Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
303726CF720B. Cactusophobia000.000%
303727CF720C. Homework000.000%
303728CF720D. Slalom000.000%
303729CF720E. Cipher000.000%
303730CF720F. Array Covering000.000%
303748CF724A. Checking the Calendar000.000%
303749CF724B. Batch Sort000.000%
303750CF724C. Ray Tracing000.000%
303751CF724D. Dense Subsequence000.000%
303752CF724E. Goods transportation000.000%
303753CF724F. Uniformly Branched Trees000.000%
303754CF724G. Xor-matic Number of the Graph000.000%
303922CF756A. Pavel and barbecue000.000%
303923CF756B. Travel Card000.000%
303924CF756C. Nikita and stack000.000%
303925CF756D. Bacterial Melee000.000%
303926CF756E. Byteland coins000.000%
303927CF756F. Long number000.000%
303941CF759A. Pavel and barbecue000.000%
303942CF759B. Travel Card000.000%
303943CF759C. Nikita and stack000.000%
303944CF759D. Bacterial Melee000.000%
303945CF759E. Byteland coins000.000%
303946CF759F. Long number000.000%
303947CF760A. Petr and a calendar000.000%
303948CF760B. Frodo and pillows000.000%
303949CF760C. Pavel and barbecue000.000%
303950CF760D. Travel Card000.000%
303951CF760E. Nikita and stack000.000%
303952CF760F. Bacterial Melee000.000%
304068CF781A. Andryusha and Colored Balloons000.000%
304069CF781B. Innokenty and a Football League000.000%
304070CF781C. Underground Lab000.000%
304071CF781D. Axel and Marston in Bitland000.000%
304072CF781E. Andryusha and Nervous Barriers000.000%
304073CF781F. Intranet of Buses000.000%
304074CF782A. Andryusha and Socks000.000%
304075CF782B. The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed000.000%
304076CF782C. Andryusha and Colored Balloons000.000%
304077CF782D. Innokenty and a Football League000.000%
304078CF782E. Underground Lab000.000%
304079CF782F. Axel and Marston in Bitland000.000%
304135CF794A. Bank Robbery000.000%
304136CF794B. Cutting Carrot000.000%
304137CF794C. Naming Company000.000%
304138CF794D. Labelling Cities000.000%
304139CF794E. Choosing Carrot000.000%
304140CF794F. Leha and security system000.000%
304141CF794G. Replace All000.000%
304316CF823A. High Load000.000%
304317CF823B. DNA Evolution000.000%
304318CF823C. Bamboo Partition000.000%
304319CF823D. Rusty String000.000%
304320CF823E. Singer House000.000%
304321CF823F. Perpetual Motion Machine000.000%
304322CF823G. Dirty Arkady's Kitchen000.000%
304330CF827A. String Reconstruction000.000%
304331CF827B. High Load000.000%
304332CF827C. DNA Evolution000.000%
304333CF827D. Best Edge Weight000.000%
304334CF827E. Rusty String000.000%
304335CF827F. Dirty Arkady's Kitchen000.000%
304336CF828A. Restaurant Tables000.000%
304337CF828B. Black Square000.000%
304338CF828C. String Reconstruction000.000%
304339CF828D. High Load000.000%
304340CF828E. DNA Evolution000.000%
304341CF828F. Best Edge Weight000.000%
304342CF830A. Office Keys000.000%
304343CF830B. Cards Sorting000.000%
304344CF830C. Bamboo Partition000.000%
304345CF830D. Singer House000.000%
304346CF830E. Perpetual Motion Machine000.000%
304347CF831A. Unimodal Array000.000%
304348CF831B. Keyboard Layouts000.000%
304349CF831C. Jury Marks000.000%
304350CF831D. Office Keys000.000%
304351CF831E. Cards Sorting000.000%
304352CF831F. Bamboo Partition000.000%
304453CF850A. Five Dimensional Points000.000%
304454CF850B. Arpa and a list of numbers000.000%
304455CF850C. Arpa and a game with Mojtaba000.000%
304456CF850D. Tournament Construction000.000%
304457CF850E. Random Elections000.000%
304458CF850F. Rainbow Balls000.000%
304459CF851A. Arpa and a research in Mexican wave000.000%
304460CF851B. Arpa and an exam about geometry000.000%
304461CF851C. Five Dimensional Points000.000%
304462CF851D. Arpa and a list of numbers000.000%
304463CF851E. Arpa and a game with Mojtaba000.000%
304464CF852A. Digits000.000%
304465CF852B. Neural Network country000.000%
304466CF852C. Property000.000%
304467CF852D. Exploration plan000.000%
304468CF852E. Casinos and travel000.000%
304469CF852F. Product transformation000.000%
304470CF852G. Bathroom terminal000.000%
304471CF852H. Bob and stages000.000%
304472CF852I. Dating000.000%
304490CF856A. Set Theory000.000%