Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
200632[AtCoder]ARC063 E - Integers on a Tree000.000%
200842[AtCoder]ARC084 E - Finite Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences000.000%
200920[AtCoder]ARC092 C - 2D Plane 2N Points000.000%
200940[AtCoder]ARC094 C - Same Integers000.000%
201085[AtCoder]ARC108 F - Paint Tree000.000%
201193[AtCoder]ARC119 D - Grid Repainting 3000.000%
201240[AtCoder]ARC124 A - LR Constraints000.000%
201291[AtCoder]ARC129 B - Range Point Distance000.000%
201311[AtCoder]ARC131 B - Grid Repainting 4000.000%
201430[AtCoder]ARC143 A - Three Integers000.000%
300039CF9E. Interesting Graph and Apples000.000%
300088CF19D. Points000.000%
300094CF21B. Intersection000.000%
300109CF24C. Sequence of points000.000%
300167CF36A. Extra-terrestrial Intelligence000.000%
300177CF38A. Army000.000%
300178CF38B. Chess000.000%
300179CF38C. Blinds000.000%
300180CF38D. Vasya the Architect000.000%
300181CF38E. Let's Go Rolling!000.000%
300182CF38F. Smart Boy000.000%
300183CF38G. Queue000.000%
300184CF38H. The Great Marathon000.000%
300185CF39A. C*++ Calculations000.000%
300186CF39B. Company Income Growth000.000%
300187CF39C. Moon Craters000.000%
300188CF39D. Cubical Planet000.000%
300189CF39E. What Has Dirichlet Got to Do with That?000.000%
300190CF39F. Pacifist frogs000.000%
300191CF39G. Inverse Function000.000%
300192CF39H. Multiplication Table000.000%
300193CF39I. Tram000.000%
300194CF39J. Spelling Check000.000%
300195CF39K. Testing000.000%
300197CF40B. Repaintings000.000%
300199CF40D. Interesting Sequence000.000%
300216CF44A. Indian Summer000.000%
300217CF44B. Cola000.000%
300218CF44C. Holidays000.000%
300219CF44D. Hyperdrive000.000%
300220CF44E. Anfisa the Monkey000.000%
300221CF44F. BerPaint000.000%
300222CF44G. Shooting Gallery000.000%
300223CF44H. Phone Number000.000%
300224CF44I. Toys000.000%
300225CF44J. Triminoes000.000%
300226CF45A. Codecraft III000.000%
300227CF45B. School000.000%
300228CF45C. Dancing Lessons000.000%
300229CF45D. Event Dates000.000%
300230CF45E. Director000.000%
300231CF45F. Goats and Wolves000.000%
300232CF45G. Prime Problem000.000%
300233CF45H. Road Problem000.000%
300234CF45I. TCMCF+++000.000%
300235CF45J. Planting Trees000.000%
300236CF46A. Ball Game000.000%
300237CF46B. T-shirts from Sponsor000.000%
300238CF46C. Hamsters and Tigers000.000%
300239CF46D. Parking Lot000.000%
300240CF46E. Comb000.000%
300241CF46F. Hercule Poirot Problem000.000%
300242CF46G. Emperor's Problem000.000%
300248CF48A. Rock-paper-scissors000.000%
300249CF48B. Land Lot000.000%
300250CF48C. The Race000.000%
300251CF48D. Permutations000.000%
300252CF48E. Ivan the Fool VS Gorynych the Dragon000.000%
300253CF48F. Snow sellers000.000%
300254CF48G. Galaxy Union000.000%
300255CF48H. Black and White000.000%
300403CF76E. Points000.000%
300457CF87C. Interesting Game000.000%
300464CF88E. Interesting Game000.000%
300529CF100J. Interval Coloring000.000%
300574CF109E. Lucky Interval000.000%
300611CF117B. Very Interesting Game000.000%
300731CF138E. Hellish Constraints000.000%
300782CF149C. Division into Teams000.000%
300865CF165A. Supercentral Point000.000%
301038CF196C. Paint Tree000.000%
301045CF197E. Paint Tree000.000%
301076CF204A. Little Elephant and Interval000.000%
301083CF205C. Little Elephant and Interval000.000%
301221CF228E. The Road to Berland is Paved With Good Intentions000.000%
301267CF237C. Primes on Interval010.000%
301309CF245B. Internet Address000.000%
301341CF251A. Points on Line000.000%
301348CF252C. Points on Line000.000%
301355CF253E. Printer000.000%
301426CF268C. Beautiful Sets of Points000.000%
301470CF277B. Set of Points000.000%
301477CF278D. Set of Points000.000%
301479CF279A. Point on Spiral000.000%
301495CF282B. Painting Eggs000.000%
301558CF294D. Shaass and Painter Robot000.000%
301564CF295E. Yaroslav and Points000.000%
301575CF298A. Snow Footprints000.000%
301588CF300D. Painting Square000.000%
301632CF311D. Interval Cubing000.000%