Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
310358CF1821D. Black Cells000.000%
310359CF1821E. Rearrange Brackets000.000%
310360CF1821F. Timber000.000%
310361CF1822A. TubeTube Feed000.000%
310362CF1822B. Karina and Array000.000%
310363CF1822C. Bun Lover000.000%
310364CF1822D. Super-Permutation000.000%
310365CF1822E. Making Anti-Palindromes000.000%
310366CF1822F. Gardening Friends000.000%
310367CF1822G1. Magic Triples (Easy Version)000.000%
310368CF1822G2. Magic Triples (Hard Version)000.000%
310369CF1823A. A-characteristic000.000%
310370CF1823B. Sort with Step000.000%
310371CF1823C. Strongly Composite000.000%
310372CF1823D. Unique Palindromes000.000%
310373CF1823E. Removing Graph000.000%
310374CF1823F. Random Walk000.000%
310375CF1824A. LuoTianyi and the Show000.000%
310376CF1824B1. LuoTianyi and the Floating Islands (Easy Version)000.000%
310377CF1824B2. LuoTianyi and the Floating Islands (Hard Version)000.000%
310378CF1824C. LuoTianyi and XOR-Tree000.000%
310379CF1824D. LuoTianyi and the Function000.000%
310380CF1824E. LuoTianyi and Cartridge000.000%
310381CF1825A. LuoTianyi and the Palindrome String000.000%
310382CF1825B. LuoTianyi and the Table000.000%
310383CF1825C. LuoTianyi and the Show000.000%
310384CF1825D1. LuoTianyi and the Floating Islands (Easy Version)000.000%
310385CF1825D2. LuoTianyi and the Floating Islands (Hard Version)000.000%
310386CF1825E. LuoTianyi and XOR-Tree000.000%
310387CF1826A. Trust Nobody000.000%
310388CF1826B. Lunatic Never Content000.000%
310389CF1826C. Dreaming of Freedom000.000%
310390CF1826D. Running Miles000.000%
310391CF1826E. Walk the Runway000.000%
310392CF1826F. Fading into Fog000.000%
310393CF1827A. Counting Orders000.000%
310394CF1827B1. Range Sorting (Easy Version)000.000%
310395CF1827B2. Range Sorting (Hard Version)000.000%
310396CF1827C. Palindrome Partition000.000%
310397CF1827D. Two Centroids000.000%
310398CF1827E. Bus Routes000.000%
310399CF1827F. Copium Permutation000.000%
310400CF1828A. Divisible Array000.000%
310401CF1828B. Permutation Swap000.000%
310402CF1828C. Counting Orders000.000%
310403CF1828D1. Range Sorting (Easy Version)000.000%
310404CF1828D2. Range Sorting (Hard Version)000.000%
310405CF1828E. Palindrome Partition000.000%
310406CF1828F. Two Centroids000.000%
310407CF1829A. Love Story0100.000%
310408CF1829B. Blank Space080.000%
310409CF1829C. Mr. Perfectly Fine0110.000%
310410CF1829D. Gold Rush0100.000%
310411CF1829E. The Lakes0110.000%
310412CF1829F. Forever Winter060.000%
310413CF1829G. Hits Different0100.000%
310414CF1829H. Don't Blame Me080.000%
310529CF1847A. The Man who became a God 000.000%
310530CF1847B. Hamon Odyssey000.000%
310531CF1847C. Vampiric Powers, anyone?000.000%
310532CF1847D. Professor Higashikata000.000%
310533CF1847E. Triangle Platinum?000.000%
310534CF1847F. The Boss's Identity000.000%
310755CF1882A. Increasing Sequence000.000%
310756CF1882B. Sets and Union000.000%
310757CF1882C. Card Game000.000%
310758CF1882D. Tree XOR000.000%
310759CF1882E1. Two Permutations (Easy Version)000.000%
310760CF1882E2. Two Permutations (Hard Version)000.000%
400418GYM100182 A Block Game000.000%
400419GYM100182 B Euclid000.000%
400420GYM100182 C Museum Guards000.000%
400421GYM100182 D Knitting000.000%
400422GYM100182 E Minesweeper000.000%
400423GYM100182 F The Ninja Way000.000%
400424GYM100182 G Pool Table000.000%
400425GYM100182 H Robot Challenge000.000%
400426GYM100182 I Mosaic000.000%
401286GYM100382 E Equilateral Polygon000.000%
401287GYM100382 F Flawless Numbers000.000%
401288GYM100382 G Grep000.000%
401289GYM100382 H Hash It!000.000%
401290GYM100382 I Interactive Problem 2000.000%
401291GYM100382 J Jolly Dolls000.000%
401292GYM100382 K Block Shuffling (junior league)000.000%
401293GYM100382 L Digit Permutation (junior league)000.000%
401294GYM100382 M Mortal Points (junior league)000.000%
401295GYM100382 N Non-convex Polygon (junior league)000.000%
401481GYM100482 A Colorful Tree000.000%
401482GYM100482 B Farmer000.000%
401483GYM100482 C Letter Array000.000%
401484GYM100482 D Lightning000.000%
401485GYM100482 E Magical Code000.000%
401486GYM100482 F Magician Wars000.000%
401487GYM100482 G Pairs000.000%
401488GYM100482 H Real Magic000.000%
401489GYM100482 I Searching000.000%
401490GYM100482 J Triangles000.000%
402610GYM100820 A Airports000.000%
402611GYM100820 B Butterfly Effect000.000%