Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
401249GYM100380 J1 All Cliques (subtask 1)000.000%
401250GYM100380 J2 All Cliques (subtask 2)000.000%
401251GYM100380 J3 All Cliques (subtask 3)000.000%
401252GYM100380 J4 All Cliques (subtask 4)000.000%
401253GYM100380 J5 All Cliques (subtask 5)000.000%
401254GYM100380 J6 All Cliques (subtask 6)000.000%
401255GYM100380 K1 Maximal clique (subtask 1)000.000%
401256GYM100380 K2 Maximal clique (subtask 2)000.000%
401257GYM100380 K3 Maximal clique (subtask 3)000.000%
401258GYM100380 K4 Maximal clique (subtask 4)000.000%
401259GYM100380 K5 Maximal clique (subtask 5)000.000%
401260GYM100380 K6 Maximal clique (subtask 6)000.000%
401261GYM100380 L1 Learning to paint (subtask 1)000.000%
401262GYM100380 L2 Learning to paint (subtask 2)000.000%
401263GYM100380 L3 Learning to paint (subtask 3)000.000%
401264GYM100380 L4 Learning to paint (subtask 4)000.000%
401265GYM100380 L5 Learning to paint (subtask 5)000.000%
401266GYM100380 L6 Learning to paint (subtask 6)000.000%
401267GYM100380 L7 Learning to paint (subtask 7)000.000%
401268GYM100380 M1 The Easiest Way is to Paint in Three Colors (subtask 1)000.000%
401269GYM100380 M2 The Easiest Way is to Paint in Three Colors (subtask 2)000.000%
401270GYM100380 M3 The Easiest Way is to Paint in Three Colors (subtask 3)000.000%
401271GYM100380 M4 The Easiest Way is to Paint in Three Colors (subtask 4)000.000%
401272GYM100380 M5 The Easiest Way is to Paint in Three Colors (subtask 5)000.000%
401273GYM100380 M6 The Easiest Way is to Paint in Three Colors (subtask 6)000.000%
401274GYM100380 M7 The Easiest Way is to Paint in Three Colors (subtask 7)000.000%
401275GYM100380 M8 The Easiest Way is to Paint in Three Colors (subtask 8)000.000%
401276GYM100380 N1 SAT USAT (subtask 1)000.000%
401277GYM100380 N2 SAT USAT (subtask 2)000.000%
401278GYM100380 N3 SAT USAT (subtask 3)000.000%
401279GYM100380 N4 SAT USAT (subtask 4)000.000%
401280GYM100380 N5 SAT USAT (subtask 5)000.000%
401281GYM100380 N6 SAT USAT (subtask 6)000.000%
401282GYM100380 N7 SAT USAT (subtask 7)000.000%
401283GYM100380 O1 Almost bipartite beast (subtask 1)000.000%
401284GYM100380 O2 Almost bipartite beast (subtask 2)000.000%
401285GYM100380 O3 Almost bipartite beast (subtask 3)000.000%
401286GYM100382 E Equilateral Polygon000.000%
401287GYM100382 F Flawless Numbers000.000%
401288GYM100382 G Grep000.000%
401289GYM100382 H Hash It!000.000%
401290GYM100382 I Interactive Problem 2000.000%
401291GYM100382 J Jolly Dolls000.000%
401292GYM100382 K Block Shuffling (junior league)000.000%
401293GYM100382 L Digit Permutation (junior league)000.000%
401294GYM100382 M Mortal Points (junior league)000.000%
401295GYM100382 N Non-convex Polygon (junior league)000.000%
401296GYM100383 A Anti-Lines (high league)000.000%
401297GYM100383 B Big Fellow (high league)000.000%
401298GYM100383 C Concave Polygon (high league)000.000%
401299GYM100383 D Dead Points (high league)000.000%
401300GYM100383 E Equilateral Polygon000.000%
401301GYM100383 F Flawless Numbers000.000%
401302GYM100383 G Grep000.000%
401303GYM100383 H Hash It!000.000%
401304GYM100383 I Interactive Problem 2000.000%
401305GYM100383 J Jolly Dolls000.000%
401306GYM100384 B Maximal Difference000.000%
401307GYM100384 D Triangle Construction000.000%
401308GYM100384 F Beautiful Patterns000.000%
401309GYM100384 H String without repetitions000.000%
401310GYM100384 J Beans gathering000.000%
401311GYM100384 L Reverse beans gathering000.000%
401312GYM100384 N Equation000.000%
401313GYM100384 P Competition000.000%
401314GYM100384 R The incircle000.000%
401315GYM100384 T The dividing line000.000%
401316GYM100384 V Stringangulation000.000%
401317GYM100384 X Building a square000.000%
401318GYM100385 A Maximal Difference000.000%
401319GYM100385 C Polygon Construction000.000%
401320GYM100385 E Beautiful Patterns000.000%
401321GYM100385 G String without repetitions000.000%
401322GYM100385 I Beans gathering000.000%
401323GYM100385 K Reverse beans gathering000.000%
401324GYM100385 M Equation000.000%
401325GYM100385 O Competition000.000%
401326GYM100385 Q The incircle000.000%
401327GYM100385 S The dividing line000.000%
401328GYM100385 U Stringangulation000.000%
401329GYM100385 W Building a cube000.000%
401391GYM100431 A Achromatic Number000.000%
401392GYM100431 B Binary Search000.000%
401393GYM100431 C Blind Flibs000.000%
401394GYM100431 D Bubble Sort000.000%
401395GYM100431 E Word Cover000.000%
401396GYM100431 F Permutations with Monotonic Segments000.000%
401397GYM100431 G Persistent Queue000.000%
401398GYM100431 H Sea Port000.000%
401399GYM100431 I Shooting Game000.000%
401432GYM100451 A Decorating the Tree000.000%
401433GYM100451 B Double Towers of Hanoi000.000%
401435GYM100451 D Olympic Games in Berland000.000%
401436GYM100451 E Polycarpia insolitus000.000%
401437GYM100451 F Berland-Strike000.000%
401439GYM100451 H Polycarpus VS Dequeue000.000%
401440GYM100451 I Presents000.000%
401441GYM100451 J Gennady and Problems000.000%
401442GYM100451 K TopoCM++000.000%
401537GYM100491 A Arbitrage000.000%