Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
407997GYM102961 K Collecting Numbers000.000%
407998GYM102961 L Collecting Numbers II000.000%
407999GYM102961 M Playlist000.000%
408000GYM102961 N Towers000.000%
408001GYM102961 O Traffic Lights000.000%
408002GYM102961 P Josephus Problem I000.000%
408003GYM102961 Q Josephus Problem II000.000%
408004GYM102961 R Nested Ranges Check000.000%
408005GYM102961 S Nested Ranges Count000.000%
408006GYM102961 T Room Allocation000.000%
408007GYM102961 U Factory Machines000.000%
408008GYM102961 V Tasks and Deadlines000.000%
408009GYM102961 W Reading Books000.000%
408010GYM102961 X Sum of Three Values000.000%
408011GYM102961 Y Sum of Four Values000.000%
408012GYM102961 Z Nearest Smaller Values000.000%
408013GYM102961 ZA Subarray Sums I000.000%
408014GYM102961 ZB Subarray Sums II000.000%
408015GYM102961 ZC Subarray Divisibility000.000%
408016GYM102961 ZD Subarray Distinct Values000.000%
408017GYM102961 ZE Array Division000.000%
408018GYM102961 ZF Sliding Median000.000%
408019GYM102961 ZG Sliding Cost000.000%
408020GYM102961 ZH Movie Festival II000.000%
408021GYM102961 ZI Maximum Subarray Sum II000.000%
408086GYM102984 B Koosaga's Problem000.000%
408087GYM102984 C Gardening Game000.000%
408088GYM102984 D Non-Decreasing Subarray Game000.000%
408089GYM102984 E Observer Game000.000%
408090GYM102984 F Rhythm Game000.000%
408091GYM102984 G Solo Tree Game000.000%
408092GYM102984 H Stone Catch Game000.000%
408093GYM102984 I Selecting Points and Segments000.000%
408094GYM102984 J Setting Maps000.000%
408095GYM102984 K Determinant000.000%
408591GYM103196 A Re: Fwd: Про чайник
408661GYM103260 A Assignment Problem000.000%
408662GYM103260 B Lockout vs tourist000.000%
408663GYM103260 C Multiple?000.000%
408664GYM103260 D Output Limit Exceeded000.000%
408665GYM103260 E Smol Vertex Cover000.000%
408667GYM103260 G Remove the Prime000.000%
408668GYM103260 H Excluded Min000.000%
408669GYM103260 I Trade000.000%
408670GYM103260 J Increasing or Decreasing000.000%
408672GYM103260 L Extreme Wealth000.000%
408673GYM103260 M Discrete Logarithm is a Joke000.000%
408674GYM103261 A Um_nik's Algorithm000.000%
408675GYM103261 B String Algorithm000.000%
408676GYM103261 C StalinSort Algorithm000.000%
408677GYM103261 D FFT Algorithm000.000%
408678GYM103261 E Binary Search Algorithm000.000%
408679GYM103261 F Face Recognition Algorithm000.000%
408680GYM103261 G Petr's Algorithm000.000%
408682GYM103261 I Euclid's Algorithm000.000%
408683GYM103261 J Closest Pair Algorithm000.000%
408684GYM103261 K Interactive Algorithm000.000%
408685GYM103261 L Not Our Problem000.000%
408816GYM103329 A Yes, Prime Minister000.000%
408817GYM103329 B Might and Magic000.000%
408818GYM103329 C 0 Tree000.000%
408819GYM103329 D Decomposition000.000%
408820GYM103329 E Median000.000%
408821GYM103329 F The Struggle000.000%
408822GYM103329 G Power Station of Art000.000%
408823GYM103329 H Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2000.000%
408824GYM103329 I Typing Contest000.000%
408825GYM103329 J Game000.000%
408826GYM103329 K Array000.000%
409249GYM103469 A AND000.000%
409250GYM103469 B Bruteforce000.000%
409251GYM103469 C Crab's Cannon000.000%
409252GYM103469 D Deleting000.000%
409254GYM103469 F Fancy Formulas000.000%
409255GYM103469 G Glory Graph000.000%
409256GYM103469 H Hamiltonian 000.000%
409257GYM103469 I Intellectual Implementation000.000%
409258GYM103469 J Joke000.000%
409259GYM103469 K K-onstruction000.000%
409260GYM103469 L Little LCS000.000%
409261GYM103469 M Math000.000%
409494GYM103584 G Perfect Cacti: Part 1000.000%
409500GYM103585 G Perfect Cacti: Part 1000.000%
409505GYM103585 L Perfect Cacti: Part 2000.000%
409528GYM103624 G Current Objective: Survive000.000%
409533GYM103625 G Current Objective: Survive000.000%
409636GYM103652 A Erase Nodes000.000%
409637GYM103652 B Linear Congruential Generator000.000%
409638GYM103652 C Fibonacci Strikes Back000.000%
409639GYM103652 D Honeycomb000.000%
409640GYM103652 E Power of Function000.000%
409641GYM103652 F Square Subsequences000.000%
409642GYM103652 G Cosmic Cleaner000.000%
409644GYM103652 I Routes000.000%
409645GYM103652 J Square Substrings000.000%
409646GYM103652 K Sticks000.000%
409647GYM103652 L Pyramid000.000%
409806GYM103785 A BCD000.000%
409807GYM103785 B Poku's Vacation000.000%
409808GYM103785 C Dualites in Pain - The Beginning000.000%