409446: GYM103562 A Phone Numbers

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A. Phone Numberstime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

Valentine's Day is approaching, and Phoenix is looking for a date. He has a list of potential candidates and is seeking to ask one of them out for the occasion, but as the indecisive agent he is, he's not sure who he wants to ask. Phoenix originally thought of finding a bouquet of daisies and mumbling "love me" and "love me not," he decided a more modern way of doing this would be more fitting. Instead, he is going to look at everybody's phone numbers! He decided that if the sum of the digits in someone's phone number is even, then he will ask them out. Otherwise, he will not. Given Phoenix's phone book, can you tell him who he should ask out given his plan?


The first line of input contains $$$n (1 \le n \le 10^3)$$$, the number of contacts Phoenix has in his phone book that he is considering potentially asking out on a Valentine's Day date.

The next $$$n$$$ lines each contain a name (alphanumeric characters, no spaces), followed by a space and then a phone number that is up to 9 digits.


Output every name that Phoenix should ask out on a separate line, in the order in his phonebook.

Jett 012345678
Viper 111111111
Neon 987654321
Raze 512610294
Reyna 192830492

