Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
302783CF540A. Combination Lock000.000%
302784CF540B. School Marks000.000%
302785CF540C. Ice Cave000.000%
302786CF540D. Bad Luck Island000.000%
302787CF540E. Infinite Inversions000.000%
302788CF541A. Place Your Ad Here000.000%
302794CF542A. Place Your Ad Here000.000%
302806CF544B. Sea and Islands000.000%
302817CF546C. Soldier and Cards000.000%
302826CF548B. Mike and Fun000.000%
302839CF550B. Preparing Olympiad000.000%
302912CF567F. Mausoleum000.000%
302986CF581C. Developing Skills000.000%
302989CF581F. Zublicanes and Mumocrates000.000%
302992CF582C. Superior Periodic Subarrays000.000%
302999CF583E. Superior Periodic Subarrays000.000%
303007CF585C. Alice, Bob, Oranges and Apples000.000%
303015CF586E. Alice, Bob, Oranges and Apples000.000%
303047CF593D. Happy Tree Party000.000%
303048CF593E. Strange Calculation and Cats000.000%
303087CF601D. Acyclic Organic Compounds000.000%
303090CF602B. Approximating a Constant Range000.000%
303100CF604B. More Cowbell000.000%
303106CF605C. Freelancer's Dreams000.000%
303113CF606E. Freelancer's Dreams000.000%
303139CF611E. New Year and Three Musketeers000.000%
303145CF612C. Replace To Make Regular Bracket Sequence000.000%
303155CF614B. Gena's Code000.000%
303170CF617A. Elephant000.000%
303171CF617B. Chocolate000.000%
303172CF617C. Watering Flowers000.000%
303173CF617D. Polyline000.000%
303174CF617E. XOR and Favorite Number000.000%
303191CF621D. Rat Kwesh and Cheese000.000%
303212CF625D. Finals in arithmetic000.000%
303218CF626E. Simple Skewness000.000%
303219CF626F. Group Projects000.000%
303226CF627F. Island Puzzle000.000%
303245CF630H. Benches000.000%
303249CF630L. Cracking the Code000.000%
303262CF632B. Alice, Bob, Two Teams000.000%
303265CF632E. Thief in a Shop000.000%
303266CF632F. Magic Matrix000.000%
303271CF633E. Startup Funding000.000%
303290CF637C. Promocodes with Mistakes000.000%
303299CF639D. Bear and Contribution000.000%
303302CF640A. Lazy Caterer Sequence000.000%
303303CF640B. Seasons000.000%
303304CF640C. Array Sum000.000%
303305CF640D. Maximal Difference000.000%
303306CF640E. Divisibility Check000.000%
303307CF640F. Primes in Interval000.000%
303308CF640G. Hungarian Notation000.000%
303309CF640H. Rotate Matrix000.000%
303311CF641B. Little Artem and Matrix000.000%
303313CF641D. Little Artem and Random Variable000.000%
303320CF643C. Levels and Regions000.000%
303345CF649B. Этажи000.000%
303349CF650A. Watchmen000.000%
303356CF651C. Watchmen000.000%
303359CF652A. Gabriel and Caterpillar000.000%
303369CF653E. Bear and Forgotten Tree 2000.000%
303388CF657C. Bear and Contribution000.000%
303395CF658E. Bear and Contribution000.000%
303416CF661H. Rotate Matrix000.000%
303433CF665B. Shopping000.000%
303437CF665F. Four Divisors000.000%
303448CF668A. Little Artem and Matrix000.000%
303450CF668C. Little Artem and Random Variable000.000%
303456CF669C. Little Artem and Matrix000.000%
303462CF670D1. Magic Powder - 1000.000%
303480CF673E. Levels and Regions000.000%
303484CF674C. Levels and Regions000.000%
303490CF675B. Restoring Painting000.000%
303498CF676E. The Last Fight Between Human and AI000.000%
303500CF677B. Vanya and Food Processor000.000%
303510CF679A. Bear and Prime 100000.000%
303512CF679C. Bear and Square Grid000.000%
303517CF680C. Bear and Prime 100000.000%
303519CF680E. Bear and Square Grid000.000%
303533CF683D. Chocolate Bar000.000%
303561CF689A. Mike and Cellphone000.000%
303568CF690A3. Collective Mindsets (hard)000.000%
303589CF695A. LRU000.000%
303603CF697B. Barnicle000.000%
303608CF698A. Vacations000.000%
303610CF698C. LRU000.000%
303615CF699B. One Bomb000.000%
303616CF699C. Vacations000.000%
303618CF699E. LRU000.000%
303638CF703B. Mishka and trip000.000%
303661CF707E. Garlands000.000%
303673CF710B. Optimal Point on a Line000.000%
303677CF710F. String Set Queries000.000%
303679CF711B. Chris and Magic Square000.000%
303688CF713A. Sonya and Queries000.000%
303695CF714C. Sonya and Queries000.000%
303702CF715E. Complete the Permutations000.000%
303714CF717G. Underfail000.000%
303715CF717H. Pokermon League challenge000.000%