Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
406382GYM102392 J Graph and Cycles000.000%
406384GYM102394 A Artful Paintings000.000%
406385GYM102394 B Binary Numbers000.000%
406386GYM102394 C Competition in Swiss-system000.000%
406387GYM102394 D Driverless Car000.000%
406388GYM102394 E Exchanging Gifts000.000%
406389GYM102394 F Fixing Banners000.000%
406390GYM102394 G Game Store000.000%
406391GYM102394 H Highway Buses000.000%
406392GYM102394 I Interesting Permutation000.000%
406393GYM102394 J Justifying the Conjecture000.000%
406394GYM102394 K Keeping Rabbits000.000%
406395GYM102394 L LRU Algorithm000.000%
406396GYM102396 A King's Inspection000.000%
406397GYM102396 B Cash Gap000.000%
406398GYM102396 C Jet Trains000.000%
406400GYM102396 E Unique Solution000.000%
406402GYM102396 G Weight Overflow000.000%
406403GYM102396 H Checking Answers to Test000.000%
406404GYM102396 I Magic Trick000.000%
406405GYM102396 J Superpermutations000.000%
406418GYM102399 B Личность широких взглядов000.000%
406419GYM102399 C Иванушка-дурачок и теория вероятностей000.000%
406420GYM102399 D Дороги в стране000.000%
406421GYM102399 E write me!000.000%
406422GYM102399 F XOR шифрование000.000%
406424GYM102399 H Фокус с делением и умножением000.000%
406425GYM102399 I Жулик, не воруй000.000%
406426GYM102399 J Конкурс котиков000.000%
406427GYM102399 K Черепашка000.000%
406429GYM102409 A Easy Math000.000%
406430GYM102409 B Xor Sums000.000%
406431GYM102409 C Xor in Tree000.000%
406432GYM102409 D Lottery Ticket000.000%
406433GYM102409 E Googles wants to maximize000.000%
406434GYM102409 F Ironical Solution 1000.000%
406435GYM102409 G Ironical Solution 2000.000%
406436GYM102409 H Maximizing Coins000.000%
406437GYM102409 I Thanos's snap000.000%
406438GYM102409 J Best division000.000%
406439GYM102409 K Lending Woes000.000%
406443GYM102411 D Double Palindrome000.000%
406444GYM102411 E Equidistant000.000%
406447GYM102411 H High Load Database000.000%
406448GYM102411 I Ideal Pyramid000.000%
406449GYM102411 J Just the Last Digit000.000%
406450GYM102411 K King's Children000.000%
406451GYM102411 L Lengths and Periods000.000%
406452GYM102411 M Managing Difficulties000.000%
406463GYM102416 A Palindrome000.000%
406464GYM102416 B Efficient market000.000%
406465GYM102416 C Quick coffee000.000%
406466GYM102416 D Calculated risk000.000%
406467GYM102416 E Space guardians000.000%
406468GYM102419 A Two Strings000.000%
406469GYM102419 B Super Jaber000.000%
406470GYM102419 C Two operations000.000%
406471GYM102419 D Xor the graph000.000%
406472GYM102419 E Geometry Problem000.000%
406473GYM102419 F xor-sum000.000%
406474GYM102419 G Large array000.000%
406475GYM102419 H In-degree000.000%
406476GYM102419 I Another Query Problem000.000%
406477GYM102419 J Jaber The policeman000.000%
406478GYM102419 K The Dragon and the Kingdom of Trees000.000%
406479GYM102419 L Cheating detection.000.000%
406480GYM102423 A Carryless Square Root000.000%
406481GYM102423 B Computer Cache000.000%
406482GYM102423 C Elven Efficiency000.000%
406483GYM102423 D Swap Free000.000%
406484GYM102423 E Fixed Point Permutations000.000%
406485GYM102423 F Interstellar Travel000.000%
406486GYM102423 G Jumping Path000.000%
406487GYM102423 H Levenshtein Distance000.000%
406488GYM102423 I Maze Connect000.000%
406489GYM102423 J One of Each000.000%
406490GYM102423 K Windmill Pivot000.000%
406504GYM102428 A Algorithm Teaching000.000%
406505GYM102428 B Build the Perfect House000.000%
406506GYM102428 C Cut Inequality Down000.000%
406507GYM102428 D Dazzling stars000.000%
406508GYM102428 E Eggfruit Cake000.000%
406509GYM102428 F Fabricating Sculptures000.000%
406510GYM102428 G Gluing Pictures000.000%
406511GYM102428 H Hold or Continue?000.000%
406512GYM102428 I Improve SPAM000.000%
406513GYM102428 J Jumping Grasshoper000.000%
406514GYM102428 K Know your Aliens000.000%
406515GYM102428 L Leverage MDT000.000%
406516GYM102428 M Mountain Ranges000.000%
406517GYM102431 A Kick Start000.000%
406518GYM102431 B Infimum of Paths000.000%
406519GYM102431 C Mr. Panda and Typewriter000.000%
406520GYM102431 D Pulse Nova000.000%
406521GYM102431 E Non-Maximum Suppression000.000%
406522GYM102431 F Ferry000.000%
406523GYM102431 G Game on the Tree000.000%
406524GYM102431 H Mr. Panda and SAD000.000%
406525GYM102431 I Mr. Panda and Blocks000.000%
406527GYM102431 K Russian Dolls on the Christmas Tree000.000%