Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
406836GYM102569 A Array's Hash000.000%
406837GYM102569 B Bonuses on a Line000.000%
406838GYM102569 C Manhattan Distance000.000%
406839GYM102569 D Lexicographically Minimal Shortest Path000.000%
406840GYM102569 E Fluctuations of Mana000.000%
406841GYM102569 F Moving Target000.000%
406842GYM102569 G Nuts and Bolts000.000%
406843GYM102569 H Tree Painting000.000%
406844GYM102569 I Sorting Colored Array000.000%
406845GYM102569 J The Battle of Mages000.000%
406846GYM102569 K Table000.000%
406847GYM102569 L The Dragon Land000.000%
406848GYM102569 M Notifications000.000%
406972GYM102640 A Points coloring000.000%
408651GYM103256 A Coffee Bar000.000%
408652GYM103256 B Huron Jam000.000%
408653GYM103256 C Ultimate Huron Sorting000.000%
408654GYM103256 D Sightseeing with Friends000.000%
408655GYM103256 E1 Coins Game (easy version)000.000%
408656GYM103256 E2 Coins Game (hard version)000.000%
408657GYM103256 F Moss Growing000.000%
408658GYM103256 G Special Bracelets000.000%
408659GYM103256 H Truth Table000.000%
408660GYM103256 I HuronForces000.000%
410725GYM104094 A Meeting Near the Fountain000.000%
410726GYM104094 B GPS Hack000.000%
410727GYM104094 C Tournament000.000%
410728GYM104094 D Gas Stations000.000%
410729GYM104094 E kex000.000%
410730GYM104094 F Bob's Average000.000%
410732GYM104094 H One-dimensional Game000.000%
410733GYM104094 I Soviet Kindergarden000.000%
410734GYM104094 J Pyramid Construction000.000%