Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
306734CF1245A. Good ol' Numbers Coloring000.000%
306735CF1245B. Restricted RPS000.000%
306736CF1245C. Constanze's Machine000.000%
306737CF1245D. Shichikuji and Power Grid000.000%
306738CF1245E. Hyakugoku and Ladders000.000%
306739CF1245F. Daniel and Spring Cleaning000.000%
306740CF1246A. p-binary000.000%
306741CF1246B. Power Products000.000%
306742CF1246C. Rock Is Push000.000%
306743CF1246D. Tree Factory000.000%
306744CF1246E. To Make 1000.000%
306745CF1246F. Cursor Distance000.000%
306746CF1247A. Forgetting Things000.000%
306747CF1247B1. TV Subscriptions (Easy Version)000.000%
306748CF1247B2. TV Subscriptions (Hard Version)000.000%
306749CF1247C. p-binary000.000%
306750CF1247D. Power Products000.000%
306751CF1247E. Rock Is Push000.000%
306752CF1247F. Tree Factory000.000%
306753CF1248A. Integer Points000.000%
306754CF1248B. Grow The Tree000.000%
306755CF1248C. Ivan the Fool and the Probability Theory000.000%
306756CF1248D1. The World Is Just a Programming Task (Easy Version)000.000%
306757CF1248D2. The World Is Just a Programming Task (Hard Version)000.000%
306758CF1248E. Queue in the Train000.000%
306759CF1248F. Catowice City000.000%
306760CF1249A. Yet Another Dividing into Teams070.000%
306761CF1249B1. Books Exchange (easy version)020.000%
306762CF1249B2. Books Exchange (hard version)050.000%
306763CF1249C1. Good Numbers (easy version)000.000%
306764CF1249C2. Good Numbers (hard version)000.000%
306765CF1249D1. Too Many Segments (easy version)000.000%
306766CF1249D2. Too Many Segments (hard version)000.000%
306767CF1249E. By Elevator or Stairs?000.000%
306768CF1249F. Maximum Weight Subset000.000%
306769CF1250A. Berstagram000.000%
306770CF1250B. The Feast and the Bus000.000%
306771CF1250C. Trip to Saint Petersburg000.000%
306772CF1250D. Conference Problem000.000%
306773CF1250E. The Coronation000.000%
306774CF1250F. Data Center000.000%
306775CF1250G. Discarding Game000.000%
306776CF1250H. Happy Birthday000.000%
306777CF1250I. Show Must Go On000.000%
306778CF1250J. The Parade000.000%
306779CF1250K. Projectors000.000%
306780CF1250L. Divide The Students000.000%
306781CF1250M. SmartGarden000.000%
306782CF1250N. Wires000.000%
306783CF1251A. Broken Keyboard000.000%
306784CF1251B. Binary Palindromes000.000%
306785CF1251C. Minimize The Integer000.000%
306786CF1251D. Salary Changing000.000%
306787CF1251E1. Voting (Easy Version)000.000%
306788CF1251E2. Voting (Hard Version)000.000%
306789CF1251F. Red-White Fence000.000%
306792CF1252C. Even Path000.000%
306796CF1252G. Performance Review000.000%
306802CF1253A. Single Push000.000%
306803CF1253B. Silly Mistake000.000%
306804CF1253C. Sweets Eating000.000%
306805CF1253D. Harmonious Graph000.000%
306806CF1253E. Antenna Coverage000.000%
306807CF1253F. Cheap Robot000.000%
306808CF1254A. Feeding Chicken000.000%
306809CF1254B1. Send Boxes to Alice (Easy Version)000.000%
306810CF1254B2. Send Boxes to Alice (Hard Version)000.000%
306811CF1254C. Point Ordering000.000%
306812CF1254D. Tree Queries000.000%
306813CF1254E. Send Tree to Charlie000.000%
306814CF1255A. Changing Volume000.000%
306815CF1255B. Fridge Lockers000.000%
306816CF1255C. League of Leesins000.000%
306817CF1255D. Feeding Chicken000.000%
306818CF1255E1. Send Boxes to Alice (Easy Version)000.000%
306819CF1255E2. Send Boxes to Alice (Hard Version)000.000%
306820CF1255F. Point Ordering000.000%
306821CF1256A. Payment Without Change000.000%
306822CF1256B. Minimize the Permutation000.000%
306823CF1256C. Platforms Jumping000.000%
306824CF1256D. Binary String Minimizing000.000%
306825CF1256E. Yet Another Division Into Teams000.000%
306826CF1256F. Equalizing Two Strings000.000%
306827CF1257A. Two Rival Students000.000%
306828CF1257B. Magic Stick000.000%
306829CF1257C. Dominated Subarray000.000%
306830CF1257D. Yet Another Monster Killing Problem000.000%
306831CF1257E. The Contest000.000%
306832CF1257F. Make Them Similar000.000%
306833CF1257G. Divisor Set000.000%
306841CF1260A. Heating000.000%
306842CF1260B. Obtain Two Zeroes000.000%
306843CF1260C. Infinite Fence000.000%
306844CF1260D. A Game with Traps000.000%
306845CF1260E. Tournament000.000%
306846CF1260F. Colored Tree000.000%
306847CF1261A. Messy000.000%
306848CF1261B1. Optimal Subsequences (Easy Version)000.000%
306849CF1261B2. Optimal Subsequences (Hard Version)000.000%
306850CF1261C. Arson In Berland Forest000.000%