Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
302873CF557A. Ilya and Diplomas000.000%
302874CF557B. Pasha and Tea000.000%
302875CF557C. Arthur and Table000.000%
302876CF557D. Vitaly and Cycle000.000%
302877CF557E. Ann and Half-Palindrome000.000%
302878CF558A. Lala Land and Apple Trees000.000%
302879CF558B. Amr and The Large Array000.000%
302880CF558C. Amr and Chemistry000.000%
302881CF558D. Guess Your Way Out! II000.000%
302882CF558E. A Simple Task000.000%
302883CF559A. Gerald's Hexagon000.000%
302884CF559B. Equivalent Strings000.000%
302885CF559C. Gerald and Giant Chess000.000%
302886CF559D. Randomizer000.000%
302887CF559E. Gerald and Path000.000%
302888CF560A. Currency System in Geraldion000.000%
302889CF560B. Gerald is into Art000.000%
302890CF560C. Gerald's Hexagon000.000%
302891CF560D. Equivalent Strings000.000%
302892CF560E. Gerald and Giant Chess000.000%
302907CF567A. Lineland Mail000.000%
302908CF567B. Berland National Library000.000%
302909CF567C. Geometric Progression000.000%
302910CF567D. One-Dimensional Battle Ships000.000%
302911CF567E. President and Roads000.000%
302912CF567F. Mausoleum000.000%
302913CF568A. Primes or Palindromes?000.000%
302914CF568B. Symmetric and Transitive000.000%
302915CF568C. New Language000.000%
302916CF568D. Sign Posts000.000%
302917CF568E. Longest Increasing Subsequence000.000%
302918CF569A. Music000.000%
302919CF569B. Inventory000.000%
302920CF569C. Primes or Palindromes?000.000%
302921CF569D. Symmetric and Transitive000.000%
302922CF569E. New Language000.000%
302923CF570A. Elections000.000%
302924CF570B. Simple Game000.000%
302925CF570C. Replacement000.000%
302926CF570D. Tree Requests000.000%
302927CF570E. Pig and Palindromes000.000%
302928CF571A. Lengthening Sticks000.000%
302929CF571B. Minimization000.000%
302930CF571C. CNF 2000.000%
302931CF571D. Campus000.000%
302932CF571E. Geometric Progressions000.000%
302933CF572A. Arrays000.000%
302934CF572B. Order Book000.000%
302935CF572C. Lengthening Sticks000.000%
302936CF572D. Minimization000.000%
302937CF572E. CNF 2000.000%
302938CF573A. Bear and Poker000.000%
302939CF573B. Bear and Blocks000.000%
302940CF573C. Bear and Drawing000.000%
302941CF573D. Bear and Cavalry000.000%
302942CF573E. Bear and Bowling000.000%
302943CF574A. Bear and Elections000.000%
302944CF574B. Bear and Three Musketeers000.000%
302945CF574C. Bear and Poker000.000%
302946CF574D. Bear and Blocks000.000%
302947CF574E. Bear and Drawing000.000%
302957CF576A. Vasya and Petya's Game000.000%
302958CF576B. Invariance of Tree000.000%
302959CF576C. Points on Plane000.000%
302960CF576D. Flights for Regular Customers000.000%
302961CF576E. Painting Edges000.000%
302962CF577A. Multiplication Table000.000%
302963CF577B. Modulo Sum000.000%
302964CF577C. Vasya and Petya's Game000.000%
302965CF577D. Invariance of Tree000.000%
302966CF577E. Points on Plane000.000%
302967CF578A. A Problem about Polyline000.000%
302968CF578B. "Or" Game000.000%
302969CF578C. Weakness and Poorness000.000%
302970CF578D. LCS Again000.000%
302971CF578E. Walking!000.000%
302972CF578F. Mirror Box000.000%
302973CF579A. Raising Bacteria000.000%
302974CF579B. Finding Team Member000.000%
302975CF579C. A Problem about Polyline000.000%
302976CF579D. "Or" Game000.000%
302977CF579E. Weakness and Poorness000.000%
302978CF579F. LCS Again000.000%
302979CF580A. Kefa and First Steps000.000%
302980CF580B. Kefa and Company000.000%
302981CF580C. Kefa and Park000.000%
302982CF580D. Kefa and Dishes000.000%
302983CF580E. Kefa and Watch000.000%
302984CF581A. Vasya the Hipster000.000%
302985CF581B. Luxurious Houses000.000%
302986CF581C. Developing Skills000.000%
302987CF581D. Three Logos000.000%
302988CF581E. Kojiro and Furrari000.000%
302989CF581F. Zublicanes and Mumocrates000.000%
302990CF582A. GCD Table060.000%
302991CF582B. Once Again...000.000%
302992CF582C. Superior Periodic Subarrays000.000%
302993CF582D. Number of Binominal Coefficients000.000%
302994CF582E. Boolean Function000.000%
302995CF583A. Asphalting Roads000.000%