Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
407314GYM102759 L Steel Slicing 2000.000%
407315GYM102760 A Advertisement Matching000.000%
407316GYM102760 B Bombs In My Deck000.000%
407317GYM102760 C Economic One-way Roads000.000%
407318GYM102760 D Fix Wiring000.000%
407319GYM102760 E Min-hashing000.000%
407320GYM102760 F Square, Not Rectangle000.000%
407321GYM102760 G LCS 8000.000%
407322GYM102760 H Mock Competition Marketing000.000%
407323GYM102760 I Query On A Tree 17000.000%
407324GYM102760 J Remote Control000.000%
407325GYM102760 K Sewing Graph000.000%
407326GYM102760 L Steel Slicing 2000.000%
407611GYM102860 B Triangles and a Circle000.000%
407612GYM102860 C Game000.000%
407615GYM102860 F String Art000.000%
407617GYM102860 H Perfect Round Dance000.000%
407618GYM102860 I Walk of Three000.000%
407620GYM102860 K Checkers000.000%
407621GYM102860 L Magnets000.000%
407637GYM102862 A Two Subsequences000.000%
407638GYM102862 B Numbers on a Circle000.000%
407639GYM102862 C Median Walk000.000%
407640GYM102862 D Splitting Text000.000%
407641GYM102862 E Ice Cream000.000%
407642GYM102862 F Cell Borders000.000%
407643GYM102862 G Strange Queries000.000%
407644GYM102862 H Optimize DFS000.000%
407645GYM102862 I Strange Mex000.000%
407646GYM102862 J Mex Grid000.000%
407647GYM102862 K Binary Sequence000.000%
407648GYM102862 L Falling Boxes000.000%
407649GYM102862 M Big Sum000.000%
407782GYM102893 B Bacteria000.000%
407784GYM102893 D Multiple Subject Lessons000.000%
407785GYM102893 E Prank at IKEA000.000%
407786GYM102893 F SMS from MCHS000.000%
407787GYM102893 G Cooking000.000%
407789GYM102893 I Points and Segments000.000%
407790GYM102893 J Straight000.000%
407792GYM102893 L The Firm Knapsack Problem000.000%
407877GYM102916 A Absenteeism000.000%
407878GYM102916 B Fakes and Shidget000.000%
407879GYM102916 C Cyclically Shifted Maze000.000%
407880GYM102916 D Two Pirates - 2000.000%
407881GYM102916 E Powerless Mage000.000%
407882GYM102916 F Exactly One Point000.000%
407883GYM102916 G Lexicographically Minimal Subsequence000.000%
407884GYM102916 H Video Reviews - 2000.000%
407885GYM102916 I Chess Tournament000.000%
407886GYM102916 J Lost Island000.000%
407887GYM102916 K Bloodseeker000.000%
407888GYM102916 L Not the Longest Increasing Subsequence000.000%
407889GYM102916 M Binary Search Tree000.000%
407890GYM102916 N Premove Checkmate000.000%
407973GYM102956 A Belarusian State University000.000%
407974GYM102956 B Beautiful Sequence Unraveling000.000%
407975GYM102956 C Brave Seekers of Unicorns000.000%
407976GYM102956 D Bank Security Unification000.000%
407977GYM102956 E Brief Statements Union000.000%
407978GYM102956 F Border Similarity Undertaking000.000%
407979GYM102956 G Biological Software Utilities000.000%
407980GYM102956 H Bytelandia States Union000.000%
407981GYM102956 I Binary Supersonic Utahraptors000.000%
407982GYM102956 J Burnished Security Updates000.000%
407983GYM102956 K Bookcase Solidity United000.000%
407984GYM102956 L Business Semiconductor Units000.000%
407985GYM102956 M Brilliant Sequence of Umbrellas000.000%
407986GYM102956 N Best Solution Unknown000.000%
408022GYM102962 A Parking Problem000.000%
408023GYM102962 B Diamond Hands000.000%
408063GYM102978 A Ascending Matrix000.000%
408064GYM102978 B Bit Operation000.000%
408065GYM102978 C Count Min Ratio000.000%
408066GYM102978 D Do Use FFT000.000%
408067GYM102978 E Edge Subsets000.000%
408068GYM102978 F Find the LCA000.000%
408069GYM102978 G Games000.000%
408070GYM102978 H Harsh Comments000.000%
408071GYM102978 I Inverse Problem000.000%
408072GYM102978 J Japanese Knowledge000.000%
408073GYM102979 A Another Tree Queries Problem000.000%
408074GYM102979 B Best Meeting Places000.000%
408075GYM102979 C Colorful Squares000.000%
408076GYM102979 D Designing a PCB000.000%
408077GYM102979 E Expected Distance000.000%
408078GYM102979 F Find the XOR000.000%
408079GYM102979 G Generate The Array000.000%
408080GYM102979 H Hotspot-2000.000%
408081GYM102979 I Integer Array Shuffle000.000%
408082GYM102979 J Junkyeom's Contest000.000%
408083GYM102979 K Knowledge Is...000.000%
408114GYM102992 B Baby's First Suffix Array Problem000.000%
408115GYM102992 C Certain Scientific Railgun000.000%
408116GYM102992 D Degree of Spanning Tree000.000%
408117GYM102992 E Evil Coordinate000.000%
408120GYM102992 H Harmonious Rectangle000.000%
408121GYM102992 I Interested in Skiing000.000%
408122GYM102992 J Just Another Game of Stones000.000%
408123GYM102992 K K Co-prime Permutation000.000%