Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
400597GYM100212 G Cracking SSH000.000%
400598GYM100212 H Periodic Tilings000.000%
400599GYM100212 I Trade000.000%
400600GYM100212 J Counting Triangulations000.000%
400601GYM100212 K Unfair Contest000.000%
400602GYM100213 A Beer Problem000.000%
400603GYM100213 B Another Brick in the Wall000.000%
400604GYM100213 C Black and White000.000%
400605GYM100213 D Integer Numbers000.000%
400606GYM100213 E Islands000.000%
400607GYM100213 F Counterfeit Money000.000%
400608GYM100213 G Chinese New Year000.000%
400609GYM100213 H Saving Princess000.000%
400610GYM100213 I Radio Waves000.000%
400611GYM100213 J Cheater's Shuffle000.000%
400612GYM100213 K Gone Swimming000.000%
400613GYM100215 A Brackets000.000%
400614GYM100215 B Dividing a Chocolate000.000%
400615GYM100215 C Thermal Death of the Universe000.000%
400616GYM100215 D Equations System000.000%
400617GYM100215 E Fool's Game000.000%
400618GYM100215 F Lottery000.000%
400619GYM100215 G Two Pipelines000.000%
400620GYM100215 H Manhattan Police000.000%
400621GYM100215 I Regular Words000.000%
400622GYM100215 J Great Siberian Wall000.000%
400623GYM100215 K Words Game000.000%
400654GYM100220 A Cactus000.000%
400655GYM100220 B Darts000.000%
400656GYM100220 C Domino in Casino000.000%
400657GYM100220 D Love Is...000.000%
400658GYM100220 E Set Partitions000.000%
400659GYM100220 F Pipe Layout000.000%
400660GYM100220 G Word Square000.000%
400661GYM100220 H Subword000.000%
400662GYM100220 I HTML Table000.000%
400663GYM100220 J Wheel of Fortune000.000%
400664GYM100221 A Brackets Subsequences000.000%
400665GYM100221 B Deadlock000.000%
400666GYM100221 C Forbidden Subwords000.000%
400667GYM100221 D Puzzle Championship000.000%
400668GYM100221 E Compact Relations Encoding000.000%
400669GYM100221 F Peaceful Rooks000.000%
400670GYM100221 G Secret Photo000.000%
400671GYM100221 H TEX Assistant000.000%
400672GYM100221 I Crazy Wall000.000%
400673GYM100221 J Die Young000.000%
400674GYM100222 A Addictions000.000%
400675GYM100222 B Chess Tableaux000.000%
400676GYM100222 C Decoding Martian Messages000.000%
400677GYM100222 D Gas Problem000.000%
400678GYM100222 E Infinity Sect000.000%
400679GYM100222 F Polymorphism000.000%
400680GYM100222 G Refrain000.000%
400681GYM100222 H Star Polygon000.000%
400682GYM100222 I Superinvolutions000.000%
400683GYM100222 J Truth000.000%
400714GYM100231 B Intervals000.000%
400729GYM100236 E Era of Winter Triangle000.000%
400836GYM100257 I Intersections000.000%
400900GYM100274 L Interesting Ranges000.000%
400901GYM100279 A Cinderella at the pigeon-loft000.000%
400902GYM100279 B Sequence000.000%
400903GYM100279 C Maze000.000%
400904GYM100279 D Triangular table000.000%
400905GYM100279 E PublicBank000.000%
400906GYM100279 F Airport000.000%
400914GYM100283 H The Job Interview000.000%
400948GYM100287 I Interconnect000.000%
400960GYM100297 A Game000.000%
400961GYM100297 B Fraction000.000%
400962GYM100297 C Triwizard Tournament000.000%
400963GYM100297 D Trough000.000%
400964GYM100297 E Nu, pogodi! (Well, Just You Wait)000.000%
400965GYM100297 F Divisors000.000%
400966GYM100297 G Socks000.000%
400967GYM100297 H Splitting of the telephone number000.000%
401004GYM100307 I Interactive Interception000.000%
401043GYM100338 A Maximal Flows Dimension000.000%
401044GYM100338 B Geometry Problem000.000%
401045GYM100338 C Important Roads000.000%
401046GYM100338 D Crazy Nim000.000%
401047GYM100338 E Numbers000.000%
401048GYM100338 F Spam Filter000.000%
401049GYM100338 G Fun with Squares000.000%
401050GYM100338 H High Speed Trains000.000%
401051GYM100338 I TV Show000.000%
401052GYM100338 J Valid Prefixes000.000%
401053GYM100339 A Bike Roads000.000%
401054GYM100339 B Diversion000.000%
401055GYM100339 C Hex000.000%
401056GYM100339 D Monotone Gray Code000.000%
401057GYM100339 E Nice Sequence000.000%
401058GYM100339 F Integer Packing000.000%
401059GYM100339 G Rectangular Polygon000.000%
401060GYM100339 H SETI000.000%
401061GYM100339 I Sum vs Product000.000%
401062GYM100339 J Superposition000.000%
401063GYM100340 A Cookies000.000%
401064GYM100340 B Ear Decomposition000.000%