Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
103234[Atcoder]ABC323 E - Playlist030.000%
103235[Atcoder]ABC323 F - Push and Carry020.000%
103236[Atcoder]ABC323 G - Inversion of Tree000.000%
103237[Atcoder]ABC323 404 Not Found - AtCoder000.000%
201190[AtCoder]ARC119 A - 119 × 2^23 + 1000.000%
201230[AtCoder]ARC123 A - Arithmetic Sequence000.000%
201231[AtCoder]ARC123 B - Increasing Triples000.000%
201232[AtCoder]ARC123 C - 1, 2, 3 - Decomposition000.000%
201233[AtCoder]ARC123 D - Inc, Dec - Decomposition000.000%
201234[AtCoder]ARC123 E - Training000.000%
201235[AtCoder]ARC123 F - Insert Addition000.000%
300039CF9E. Interesting Graph and Apples000.000%
300101CF22E. Scheme000.000%
300102CF23A. You're Given a String...000.000%
300103CF23B. Party000.000%
300104CF23C. Oranges and Apples000.000%
300105CF23D. Tetragon000.000%
300106CF23E. Tree000.000%
300111CF24E. Berland collider000.000%
300170CF36D. New Game with a Chess Piece000.000%
300175CF37D. Lesson Timetable000.000%
300198CF40C. Berland Square000.000%
300209CF42D. Strange town000.000%
300215CF43E. Race000.000%
300224CF44I. Toys000.000%
300260CF49E. Common ancestor000.000%
300265CF50E. Square Equation Roots000.000%
300272CF52A. 123-sequence000.000%
300322CF62C. Inquisition000.000%
300323CF62D. Wormhouse000.000%
300337CF64H. Table Bowling000.000%
300377CF72D. Perse-script000.000%
300404CF76F. Tourist000.000%
300408CF77D. Domino Carpet000.000%
300413CF78D. Archer's Shot000.000%
300414CF78E. Evacuation000.000%
300448CF85D. Sum of Medians000.000%
300466CF89B. Widget Library000.000%
300467CF89C. Chip Play000.000%
300473CF90D. Widget Library000.000%
300474CF90E. Chip Play000.000%
300477CF91C. Ski Base000.000%
300484CF92E. Ski Base000.000%
300506CF97B. Superset000.000%
300533CF101D. Castle000.000%
300583CF111D. Petya and Coloring000.000%
300645CF123A. Prime Permutation000.000%
300646CF123B. Squares000.000%
300647CF123C. Brackets000.000%
300648CF123D. String000.000%
300649CF123E. Maze000.000%
300654CF124E. Brackets000.000%
300663CF126D. Fibonacci Sums000.000%
300688CF130I. Array sorting000.000%
300746CF141D. Take-off Ramps000.000%
300747CF141E. Clearing Up000.000%
300750CF142C. Help Caretaker000.000%
300757CF143E. Help Caretaker000.000%
300784CF149E. Martian Strings000.000%
300807CF154C. Double Profiles000.000%
300814CF155E. Double Profiles000.000%
300838CF160D. Edges in MST000.000%
300877CF167C. Wizards and Numbers000.000%
300884CF168E. Wizards and Numbers000.000%
300936CF177F2. Script Generation000.000%
300953CF178E3. The Beaver's Problem - 2000.000%
300958CF180B. Divisibility Rules000.000%
301031CF195A. Let's Watch Football000.000%
301032CF195B. After Training000.000%
301033CF195C. Try and Catch000.000%
301034CF195D. Analyzing Polyline000.000%
301035CF195E. Building Forest000.000%
301075CF203E. Transportation000.000%
301103CF206D8. The Beaver's Problem - 3000.000%
301122CF207D8. The Beaver's Problem - 3000.000%
301133CF211B. Polycarpus is Looking for Good Substrings000.000%
301138CF212B. Polycarpus is Looking for Good Substrings000.000%
301145CF213D. Stars000.000%
301192CF223A. Bracket Sequence000.000%
301193CF223B. Two Strings000.000%
301194CF223C. Partial Sums000.000%
301195CF223D. Spider000.000%
301196CF223E. Planar Graph000.000%
301227CF230A. Dragons000.000%
301228CF230B. T-primes000.000%
301229CF230C. Shifts000.000%
301230CF230D. Planets000.000%
301231CF230E. Triangles000.000%
301232CF231A. Team000.000%
301233CF231B. Magic, Wizardry and Wonders000.000%
301234CF231C. To Add or Not to Add000.000%
301235CF231D. Magic Box000.000%
301236CF231E. Cactus000.000%
301237CF232A. Cycles000.000%
301238CF232B. Table000.000%
301239CF232C. Doe Graphs000.000%
301240CF232D. Fence000.000%
301241CF232E. Quick Tortoise000.000%
301242CF233A. Perfect Permutation000.000%
301243CF233B. Non-square Equation000.000%