, $$$1 \times 2 \times 3+4 \times 5$$$ has $$$6$$$ valid evaluation orders:

  1. $$$\underline{1 \times 2} \times 3+4 \times 5 \to \underline{2 \times 3}+4 \times 5 \to 6+\underline{4 \times 5} \to \underline{6+20} \to 26$$$
  2. $$$\underline{1 \times 2} \times 3+4 \times 5 \to 2 \times 3+\underline{4 \times 5} \to \underline{2 \times 3}+20 \to \underline{6+20} \to 26$$$
  3. $$$1 \times \underline{2 \times 3}+4 \times 5 \to \underline{1 \times 6}+4 \times 5 \to 6+\underline{4 \times 5} \to \underline{6+20} \to 26$$$
  4. $$$1 \times \underline{2 \times 3}+4 \times 5 \to 2 \times 3+\underline{4 \times 5} \to \underline{2 \times 3}+20 \to \underline{6+20} \to 26$$$
  5. $$$1 \times 2 \times 3+\underline{4 \times 5} \to \underline{1 \times 2} \times 3+20 \to \underline{2 \times 3}+20 \to \underline{6+20} \to 26$$$
  6. $$$1 \times 2 \times 3+\underline{4 \times 5} \to 1 \times \underline{2 \times 3}+20 \to \underline{1 \times 6}+20 \to \underline{6+20} \to 26$$$

