Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
305061CF959B. Mahmoud and Ehab and the message000.000%
305066CF960A. Check the string000.000%
305067CF960B. Minimize the error000.000%
305068CF960C. Subsequence Counting000.000%
305069CF960D. Full Binary Tree Queries000.000%
305070CF960E. Alternating Tree000.000%
305071CF960F. Pathwalks000.000%
305072CF960G. Bandit Blues000.000%
305073CF960H. Santa's Gift000.000%
305075CF961B. Lecture Sleep000.000%
305077CF961D. Pair Of Lines000.000%
305085CF962E. Byteland, Berland and Disputed Cities000.000%
305088CF963A. Alternating Sum000.000%
305089CF963B. Destruction of a Tree000.000%
305090CF963C. Cutting Rectangle000.000%
305091CF963D. Frequency of String000.000%
305092CF963E. Circles of Waiting000.000%
305093CF964A. Splits000.000%
305094CF964B. Messages000.000%
305095CF964C. Alternating Sum000.000%
305096CF964D. Destruction of a Tree000.000%
305097CF964E. Cutting Rectangle000.000%
305100CF965C. Greedy Arkady000.000%
305102CF965E. Short Code000.000%
305103CF966A. Stairs and Elevators000.000%
305104CF966B. Resource Distribution000.000%
305105CF966C. Big Secret000.000%
305106CF966D. Aztec Catacombs000.000%
305107CF966E. May Holidays000.000%
305108CF966F. Parametric Circulation000.000%
305109CF967A. Mind the Gap000.000%
305110CF967B. Watering System000.000%
305111CF967C. Stairs and Elevators000.000%
305112CF967D. Resource Distribution000.000%
305113CF967E. Big Secret000.000%
305114CF967F. Aztec Catacombs000.000%
305118CF975D. Ghosts000.000%
305128CF977C. Less or Equal0770.000%
305142CF979D. Kuro and GCD and XOR and SUM000.000%
305148CF980E. The Number Games000.000%
305150CF981A. Antipalindrome000.000%
305151CF981B. Businessmen Problems000.000%
305152CF981C. Useful Decomposition000.000%
305153CF981D. Bookshelves000.000%
305154CF981E. Addition on Segments000.000%
305155CF981F. Round Marriage000.000%
305156CF981G. Magic multisets000.000%
305157CF981H. K Paths000.000%
305158CF982A. Row000.000%
305175CF985B. Switches and Lamps000.000%
305200CF989B. A Tide of Riverscape000.000%
305205CF990B. Micro-World000.000%
305227CF993F. The Moral Dilemma000.000%
305247CF997B. Roman Digits000.000%
305252CF998B. Cutting000.000%
305254CF998D. Roman Digits000.000%
305258CF999C. Alphabetic Removals0260.000%
305260CF999E. Reachability from the Capital0390.000%
305261CF999F. Cards and Joy050.000%
305262CF1000A. Codehorses T-shirts000.000%
305269CF1001A. Generate plus state or minus state000.000%
305270CF1001B. Generate Bell state000.000%
305271CF1001C. Generate GHZ state000.000%
305272CF1001D. Distinguish plus state and minus state000.000%
305273CF1001E. Distinguish Bell states000.000%
305274CF1001F. Distinguish multi-qubit basis states000.000%
305275CF1001G. Oracle for f(x) = k-th element of x000.000%
305276CF1001H. Oracle for f(x) = parity of the number of 1s in x000.000%
305277CF1001I. Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm000.000%
305278CF1002A1. Generate superposition of all basis states000.000%
305279CF1002A2. Generate superposition of zero state and a basis state000.000%
305280CF1002A3. Generate superposition of two basis states000.000%
305281CF1002A4. Generate W state000.000%
305282CF1002B1. Distinguish zero state and W state000.000%
305283CF1002B2. Distinguish GHZ state and W state000.000%
305284CF1002B3. Distinguish four 2-qubit states000.000%
305285CF1002B4. Distinguish four 2-qubit states - 2000.000%
305286CF1002C1. Distinguish zero state and plus state with minimum error000.000%
305287CF1002C2. Distinguish zero state and plus state without errors000.000%
305288CF1002D1. Oracle for f(x) = b * x mod 2000.000%
305289CF1002D2. Oracle for f(x) = b * x + (1 - b) * (1 - x) mod 2000.000%
305290CF1002D3. Oracle for majority function000.000%
305291CF1002E1. Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm000.000%
305292CF1002E2. Another array reconstruction algorithm000.000%
305298CF1003F. Abbreviation000.000%
305313CF1006B. Polycarp's Practice000.000%
305314CF1006C. Three Parts of the Array000.000%
305321CF1007D. Ants000.000%
305332CF1009E. Intercity Travelling000.000%
305338CF1010D. Mars rover000.000%
305342CF1011B. Planning The Expedition000.000%
305346CF1011F. Mars rover000.000%
305354CF1013B. And000.000%
305359CF1014A2. Colored Path000.000%
305361CF1015B. Obtaining the String000.000%
305380CF1017G. The Tree000.000%
305383CF1019B. The hat000.000%
305386CF1019E. Raining season000.000%
305387CF1020A. New Building for SIS000.000%
305388CF1020B. Badge000.000%