Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
410243GYM103990 G Geekflix000.000%
410244GYM103990 H Heximal000.000%
410245GYM103990 I Invitation000.000%
410246GYM103993 A As Fast As Possible000.000%
410247GYM103993 B Permutation Value000.000%
410248GYM103993 C Reverse and Remove000.000%
410249GYM103993 D Password000.000%
410250GYM103993 E d-Sort000.000%
410251GYM103993 F Save the Magazines000.000%
410252GYM103993 G Scoring000.000%
410253GYM103993 H Report Preparation000.000%
410254GYM103993 I Lanterns000.000%
410255GYM103993 J Problem with Random Tests000.000%
410256GYM103993 K FTL000.000%
410257GYM103993 L Intersection and Union000.000%
410258GYM103993 M Antifibonacci Cut000.000%
410259GYM103994 A Фальшивая стопка000.000%
410260GYM103994 B Лёша и чтение условий000.000%
410261GYM103994 C The Beach000.000%
410262GYM103994 D Factorial Divisibility000.000%
410263GYM103994 E Самостоятельные деревья000.000%
410264GYM103994 F Minecraft Series000.000%
410265GYM103994 G Split sort000.000%
410266GYM103994 H Башенки000.000%
410267GYM103994 I Make Nonzero Sum (hard version)000.000%
410268GYM103994 J Прямоугольное дерево000.000%
410269GYM103994 K Не сортируй000.000%
410270GYM103994 L N Machines000.000%
410271GYM103997 A SuperMemo000.000%
410272GYM103999 A String String000.000%
410273GYM103999 B Nitoiu000.000%
410274GYM103999 C Prime000.000%
410275GYM103999 D Gioconda000.000%
410276GYM103999 E CntSeq000.000%
410277GYM103999 F Basketball000.000%
410278GYM103999 G Battle of Scundu000.000%
410279GYM103999 H for-for-for-for000.000%
410280GYM103999 I Dacians vs Samurai000.000%
410281GYM103999 J P-ON000.000%
410282GYM103999 K Iuli000.000%
410283GYM103999 L SAlt000.000%
410284GYM103999 M Interesting Minimums000.000%
410285GYM103999 N Bitscore000.000%
410780GYM104103 A Homework000.000%
410781GYM104103 B Matryoshka Inc000.000%
410782GYM104103 C Password Lock000.000%
410783GYM104103 D The Name of the Fourth Problem000.000%
410784GYM104103 E Comparing Theories000.000%