Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
306238CF1166A. Silent Classroom000.000%
306239CF1166B. All the Vowels Please000.000%
306240CF1166C. A Tale of Two Lands000.000%
306241CF1166D. Cute Sequences000.000%
306242CF1166E. The LCMs Must be Large000.000%
306243CF1166F. Vicky's Delivery Service000.000%
306244CF1167A. Telephone Number000.000%
306245CF1167B. Lost Numbers000.000%
306246CF1167C. News Distribution000.000%
306247CF1167D. Bicolored RBS000.000%
306248CF1167E. Range Deleting000.000%
306249CF1167F. Scalar Queries000.000%
306250CF1167G. Low Budget Inception000.000%
306251CF1168A. Increasing by Modulo000.000%
306252CF1168B. Good Triple000.000%
306253CF1168C. And Reachability000.000%
306254CF1168D. Anagram Paths000.000%
306255CF1168E. Xor Permutations000.000%
306256CF1169A. Circle Metro000.000%
306257CF1169B. Pairs000.000%
306258CF1169C. Increasing by Modulo000.000%
306259CF1169D. Good Triple000.000%
306260CF1169E. And Reachability000.000%
308968CF1606A. AB Balance000.000%
308969CF1606B. Update Files000.000%
308970CF1606C. Banknotes000.000%
308971CF1606D. Red-Blue Matrix000.000%
308972CF1606E. Arena000.000%
308973CF1606F. Tree Queries000.000%
403305GYM101116 A Assembly Required000.000%
403306GYM101116 B Bulbs000.000%
403307GYM101116 C Card Collecting000.000%
403308GYM101116 D Double Elimination000.000%
403309GYM101116 E Election of Evil000.000%
403310GYM101116 F Flight Plan000.000%
403311GYM101116 G Ground Defense000.000%
403312GYM101116 H Hunter's Apprentice000.000%
403313GYM101116 I Ingenious Lottery Tickets000.000%
403314GYM101116 J Jurisdiction Disenchantment000.000%
403315GYM101116 K Mixing Bowls000.000%
403316GYM101116 L Sympathetic Tables000.000%
403317GYM101116 M Two Cowsheds000.000%
403438GYM101161 A WSI Extreme000.000%
403439GYM101161 B Average000.000%
403440GYM101161 C Big Bang000.000%
403441GYM101161 D Find C000.000%
403442GYM101161 E ACM Tax000.000%
403443GYM101161 F Dictionary Game000.000%
403444GYM101161 G Binary Strings000.000%
403445GYM101161 H Witcher Potion000.000%
403446GYM101161 I Sky Tax000.000%
403447GYM101161 J Printing Press000.000%
403448GYM101161 K Expected Number of Connected Components000.000%
403449GYM101161 L Coordinates000.000%
407145GYM102697 116 Diverse String000.000%