Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
303997CF768F. Barrels and boxes000.000%
303998CF768G. The Winds of Winter000.000%
304037CF776A. A Serial Killer000.000%
304038CF776B. Sherlock and his girlfriend000.000%
304039CF776C. Molly's Chemicals000.000%
304040CF776D. The Door Problem000.000%
304041CF776E. The Holmes Children000.000%
304042CF776F. Sherlock's bet to Moriarty000.000%
304043CF776G. Sherlock and the Encrypted Data000.000%
304044CF777A. Shell Game000.000%
304045CF777B. Game of Credit Cards000.000%
304046CF777C. Alyona and Spreadsheet000.000%
304047CF777D. Cloud of Hashtags000.000%
304048CF777E. Hanoi Factory000.000%
304049CF778A. String Game000.000%
304050CF778B. Bitwise Formula000.000%
304051CF778C. Peterson Polyglot000.000%
304052CF778D. Parquet Re-laying000.000%
304053CF778E. Selling Numbers000.000%
304054CF779A. Pupils Redistribution000.000%
304055CF779B. Weird Rounding000.000%
304056CF779C. Dishonest Sellers000.000%
304057CF779D. String Game000.000%
304058CF779E. Bitwise Formula000.000%
304059CF779F. Peterson Polyglot000.000%
304068CF781A. Andryusha and Colored Balloons000.000%
304069CF781B. Innokenty and a Football League000.000%
304070CF781C. Underground Lab000.000%
304071CF781D. Axel and Marston in Bitland000.000%
304072CF781E. Andryusha and Nervous Barriers000.000%
304073CF781F. Intranet of Buses000.000%
304074CF782A. Andryusha and Socks000.000%
304075CF782B. The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed000.000%
304076CF782C. Andryusha and Colored Balloons000.000%
304077CF782D. Innokenty and a Football League000.000%
304078CF782E. Underground Lab000.000%
304079CF782F. Axel and Marston in Bitland000.000%
304087CF785A. Anton and Polyhedrons000.000%
304088CF785B. Anton and Classes000.000%
304089CF785C. Anton and Fairy Tale000.000%
304090CF785D. Anton and School - 2000.000%
304091CF785E. Anton and Permutation000.000%
304092CF786A. Berzerk000.000%
304093CF786B. Legacy000.000%
304094CF786C. Till I Collapse000.000%
304095CF786D. Rap God000.000%
304096CF786E. ALT000.000%
304097CF787A. The Monster000.000%
304098CF787B. Not Afraid000.000%
304099CF787C. Berzerk000.000%
304100CF787D. Legacy000.000%
304101CF787E. Till I Collapse000.000%
304102CF788A. Functions again000.000%
304103CF788B. Weird journey000.000%
304104CF788C. The Great Mixing000.000%
304105CF788D. Finding lines000.000%
304106CF788E. New task000.000%
304107CF789A. Anastasia and pebbles0430.000%
304108CF789B. Masha and geometric depression0690.000%
304109CF789C. Functions again0230.000%
304110CF789D. Weird journey0540.000%
304111CF789E. The Great Mixing0210.000%
304154CF796A. Buying A House000.000%
304155CF796B. Find The Bone000.000%
304156CF796C. Bank Hacking000.000%
304157CF796D. Police Stations000.000%
304158CF796E. Exam Cheating000.000%
304159CF796F. Sequence Recovery000.000%
304166CF798A. Mike and palindrome000.000%
304167CF798B. Mike and strings000.000%
304168CF798C. Mike and gcd problem000.000%
304169CF798D. Mike and distribution000.000%
304170CF798E. Mike and code of a permutation000.000%
304210CF804A. Find Amir000.000%
304211CF804B. Minimum number of steps000.000%
304212CF804C. Ice cream coloring000.000%
304213CF804D. Expected diameter of a tree000.000%
304214CF804E. The same permutation 000.000%
304215CF804F. Fake bullions000.000%
304216CF805A. Fake NP000.000%
304217CF805B. 3-palindrome000.000%
304218CF805C. Find Amir000.000%
304219CF805D. Minimum number of steps000.000%
304220CF805E. Ice cream coloring000.000%
304221CF805F. Expected diameter of a tree000.000%
304241CF809A. Do you want a date?000.000%
304242CF809B. Glad to see you!000.000%
304243CF809C. Find a car000.000%
304244CF809D. Hitchhiking in the Baltic States000.000%
304245CF809E. Surprise me!000.000%
304246CF810A. Straight «A»000.000%
304247CF810B. Summer sell-off000.000%
304248CF810C. Do you want a date?000.000%
304249CF810D. Glad to see you!000.000%
304250CF810E. Find a car000.000%
304251CF811A. Vladik and Courtesy000.000%
304252CF811B. Vladik and Complicated Book000.000%
304253CF811C. Vladik and Memorable Trip000.000%
304254CF811D. Vladik and Favorite Game000.000%
304255CF811E. Vladik and Entertaining Flags000.000%