Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
306182CF1158F. Density of subarrays000.000%
306183CF1159A. A pile of stones000.000%
306184CF1159B. Expansion coefficient of the array000.000%
306185CF1159C. The Party and Sweets000.000%
306186CF1159D. The minimal unique substring000.000%
306187CF1159E. Permutation recovery000.000%
306188CF1159F. Winding polygonal line000.000%
308911CF1598A. Computer Game000.000%
308912CF1598B. Groups000.000%
308913CF1598C. Delete Two Elements000.000%
308914CF1598D. Training Session000.000%
308915CF1598E. Staircases000.000%
308916CF1598F. RBS000.000%
308917CF1598G. The Sum of Good Numbers000.000%
403399GYM101150 A Sum of Consecutive Prime Numbers000.000%
403400GYM101150 B Book Replacement000.000%
403401GYM101150 C Colored Cubes000.000%
403402GYM101150 D Organize Your Train000.000%
403403GYM101150 E Mobile Computing000.000%
403404GYM101150 F Atomic Car Race000.000%
403405GYM101150 G Network Mess000.000%
403406GYM101150 H Bingo000.000%
403407GYM101150 I Shy Polygons000.000%
403408GYM101150 J Snapper Chain000.000%
403409GYM101150 K1 Fair Warning (Easy)000.000%
403410GYM101150 K2 Fair Warning (Hard)000.000%
403411GYM101150 L1 Theme Park (Easy)000.000%
403412GYM101150 L2 Theme Park (Hard)000.000%
403413GYM101156 A Area000.000%
403414GYM101156 B Fill the Triangle000.000%
403415GYM101156 C Gary000.000%
403416GYM101156 D K-th sequence000.000%
403417GYM101156 E Longest Increasing Subsequences000.000%
403418GYM101156 F Polyomino Packing000.000%
403419GYM101156 G Non-Attacking Queens000.000%
403420GYM101156 H Vugluscr and Mouse000.000%
403421GYM101156 I Fleet Vulnerability000.000%
403422GYM101156 J Exclusive OR000.000%
403423GYM101156 K Seven-segment Display000.000%
403424GYM101156 L Super 2048000.000%
403425GYM101156 M Addition000.000%
403426GYM101156 N Cut Tiles000.000%
403427GYM101158 A Rearranging a Sequence000.000%
403428GYM101158 B Quality of Check Digits000.000%
403429GYM101158 C Distribution Center000.000%
403430GYM101158 D Hidden Anagrams000.000%
403431GYM101158 E Infallibly Crack Perplexing Cryptarithm000.000%
403432GYM101158 F Three Kingdoms of Bourdelot000.000%
403433GYM101158 G Placing Medals on a Binary Tree000.000%
403434GYM101158 H Animal Companion in Maze000.000%
403435GYM101158 I Skinny Polygon000.000%
403436GYM101158 J Cover the Polygon with Your Disk000.000%
403437GYM101158 K Black and White Boxes000.000%
407144GYM102697 115 Pseudocode Compiler000.000%
408407GYM103115 A chino with string000.000%
408408GYM103115 B cocktail with hearthstone000.000%
408409GYM103115 C chino with minimum000.000%
408410GYM103115 D cocktail with swap000.000%
408411GYM103115 E is the order a rabbit ??000.000%
408412GYM103115 F chino with ball000.000%
408413GYM103115 G cocktail with snake000.000%
408414GYM103115 H cocktail with pony000.000%
408415GYM103115 I chino with mates000.000%
408416GYM103115 J do NOT a=2b000.000%
408417GYM103115 K chino with c language000.000%