Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
410114GYM103957 G Legacy of the Void000.000%
410115GYM103957 H Open Face Chinese Poker000.000%
410116GYM103957 I Champions League000.000%
410117GYM103957 J Dome and Steles000.000%
410118GYM103957 K Convex Polyhedron000.000%
410119GYM103957 L Multiplication Table000.000%
410120GYM103957 M November 11th000.000%
410121GYM103960 A Finding Maximal Non-Trivial Monotones000.000%
410122GYM103960 B Fun with Stones000.000%
410123GYM103960 C Cutting with Lasers000.000%
410124GYM103960 D Displacing Particles000.000%
410125GYM103960 E Eliminating Ballons000.000%
410126GYM103960 F Multidimensional Hangman000.000%
410127GYM103960 G Geometry of Triangles000.000%
410128GYM103960 H Helping the Transit000.000%
410129GYM103960 I Intercepting Information000.000%
410130GYM103960 J Playing 23000.000%
410131GYM103960 K Kalel, the Jumping Frog010.000%
410132GYM103960 L Listing Tedious Paths000.000%
410133GYM103960 M Hopscotch Marathon000.000%
410134GYM103960 N Numbers on both Sides000.000%
410135GYM103964 A Secrete Master Plan000.000%
410136GYM103964 B Build Towers000.000%
410137GYM103964 C The Battle of Chibi000.000%
410138GYM103964 D Pick The Sticks000.000%
410139GYM103964 E Ba Gua Zhen000.000%
410140GYM103964 F The Battle of Guandu000.000%
410141GYM103964 G Ancient Go000.000%
410142GYM103964 H Sudoku000.000%
410143GYM103964 I Mahjong000.000%
410144GYM103964 J Walk Around The Campsite000.000%
410145GYM103964 K Game Rooms000.000%
410146GYM103964 L Huatuo's Medicine000.000%
410175GYM103968 A Counting Celebratory Candles000.000%
410176GYM103968 B Sour Skittles000.000%
410177GYM103968 C Wedding Cake000.000%
410178GYM103968 D Splitting Jellybeans000.000%
410179GYM103968 E Brownie Brawl000.000%
410180GYM103968 F Seeking Starburst000.000%
410181GYM103968 G Gingerbread House Decorations000.000%
410182GYM103968 H Janky Jaffa Cakes000.000%
410183GYM103969 C Wedding Cake000.000%
410184GYM103969 D Splitting Jellybeans000.000%
410185GYM103969 E Brownie Brawl000.000%
410186GYM103969 F Seeking Starburst000.000%
410187GYM103969 G Gingerbread House Decorations000.000%
410188GYM103969 H Janky Jaffa Cakes000.000%
410189GYM103969 I Ice Cream Orders000.000%
410190GYM103969 J Pudding Passes000.000%
410191GYM103973 A Monster Killer000.000%
410195GYM103973 E Merging Stones000.000%
410196GYM103973 F String Problem000.000%
410198GYM103973 H Substrings000.000%
410201GYM103973 K The Grandstand000.000%
410237GYM103990 A AibohphobiA000.000%
410238GYM103990 B Balanced Seesaw Array000.000%
410239GYM103990 C Correct000.000%
410240GYM103990 D Distance and Tree000.000%
410241GYM103990 E Etched Emerald Orbs000.000%
410242GYM103990 F Finalists000.000%
410243GYM103990 G Geekflix000.000%
410244GYM103990 H Heximal000.000%
410245GYM103990 I Invitation000.000%
410246GYM103993 A As Fast As Possible000.000%
410255GYM103993 J Problem with Random Tests000.000%
410272GYM103999 A String String000.000%
410273GYM103999 B Nitoiu000.000%
410274GYM103999 C Prime000.000%
410275GYM103999 D Gioconda000.000%
410276GYM103999 E CntSeq000.000%
410277GYM103999 F Basketball000.000%
410278GYM103999 G Battle of Scundu000.000%
410279GYM103999 H for-for-for-for000.000%
410280GYM103999 I Dacians vs Samurai000.000%
410281GYM103999 J P-ON000.000%
410282GYM103999 K Iuli000.000%
410283GYM103999 L SAlt000.000%
410284GYM103999 M Interesting Minimums000.000%
410285GYM103999 N Bitscore000.000%
410286GYM104002 A William and Mary000.000%
410287GYM104002 B William and Kitty Pebbles000.000%
410288GYM104002 C William and Middle Management000.000%
410289GYM104002 D William and Cornmeal000.000%
410290GYM104002 E William and Robot000.000%
410291GYM104002 F William and Cards000.000%
410292GYM104002 G William and Spaceport000.000%
410293GYM104002 H William and will.i.am000.000%
410294GYM104002 I William and Array000.000%
410295GYM104003 C William and Middle Management000.000%
410296GYM104003 D William and Cornmeal000.000%
410297GYM104003 E William and Robot000.000%
410298GYM104003 F William and Cards000.000%
410299GYM104003 G William and Spaceport000.000%
410300GYM104003 H William and will.i.am000.000%
410301GYM104003 I William and Array000.000%
410302GYM104003 J William and Rangoli000.000%
410303GYM104003 K William and Necklace000.000%
410304GYM104008 A Lily000.000%
410305GYM104008 B Code With No Forces000.000%
410306GYM104008 C Array Concatenation000.000%