Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
5322BZOJ1322:Zju2429 Destroying The Graph
6058BZOJ2058:[Usaco2010 Nov]Cow Photographs
6113BZOJ2113:Zju2599 Graduated Lexicographical Ordering
7535BZOJ3535:[Usaco2014 Open]Fair Photography
7540BZOJ3540:[Usaco2014 Open]Fair Photography
8065BZOJ4065:[Cerc2012]Graphic Madness
8845BZOJ4845:[Neerc2016]Game on Graph
101995[AtCoder]ABC199 F - Graph Smoothing000.000%
102170[AtCoder]ABC217 A - Lexicographic Order000.000%
102192[AtCoder]ABC219 C - Neo-lexicographic Ordering000.000%
102243[AtCoder]ABC224 D - 8 Puzzle on Graph000.000%
102294[AtCoder]ABC229 E - Graph Destruction000.000%
102322[AtCoder]ABC232 C - Graph Isomorphism090.000%
102357[AtCoder]ABC235 Ex - Painting Weighted Graph000.000%
102617[AtCoder]ABC261 Ex - Game on Graph010.000%
102624[AtCoder]ABC262 E - Red and Blue Graph000.000%
102847[AtCoder]ABC284 Ex - Count Unlabeled Graphs000.000%
102872[AtCoder]ABC287 C - Path Graph?020.000%
102877[AtCoder]ABC287 Ex - Directed Graph and Query000.000%
103044[Atcoder]ABC304 E - Good Graph030.000%
103054[Atcoder]ABC305 E - Art Gallery on Graph080.000%
103574[Atcoder]ABC357 E - Reachability in Functional Graph090.000%
103716[Atcoder]ABC371 G - Lexicographically Smallest Permutation000.000%
200623[AtCoder]ARC062 F - Painting Graphs with AtCoDeer000.000%
200892[AtCoder]ARC089 E - GraphXY000.000%
201054[AtCoder]ARC105 E - Keep Graph Disconnected000.000%
201055[AtCoder]ARC105 F - Lights Out on Connected Graph000.000%
201082[AtCoder]ARC108 C - Keep Graph Connected000.000%
300031CF8B. Obsession with Robots000.000%
300034CF8E. Beads000.000%
300039CF9E. Interesting Graph and Apples000.000%
300048CF11D. A Simple Task000.000%
300061CF14B. Young Photographer010.000%
300063CF14D. Two Paths030.000%
300092CF20C. Dijkstra?010.000%
300096CF21D. Traveling Graph000.000%
300099CF22C. System Administrator000.000%
300101CF22E. Scheme000.000%
300103CF23B. Party000.000%
300107CF24A. Ring road000.000%
300114CF25C. Roads in Berland000.000%
300115CF25D. Roads not only in Berland000.000%
300125CF27D. Ring Road 2000.000%
300128CF28B. pSort000.000%
300134CF29C. Mail Stamps000.000%
300136CF29E. Quarrel000.000%
300155CF33D. Knights000.000%
300160CF34D. Road Map000.000%
300171CF36E. Two Paths000.000%
300176CF37E. Trial for Chief000.000%
300205CF41E. 3-cycles000.000%
300210CF42E. Baldman and the military000.000%
300221CF44F. BerPaint000.000%
300233CF45H. Road Problem000.000%
300270CF51E. Pentagon000.000%
300271CF51F. Caterpillar000.000%
300309CF59E. Shortest Path000.000%
300318CF61D. Eternal Victory000.000%
300323CF62D. Wormhouse000.000%
300349CF67A. Partial Teacher010.000%
300386CF73D. FreeDiv000.000%
300391CF74C. Chessboard Billiard000.000%
300399CF76A. Gift000.000%
300414CF78E. Evacuation000.000%
300429CF81E. Pairs000.000%
300437CF83C. Track000.000%
300449CF85E. Guard Towers000.000%
300458CF87D. Beautiful Road000.000%
300466CF89B. Widget Library000.000%
300477CF91C. Ski Base000.000%
300478CF91D. Grocer's Problem000.000%
300484CF92E. Ski Base000.000%
300491CF94B. Friends000.000%
300499CF95E. Lucky Country000.000%
300503CF96D. Volleyball000.000%
300507CF97C. Winning Strategy000.000%
300509CF97E. Leaders000.000%
300541CF103B. Cthulhu000.000%
300560CF107A. Dorm Water Supply000.000%
300563CF107D. Crime Management000.000%
300567CF108C. Dorm Water Supply000.000%
300596CF114B. PFAST Inc.000.000%
300600CF115A. Party000.000%
300607CF116C. Party000.000%
300612CF117C. Cycle000.000%
300619CF118E. Bertown roads000.000%
300659CF125E. MST Company000.000%
300676CF129B. Students and Shoelaces000.000%
300677CF129C. Statues000.000%
300693CF131D. Subway000.000%
300700CF132E. Bits of merry old England000.000%
300708CF134C. Swaps000.000%
300746CF141D. Take-off Ramps000.000%
300747CF141E. Clearing Up000.000%
300761CF144D. Missile Silos000.000%
300774CF147B. Smile House000.000%