Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
301219CF228C. Fractal Detector000.000%
301220CF228D. Zigzag000.000%
301221CF228E. The Road to Berland is Paved With Good Intentions000.000%
301222CF229A. Shifts000.000%
301223CF229B. Planets000.000%
301224CF229C. Triangles000.000%
301225CF229D. Towers000.000%
301226CF229E. Gifts000.000%
301300CF243C. Colorado Potato Beetle000.000%
301307CF244E. Colorado Potato Beetle000.000%
301314CF245G. Suggested Friends000.000%
301355CF253E. Printer000.000%
301365CF255E. Furlo and Rublo and Game000.000%
301368CF256C. Furlo and Rublo and Game000.000%
301375CF257E. Greedy Elevator000.000%
301443CF271E. Three Horses000.000%
301448CF272E. Dima and Horses000.000%
301451CF273C. Dima and Horses000.000%
301457CF274D. Lovely Matrix000.000%
301482CF279D. The Minimum Number of Variables000.000%
301486CF280C. Game on Tree000.000%
301493CF281E. Game on Tree000.000%
301498CF282E. Sausage Maximization000.000%
301515CF286B. Shifting000.000%
301522CF287D. Shifting000.000%
301593CF301D. Yaroslav and Divisors000.000%
301613CF305D. Olya and Graph000.000%
301658CF316C1. Tidying Up000.000%
301666CF316F1. Suns and Rays000.000%
301668CF316F3. Suns and Rays000.000%
301670CF316G2. Good Substrings000.000%
301697CF322A. Ciel and Dancing000.000%
301698CF322B. Ciel and Flowers000.000%
301699CF322C. Ciel and Robot000.000%
301700CF322D. Ciel and Duel000.000%
301701CF322E. Ciel the Commander000.000%
301703CF323B. Tournament-graph000.000%
301759CF332C. Students' Revenge000.000%
301787CF337E. Divisor Tree000.000%
301790CF338C. Divisor Tree000.000%
301826CF345D. Chain Letter000.000%
301829CF345G. Suffix Subgroup000.000%
301832CF346C. Number Transformation II000.000%
301839CF347E. Number Transformation II000.000%
301854CF350E. Wrong Floyd000.000%
301859CF351E. Jeff and Permutation000.000%
301869CF353E. Antichain000.000%
301874CF354E. Lucky Number Representation000.000%
301921CF364B. Free Market000.000%
301928CF365D. Free Market000.000%
301934CF366E. Dima and Magic Guitar000.000%
301948CF369D. Valera and Fools000.000%
301949CF369E. Valera and Queries000.000%
301970CF374A. Inna and Pink Pony000.000%
301971CF374B. Inna and Nine000.000%
301972CF374C. Inna and Dima000.000%
301973CF374D. Inna and Sequence 000.000%
301974CF374E. Inna and Babies000.000%
301975CF375A. Divisible by Seven000.000%
301976CF375B. Maximum Submatrix 2000.000%
301977CF375C. Circling Round Treasures000.000%
301978CF375D. Tree and Queries000.000%
301979CF375E. Red and Black Tree000.000%
301980CF376A. Lever000.000%
301981CF376B. I.O.U.000.000%
301982CF376C. Divisible by Seven000.000%
301983CF376D. Maximum Submatrix 2000.000%
301984CF376E. Circling Round Treasures000.000%
301985CF377A. Maze000.000%
301986CF377B. Preparing for the Contest000.000%
301987CF377C. Captains Mode000.000%
301988CF377D. Developing Game000.000%
301989CF377E. Cookie Clicker000.000%
301990CF378A. Playing with Dice000.000%
301991CF378B. Semifinals000.000%
301992CF378C. Maze000.000%
301993CF378D. Preparing for the Contest000.000%
301994CF378E. Captains Mode000.000%
302002CF380A. Sereja and Prefixes000.000%
302003CF380B. Sereja and Tree000.000%
302004CF380C. Sereja and Brackets000.000%
302005CF380D. Sereja and Cinema000.000%
302006CF380E. Sereja and Dividing000.000%
302007CF381A. Sereja and Dima000.000%
302008CF381B. Sereja and Stairs000.000%
302009CF381C. Sereja and Prefixes000.000%
302010CF381D. Sereja and Tree000.000%
302011CF381E. Sereja and Brackets000.000%
302012CF382A. Ksenia and Pan Scales000.000%
302013CF382B. Number Busters000.000%
302014CF382C. Arithmetic Progression000.000%
302015CF382D. Ksenia and Pawns000.000%
302016CF382E. Ksenia and Combinatorics000.000%
302017CF383A. Milking cows000.000%
302018CF383B. Volcanoes000.000%
302019CF383C. Propagating tree000.000%
302020CF383D. Antimatter000.000%
302021CF383E. Vowels000.000%
302022CF384A. Coder000.000%
302023CF384B. Multitasking000.000%