Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
403020GYM100971 A Treasure Island000.000%
403021GYM100971 B Derangement000.000%
403022GYM100971 C Triangles000.000%
403023GYM100971 D Laying Cables000.000%
403024GYM100971 E Bisection000.000%
403025GYM100971 F Two Points000.000%
403026GYM100971 G Repair000.000%
403027GYM100971 H Pavel's Party000.000%
403028GYM100971 I Deadline000.000%
403029GYM100971 J Robots at Warehouse000.000%
403030GYM100971 K Palindromization000.000%
403031GYM100971 L Chess Match000.000%
403032GYM100971 M Decomposition into Good Strings000.000%
403386GYM101149 A Balls in Urn000.000%
403387GYM101149 B No Time for Dragons000.000%
403388GYM101149 C Mathematical Field of Experiments000.000%
403389GYM101149 D Behind the Wall000.000%
403390GYM101149 E The Best among Equals000.000%
403391GYM101149 F The Weakest Sith000.000%
403392GYM101149 G Of Zorcs and Axes000.000%
403393GYM101149 H Streets of Working Lanterns000.000%
403394GYM101149 I It's the Police000.000%
403395GYM101149 J Panoramic Photography000.000%
403396GYM101149 K Revenge of the Dragon000.000%
403397GYM101149 L Right Build000.000%
403398GYM101149 M Ex Machina000.000%