Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
405664GYM102028 E Resistors in Parallel000.000%
405665GYM102028 F Honeycomb000.000%
405666GYM102028 G Shortest Paths on Random Forests000.000%
405667GYM102028 H Can You Solve the Harder Problem?000.000%
405668GYM102028 I Distance000.000%
405669GYM102028 J Carpets Removal000.000%
405670GYM102028 K Counting Failures on a Trie000.000%
405671GYM102028 L Connected Subgraphs000.000%
405672GYM102032 A Innohorse000.000%
405674GYM102032 C Innoforest
405675GYM102032 D Stones Distribution
405677GYM102035 A N integers000.000%
405678GYM102035 B Mahmoud the Thief000.000%
405679GYM102035 C Apple Shops000.000%
405680GYM102035 D Coach Ayoub000.000%
405681GYM102035 E New Max000.000%
405682GYM102035 F Who has a better strategy ?000.000%
405683GYM102035 G ABC000.000%
405684GYM102035 H Zuhair and the Dag000.000%
405685GYM102035 I Abu Tahun Mod problem000.000%
405686GYM102035 J Negative effect000.000%
405687GYM102035 K Scientest Ayoub (A)000.000%
405688GYM102035 L Scientist Ayoub (B)000.000%
405689GYM102035 M Ahmad Jaber Rectangles000.000%
405690GYM102040 A Average of Combination000.000%
405691GYM102040 B Counting Inversion000.000%
405692GYM102040 C Divisors of the Divisors of An Integer000.000%
405693GYM102040 D Faketorial Hashing000.000%
405694GYM102040 E Helping the HR000.000%
405695GYM102040 F Path Intersection000.000%
405696GYM102040 G Techland000.000%
405697GYM102040 H Tile Game000.000%
405698GYM102040 I Triangles000.000%
405699GYM102040 J VAT Man000.000%
405702GYM102051 C Nate and Contest Invitation000.000%
405715GYM102055 B Balance of the Force000.000%
405716GYM102055 C GCD Land000.000%
405717GYM102055 D Cube000.000%
405718GYM102055 E Mr. Panda and Cactus000.000%
405719GYM102055 F Cones000.000%
405720GYM102055 G Pastoral Life in Stardew Valley000.000%
405721GYM102055 H Game on the Tree000.000%
405722GYM102055 I Cockroaches000.000%
405725GYM102055 L Ultra Weak Goldbach's Conjecture000.000%
405726GYM102056 A Exotic … Ancient City000.000%
405727GYM102056 B Mysterious … Host000.000%
405728GYM102056 C Heretical … Möbius000.000%
405729GYM102056 D Deja vu of … Go Players000.000%
405730GYM102056 E Immortal … Universe000.000%
405731GYM102056 F Interstellar … Fantasy000.000%
405732GYM102056 G Omnipotent … Garland000.000%
405733GYM102056 H Saintly … Coins000.000%
405734GYM102056 I Misunderstood … Missing000.000%
405735GYM102056 J Philosophical … Balance000.000%
405736GYM102056 K Desperate … Fire Survive000.000%
405737GYM102056 L Eventual … Journey000.000%
405740GYM102058 C Fake Plastic Trees000.000%
405741GYM102058 D Fascination Street000.000%
405744GYM102058 G Histogram Sequence000.000%
405753GYM102059 C Dstorv000.000%
405756GYM102059 F Fake Plastic Trees000.000%
405757GYM102059 G Fascination Street000.000%
405760GYM102059 J Histogram Sequence000.000%
405761GYM102059 K Interesting Drug000.000%
405771GYM102062 H String Game000.000%
405774GYM102063 A Adding Two Integers000.000%
405775GYM102063 B Racetrack000.000%
405776GYM102063 C Pig Latin000.000%
405777GYM102078 A Pictionary000.000%
405778GYM102078 B Points000.000%
405779GYM102082 A Digits Are Not Just Characters000.000%
405780GYM102082 B Arithmetic Progressions000.000%
405781GYM102082 C Emergency Evacuation000.000%
405782GYM102082 D Shortest Common Non-Subsequence000.000%
405783GYM102082 E Eulerian Flight Tour000.000%
405784GYM102082 F Fair Chocolate-Cutting000.000%
405785GYM102082 G What Goes Up Must Come Down000.000%
405786GYM102082 H Four-Coloring000.000%
405787GYM102082 I Ranks000.000%
405788GYM102082 J Colorful Tree000.000%
405789GYM102082 K Sixth Sense000.000%
405790GYM102091 A Flying Squirrel000.000%
405791GYM102091 B Grid Coloring000.000%
405792GYM102091 C Evolution Game000.000%
405793GYM102091 D Bus Stop000.000%
405794GYM102091 E How Many Groups000.000%
405795GYM102091 F Lucky Pascal Triangle000.000%
405796GYM102091 G Communication000.000%
405797GYM102091 H As Rich as Crassus000.000%
405798GYM102091 I Bowabowaukulipukuli000.000%
405799GYM102091 J Floating-Point Hazard000.000%
405800GYM102091 K The Stream of Corning 2000.000%
405801GYM102091 L Largest Allowed Area000.000%
405802GYM102114 A Always Online000.000%
405803GYM102114 B Beautiful Now000.000%
405804GYM102114 C Call It What You Want000.000%
405805GYM102114 D Daylight000.000%
405806GYM102114 E Everything Has Changed000.000%
405807GYM102114 F Fireflies000.000%
405808GYM102114 G Glad You Came000.000%