Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
306354CF1184B2. The Doctor Meets Vader (Medium)000.000%
306355CF1184B3. The Doctor Meets Vader (Hard)000.000%
306356CF1184C1. Heidi and the Turing Test (Easy)000.000%
306357CF1184C2. Heidi and the Turing Test (Medium)000.000%
306358CF1184C3. Heidi and the Turing Test (Hard)000.000%
306373CF1186A. Vus the Cossack and a Contest000.000%
306374CF1186C. Vus the Cossack and Strings000.000%
306375CF1186D. Vus the Cossack and Numbers000.000%
306376CF1186E. Vus the Cossack and a Field000.000%
306377CF1186F. Vus the Cossack and a Graph000.000%
306412CF1192C. Cubeword000.000%
306417CF1194B. Yet Another Crosses Problem000.000%
306420CF1194E. Count The Rectangles000.000%
306422CF1194G. Another Meme Problem000.000%
306426CF1195D1. Submarine in the Rybinsk Sea (easy edition)000.000%
306427CF1195D2. Submarine in the Rybinsk Sea (hard edition)000.000%
306440CF1197D. Yet Another Subarray Problem000.000%
306476CF1203D1. Remove the Substring (easy version)000.000%
306477CF1203D2. Remove the Substring (hard version)020.000%
306479CF1203F1. Complete the Projects (easy version)000.000%
306480CF1203F2. Complete the Projects (hard version)000.000%
306481CF1204A. BowWow and the Timetable000.000%
306486CF1204E. Natasha, Sasha and the Prefix Sums000.000%
306499CF1207A. There Are Two Types Of Burgers000.000%
306510CF1208E. Let Them Slide000.000%
306514CF1209A. Paint the Numbers000.000%
306516CF1209C. Paint the Digits000.000%
306533CF1211B. Traveling Around the Golden Ring of Berland000.000%
306566CF1215B. The Number of Products000.000%
306580CF1217C. The Number Of Good Substrings000.000%
306592CF1218I. The Light Square000.000%
306601CF1219I. The Light Square000.000%
306604CF1220C. Substring Game in the Lesson000.000%
306612CF1221D. Make The Fence Great Again000.000%
306615CF1221G. Graph And Numbers000.000%
306618CF1223C. Save the Nature000.000%
306620CF1223E. Paint the Tree000.000%
306641CF1228B. Filling the Grid000.000%
306644CF1228E. Another Filling the Grid000.000%
306672CF1234F. Yet Another Substring Reverse000.000%
306677CF1236B. Alice and the List of Presents000.000%
306679CF1236D. Alice and the Doll000.000%
306680CF1236E. Alice and the Unfair Game000.000%
306681CF1236F. Alice and the Cactus000.000%
306696CF1238F. The Maximum Subtree000.000%
306697CF1238G. Adilbek and the Watering System000.000%
306698CF1239A. Ivan the Fool and the Probability Theory000.000%
306699CF1239B. The World Is Just a Programming Task (Hard Version)000.000%
306700CF1239C. Queue in the Train000.000%
306704CF1240A. Save the Nature000.000%
306706CF1240C. Paint the Tree000.000%
306712CF1241C. Save the Nature000.000%
306714CF1241E. Paint the Tree000.000%
306729CF1244C. The Football Season000.000%
306730CF1244D. Paint the Tree000.000%
306754CF1248B. Grow The Tree000.000%
306755CF1248C. Ivan the Fool and the Probability Theory000.000%
306756CF1248D1. The World Is Just a Programming Task (Easy Version)000.000%
306757CF1248D2. The World Is Just a Programming Task (Hard Version)000.000%
306758CF1248E. Queue in the Train000.000%
306760CF1249A. Yet Another Dividing into Teams070.000%
306764CF1249C2. Good Numbers (hard version)000.000%
306769CF1250A. Berstagram000.000%
306770CF1250B. The Feast and the Bus000.000%
306771CF1250C. Trip to Saint Petersburg000.000%
306772CF1250D. Conference Problem000.000%
306773CF1250E. The Coronation000.000%
306774CF1250F. Data Center000.000%
306775CF1250G. Discarding Game000.000%
306776CF1250H. Happy Birthday000.000%
306777CF1250I. Show Must Go On000.000%
306778CF1250J. The Parade000.000%
306779CF1250K. Projectors000.000%
306780CF1250L. Divide The Students000.000%
306781CF1250M. SmartGarden000.000%
306782CF1250N. Wires000.000%
306785CF1251C. Minimize The Integer000.000%
306822CF1256B. Minimize the Permutation000.000%
306825CF1256E. Yet Another Division Into Teams000.000%
306830CF1257D. Yet Another Monster Killing Problem000.000%
306831CF1257E. The Contest000.000%
306832CF1257F. Make Them Similar000.000%
306835CF1259B. Make Them Odd000.000%
306837CF1259D. Let's Play the Words?000.000%
306865CF1263C. Everyone is a Winner!000.000%
306889CF1266H. Red-Blue Graph000.000%
306891CF1267B. Balls of Buma000.000%
306893CF1267D. DevOps Best Practices000.000%
306894CF1267E. Elections000.000%
306896CF1267G. Game Relics000.000%
306897CF1267H. Help BerLine000.000%
306898CF1267I. Intriguing Selection000.000%
306899CF1267J. Just Arrange the Icons000.000%
306900CF1267K. Key Storage000.000%
306901CF1267L. Lexicography000.000%
306926CF1271F. Divide The Students000.000%
306929CF1272C. Yet Another Broken Keyboard000.000%
306954CF1277B. Make Them Odd000.000%
306956CF1277D. Let's Play the Words?000.000%
306984CF1282B1. K for the Price of One (Easy Version)000.000%