Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
305018CF954A. Diagonal Walking000.000%
305019CF954B. String Typing000.000%
305020CF954C. Matrix Walk000.000%
305021CF954D. Fight Against Traffic000.000%
305022CF954E. Water Taps000.000%
305023CF954F. Runner's Problem000.000%
305024CF954G. Castle Defense000.000%
305025CF954H. Path Counting000.000%
305026CF954I. Yet Another String Matching Problem000.000%
305027CF955A. Feed the cat000.000%
305028CF955B. Not simply beatiful strings000.000%
305029CF955C. Sad powers000.000%
305030CF955D. Scissors000.000%
305031CF955E. Icicles000.000%
305032CF955F. Heaps000.000%
305033CF956A. Mystical Mosaic000.000%
305034CF956B. Three-level Laser000.000%
305035CF956C. Riverside Curio000.000%
305036CF956D. Contact ATC000.000%
305037CF956E. Wardrobe000.000%
305038CF956F. Minimal Subset Difference000.000%
305039CF957A. Tritonic Iridescence000.000%
305040CF957B. Mystical Mosaic000.000%
305041CF957C. Three-level Laser000.000%
305042CF957D. Riverside Curio000.000%
305043CF957E. Contact ATC000.000%
305060CF959A. Mahmoud and Ehab and the even-odd game000.000%
305061CF959B. Mahmoud and Ehab and the message000.000%
305062CF959C. Mahmoud and Ehab and the wrong algorithm000.000%
305063CF959D. Mahmoud and Ehab and another array construction task000.000%
305064CF959E. Mahmoud and Ehab and the xor-MST000.000%
305065CF959F. Mahmoud and Ehab and yet another xor task000.000%
305074CF961A. Tetris000.000%
305075CF961B. Lecture Sleep000.000%
305076CF961C. Chessboard000.000%
305077CF961D. Pair Of Lines000.000%
305078CF961E. Tufurama000.000%
305079CF961F. k-substrings000.000%
305080CF961G. Partitions000.000%
305081CF962A. Equator000.000%
305082CF962B. Students in Railway Carriage000.000%
305083CF962C. Make a Square000.000%
305084CF962D. Merge Equals000.000%
305085CF962E. Byteland, Berland and Disputed Cities000.000%
305086CF962F. Simple Cycles Edges000.000%
305087CF962G. Visible Black Areas000.000%
305093CF964A. Splits000.000%
305094CF964B. Messages000.000%
305095CF964C. Alternating Sum000.000%
305096CF964D. Destruction of a Tree000.000%
305097CF964E. Cutting Rectangle000.000%
305098CF965A. Paper Airplanes000.000%
305099CF965B. Battleship000.000%
305100CF965C. Greedy Arkady000.000%
305101CF965D. Single-use Stones000.000%
305102CF965E. Short Code000.000%
305115CF975A. Aramic script000.000%
305116CF975B. Mancala000.000%
305117CF975C. Valhalla Siege000.000%
305118CF975D. Ghosts000.000%
305119CF975E. Hag's Khashba000.000%
305120CF976A. Minimum Binary Number000.000%
305121CF976B. Lara Croft and the New Game000.000%
305122CF976C. Nested Segments000.000%
305123CF976D. Degree Set000.000%
305124CF976E. Well played!000.000%
305125CF976F. Minimal k-covering000.000%
305139CF979A. Pizza, Pizza, Pizza!!!000.000%
305140CF979B. Treasure Hunt000.000%
305141CF979C. Kuro and Walking Route000.000%
305142CF979D. Kuro and GCD and XOR and SUM000.000%
305143CF979E. Kuro and Topological Parity000.000%
305144CF980A. Links and Pearls000.000%
305145CF980B. Marlin000.000%
305146CF980C. Posterized000.000%
305147CF980D. Perfect Groups000.000%
305148CF980E. The Number Games000.000%
305149CF980F. Cactus to Tree000.000%
305158CF982A. Row000.000%
305159CF982B. Bus of Characters000.000%
305160CF982C. Cut 'em all!000.000%
305161CF982D. Shark000.000%
305162CF982E. Billiard000.000%
305163CF982F. The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed000.000%
305169CF984A. Game000.000%
305170CF984B. Minesweeper000.000%
305171CF984C. Finite or not?000.000%
305172CF984D. XOR-pyramid000.000%
305173CF984E. Elevator000.000%
305174CF985A. Chess Placing000.000%
305175CF985B. Switches and Lamps000.000%
305176CF985C. Liebig's Barrels000.000%
305177CF985D. Sand Fortress000.000%
305178CF985E. Pencils and Boxes000.000%
305179CF985F. Isomorphic Strings000.000%
305180CF985G. Team Players000.000%
305187CF987A. Infinity Gauntlet000.000%
305188CF987B. High School: Become Human000.000%
305189CF987C. Three displays000.000%
305190CF987D. Fair000.000%