Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
303210CF625B. War of the Corporations000.000%
303229CF628C. Bear and String Distance000.000%
303235CF629C. Famil Door and Brackets000.000%
303259CF631D. Messenger000.000%
303263CF632C. The Smallest String Concatenation000.000%
303269CF633C. Spy Syndrome 2000.000%
303293CF638B. Making Genome in Berland000.000%
303327CF644C. Hostname Aliases000.000%
303332CF645E. Intellectual Inquiry000.000%
303336CF646B. Ошибка передачи сообщения000.000%
303366CF653B. Bear and Compressing000.000%
303370CF653F. Paper task000.000%
303376CF655E. Intellectual Inquiry000.000%
303423CF663B. International Olympiad000.000%
303434CF665C. Simple Strings000.000%
303436CF665E. Beautiful Subarrays000.000%
303438CF666A. Reberland Linguistics000.000%
303440CF666C. Codeword000.000%
303445CF667C. Reberland Linguistics000.000%
303464CF670E. Correct Bracket Sequence Editor000.000%
303465CF670F. Restore a Number000.000%
303472CF672B. Different is Good000.000%
303496CF676C. Vasya and String000.000%
303501CF677C. Vanya and Label000.000%
303528CF682D. Alyona and Strings000.000%
303535CF683F. Reformat the String000.000%
303584CF691B. s-palindrome000.000%
303585CF691C. Exponential notation000.000%
303599CF696D. Legen...000.000%
303603CF697B. Barnicle000.000%
303607CF697F. Legen...000.000%
303624CF700E. Cool Slogans000.000%
303627CF701C. They Are Everywhere000.000%
303654CF706C. Hard problem000.000%
303662CF708A. Letters Cyclic Shift000.000%
303663CF708B. Recover the String000.000%
303669CF709C. Letters Cyclic Shift000.000%
303670CF709D. Recover the String000.000%
303676CF710E. Generate a String000.000%
303677CF710F. String Set Queries000.000%
303684CF712B. Memory and Trident000.000%
303732CF721B. Passwords000.000%
303737CF722B. Verse Pattern000.000%
303739CF722D. Generating Sets000.000%
303743CF723B. Text Document Analysis000.000%
303751CF724D. Dense Subsequence000.000%
303757CF725C. Hidden Word000.000%
303768CF729A. Interview with Oleg000.000%
303786CF731A. Night at the Museum000.000%
303798CF733A. Grasshopper And the String000.000%
303804CF734A. Anton and Danik000.000%
303810CF735A. Ostap and Grasshopper000.000%
303861CF744E. Hongcow Masters the Cyclic Shift000.000%
303862CF745A. Hongcow Learns the Cyclic Shift000.000%
303868CF746B. Decoding000.000%
303875CF747B. Mammoth's Genome Decoding000.000%
303878CF747E. Comments000.000%
303881CF748B. Santa Claus and Keyboard Check000.000%
303912CF754C. Vladik and chat000.000%
303914CF754E. Dasha and cyclic table000.000%
303916CF755B. PolandBall and Game000.000%
303930CF757C. Felicity is Coming!000.000%
303938CF758D. Ability To Convert000.000%
303961CF762C. Two strings000.000%
303982CF766A. Mahmoud and Longest Uncommon Subsequence000.000%
303984CF766C. Mahmoud and a Message000.000%
304031CF774H. Repairing Of String000.000%
304032CF774I. Composing Of String000.000%
304034CF774K. Stepan and Vowels000.000%
304037CF776A. A Serial Killer000.000%
304047CF777D. Cloud of Hashtags000.000%
304049CF778A. String Game000.000%
304051CF778C. Peterson Polyglot000.000%
304057CF779D. String Game000.000%
304059CF779F. Peterson Polyglot000.000%
304077CF782D. Innokenty and a Football League000.000%
304087CF785A. Anton and Polyhedrons000.000%
304095CF786D. Rap God000.000%
304149CF795H. Repairing Of String000.000%
304150CF795I. Composing Of String000.000%
304152CF795K. Stepan and Vowels000.000%
304162CF797C. Minimal string000.000%
304166CF798A. Mike and palindrome000.000%
304167CF798B. Mike and strings000.000%
304184CF801B. Valued Keys000.000%
304194CF802G. Fake News (easy)000.000%
304195CF802H. Fake News (medium)000.000%
304240CF808G. Anthem of Berland000.000%
304269CF814C. An impassioned circulation of affection000.000%
304311CF822B. Crossword solving000.000%
304317CF823B. DNA Evolution000.000%
304319CF823D. Rusty String000.000%
304328CF825F. String Compression000.000%
304330CF827A. String Reconstruction000.000%
304332CF827C. DNA Evolution000.000%
304334CF827E. Rusty String000.000%
304338CF828C. String Reconstruction000.000%
304340CF828E. DNA Evolution000.000%
304348CF831B. Keyboard Layouts000.000%
304354CF832B. Petya and Exam000.000%