Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
300429CF81E. Pairs000.000%
300430CF82A. Double Cola000.000%
300431CF82B. Sets000.000%
300432CF82C. General Mobilization000.000%
300433CF82D. Two out of Three000.000%
300434CF82E. Corridor000.000%
300445CF85A. Domino000.000%
300446CF85B. Embassy Queue000.000%
300447CF85C. Petya and Tree000.000%
300448CF85D. Sum of Medians000.000%
300449CF85E. Guard Towers000.000%
300450CF86A. Reflection000.000%
300451CF86B. Tetris revisited000.000%
300452CF86C. Genetic engineering000.000%
300453CF86D. Powerful array000.000%
300454CF86E. Long sequence000.000%
300505CF97A. Domino000.000%
300506CF97B. Superset000.000%
300507CF97C. Winning Strategy000.000%
300508CF97D. Robot in Basement000.000%
300509CF97E. Leaders000.000%
300915CF175B. Plane of Tanks: Pro000.000%
300917CF175D. Plane of Tanks: Duel000.000%
302451CF472A. Design Tutorial: Learn from Math000.000%
302452CF472B. Design Tutorial: Learn from Life000.000%
302453CF472C. Design Tutorial: Make It Nondeterministic000.000%
302454CF472D. Design Tutorial: Inverse the Problem000.000%
302455CF472E. Design Tutorial: Learn from a Game000.000%
302456CF472F. Design Tutorial: Change the Goal000.000%
302457CF472G. Design Tutorial: Increase the Constraints000.000%
303008CF585D. Lizard Era: Beginning000.000%
303016CF586F. Lizard Era: Beginning000.000%
303238CF630A. Again Twenty Five!000.000%
303239CF630B. Moore's Law000.000%
303240CF630C. Lucky Numbers000.000%
303241CF630D. Hexagons!000.000%
303242CF630E. A rectangle000.000%
303243CF630F. Selection of Personnel000.000%
303244CF630G. Challenge Pennants000.000%
303245CF630H. Benches000.000%
303246CF630I. Parking Lot000.000%
303247CF630J. Divisibility000.000%
303248CF630K. Indivisibility000.000%
303249CF630L. Cracking the Code000.000%
303250CF630M. Turn000.000%
303251CF630N. Forecast000.000%
303252CF630O. Arrow000.000%
303253CF630P. Area of a Star000.000%
303254CF630Q. Pyramids000.000%
303255CF630R. Game000.000%
303742CF723A. The New Year: Meeting Friends000.000%
303762CF727A. Transformation: from A to B000.000%
305188CF987B. High School: Become Human000.000%
306210CF1164A. Three Friends (1 point)000.000%
306211CF1164B. Triangle Area (1 point)000.000%
306212CF1164C. 7-digit Number (1 point)000.000%
306213CF1164D. Multiple of 29 (1 point)000.000%
306214CF1164E. Least Possible Difference (1 point)000.000%
306215CF1164F. Regular Polygon (1 point)000.000%
306216CF1164G. Find Number (1 point)000.000%
306217CF1164H. Circle Radius (2 points)000.000%
306218CF1164I. Maximum Value (2 points)000.000%
306219CF1164J. Eleven Segments (2 points)000.000%
306220CF1164K. 2018 Integers (2 points)000.000%
306221CF1164L. Queens (2 points)000.000%
306222CF1164M. Seven Digit Number (2 points)000.000%
306223CF1164N. All Streets (2 points)000.000%
306224CF1164O. Greatest Prime Divisor (2 points)000.000%
306225CF1164P. Equilateral Triangles (2 points)000.000%
306226CF1164Q. Surjective Functions (3 points)000.000%
306227CF1164R. Divisible by 83 (3 points)000.000%
306228CF1164S. Find Distance (3 points)000.000%
306229CF1164T. Compute the Product (3 points)000.000%
306230CF1164U. The Greatest Possible Value (3 points)000.000%
306261CF1170A. Three Integers Again000.000%
306262CF1170B. Bad Days000.000%
306263CF1170C. Minus and Minus Give Plus000.000%
306264CF1170D. Decoding of Integer Sequences000.000%
306265CF1170E. Sliding Doors000.000%
306266CF1170F. Wheels000.000%
306267CF1170G. Graph Decomposition000.000%
306268CF1170H. Longest Saw000.000%
306269CF1170I. Good Subsets000.000%
306270CF1171A. Dice Rolling000.000%
306271CF1171B. New Year and the Christmas Ornament000.000%
306272CF1171C. Letters Rearranging000.000%
306273CF1171D. Got Any Grapes?000.000%
306274CF1171E. Doggo Recoloring000.000%
306275CF1171F. Division and Union000.000%
306386CF1188A2. Add on a Tree: Revolution000.000%
306395CF1189D2. Add on a Tree: Revolution000.000%
306532CF1211A. Three Problems000.000%
306533CF1211B. Traveling Around the Golden Ring of Berland000.000%
306534CF1211C. Ice Cream000.000%
306535CF1211D. Teams000.000%
306536CF1211E. Double Permutation Inc.000.000%
306537CF1211F. kotlinkotlinkotlinkotlin...000.000%
306538CF1211G. King's Path000.000%
306539CF1211H. Road Repair in Treeland000.000%
306540CF1211I. Unusual Graph000.000%