Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
301421CF267A. Subtractions000.000%
301422CF267B. Dominoes000.000%
301423CF267C. Berland Traffic000.000%
301426CF268C. Beautiful Sets of Points000.000%
301428CF268E. Playlist000.000%
301432CF269D. Maximum Waterfall000.000%
301433CF269E. String Theory000.000%
301435CF270B. Multithreading000.000%
301436CF270C. Magical Boxes000.000%
301438CF270E. Flawed Flow000.000%
301442CF271D. Good Substrings000.000%
301447CF272D. Dima and Two Sequences000.000%
301448CF272E. Dima and Horses000.000%
301450CF273B. Dima and Two Sequences000.000%
301454CF274A. k-Multiple Free Set000.000%
301457CF274D. Lovely Matrix000.000%
301461CF275C. k-Multiple Free Set000.000%
301466CF276C. Little Girl and Maximum Sum000.000%
301469CF277A. Learning Languages000.000%
301470CF277B. Set of Points000.000%
301473CF277E. Binary Tree on Plane000.000%
301474CF278A. Circle Line000.000%
301475CF278B. New Problem000.000%
301476CF278C. Learning Languages000.000%
301477CF278D. Set of Points000.000%
301479CF279A. Point on Spiral000.000%
301482CF279D. The Minimum Number of Variables000.000%
301489CF281A. Word Capitalization000.000%
301495CF282B. Painting Eggs000.000%
301501CF283C. Coin Troubles000.000%
301503CF283E. Cow Tennis Tournament000.000%
301508CF284E. Coin Troubles000.000%
301509CF285A. Slightly Decreasing Permutations000.000%
301510CF285B. Find Marble000.000%
301511CF285C. Building Permutation000.000%
301512CF285D. Permutation Sum000.000%
301513CF285E. Positions in Permutations000.000%
301515CF286B. Shifting000.000%
301516CF286C. Main Sequence000.000%
301517CF286D. Tourists000.000%
301520CF287B. Pipeline000.000%
301522CF287D. Shifting000.000%
301523CF287E. Main Sequence000.000%
301524CF288A. Polo the Penguin and Strings000.000%
301525CF288B. Polo the Penguin and Houses 000.000%
301526CF288C. Polo the Penguin and XOR operation000.000%
301527CF288D. Polo the Penguin and Trees 000.000%
301528CF288E. Polo the Penguin and Lucky Numbers000.000%
301529CF289A. Polo the Penguin and Segments 000.000%
301530CF289B. Polo the Penguin and Matrix000.000%
301531CF289C. Polo the Penguin and Strings000.000%
301532CF289D. Polo the Penguin and Houses 000.000%
301533CF289E. Polo the Penguin and XOR operation000.000%
301534CF290A. Mysterious strings000.000%
301540CF291A. Spyke Talks000.000%
301541CF291B. Command Line Arguments000.000%
301543CF291D. Parallel Programming000.000%
301544CF291E. Tree-String Problem000.000%
301549CF292E. Copying Data000.000%
301551CF293B. Distinct Paths000.000%
301557CF294C. Shaass and Lights000.000%
301558CF294D. Shaass and Painter Robot000.000%
301562CF295C. Greg and Friends000.000%
301563CF295D. Greg and Caves000.000%
301564CF295E. Yaroslav and Points000.000%
301566CF296B. Yaroslav and Two Strings000.000%
301569CF296E. Greg and Friends000.000%
301572CF297C. Splitting the Uniqueness000.000%
301574CF297E. Mystic Carvings000.000%
301575CF298A. Snow Footprints000.000%
301577CF298C. Parity Game000.000%
301578CF298D. Fish Weight000.000%
301579CF298E. Splitting the Uniqueness000.000%
301580CF299A. Ksusha and Array000.000%
301583CF299D. Distinct Paths000.000%
301587CF300C. Beautiful Numbers000.000%
301588CF300D. Painting Square000.000%
301602CF303C. Minimum Modular000.000%
301604CF303E. Random Ranking000.000%
301609CF304E. Minimum Modular000.000%
301611CF305B. Continued Fractions000.000%
301613CF305D. Olya and Graph000.000%
301614CF305E. Playing with String000.000%
301615CF306A. Candies000.000%
301616CF306B. Optimizer000.000%
301617CF306C. White, Black and White Again000.000%
301618CF306D. Polygon000.000%
301619CF308A. Morning run000.000%
301620CF308B. Context Advertising000.000%
301621CF308C. Memory for Arrays000.000%
301622CF308D. Tennis Rackets000.000%
301623CF308E. Sheep000.000%
301624CF309A. Morning run000.000%
301625CF309B. Context Advertising000.000%
301626CF309C. Memory for Arrays000.000%
301627CF309D. Tennis Rackets000.000%
301628CF309E. Sheep000.000%
301632CF311D. Interval Cubing000.000%
301634CF312A. Whose sentence is it?000.000%
301641CF313C. Ilya and Matrix000.000%