Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
2828「一本通 4.3 例 2」A Simple Problem with Integers8428629.371%
6318BZOJ2318:Spoj4060 game with probability Problem
6579BZOJ2579:Fight with function
6606BZOJ2606:[Poi2003] Sequences without Stammers
7212BZOJ3212:Pku3468 A Simple Problem with Integers
8353BZOJ4353:Play with tree
8355BZOJ4355:Play with sequence
100461[AtCoder]ABC046 B - Painting Balls with AtCoDeer010.000%
100501[AtCoder]ABC050 B - Contest with Drinks Easy000.000%
101481[AtCoder]ABC148 B - Strings with the Same Length131776.471%
101981[AtCoder]ABC198 B - Palindrome with leading zeros000.000%
102626[AtCoder]ABC262 G - LIS with Stack000.000%
103215[Atcoder]ABC321 F - #(subset sum = K) with Add and Erase 090.000%
200622[AtCoder]ARC062 E - Building Cubes with AtCoDeer000.000%
200623[AtCoder]ARC062 F - Painting Graphs with AtCoDeer000.000%
200663[AtCoder]ARC066 F - Contest with Drinks Hard000.000%
201363[AtCoder]ARC136 D - Without Carry000.000%
300031CF8B. Obsession with Robots000.000%
300126CF27E. Number With The Given Amount Of Divisors000.000%
300170CF36D. New Game with a Chess Piece000.000%
300189CF39E. What Has Dirichlet Got to Do with That?000.000%
300394CF75A. Life Without Zeros000.000%
300672CF128C. Games with Rectangle000.000%
300679CF129E. Games with Rectangle000.000%
300694CF131E. Yet Another Task with Queens000.000%
300789CF150E. Freezing with Style000.000%
300922CF176C. Playing with Superglue000.000%
300967CF181E. Playing with Superglue000.000%
301092CF206C1. Game with Two Trees000.000%
301093CF206C2. Game with Two Trees000.000%
301094CF206C3. Game with Two Trees000.000%
301111CF207C1. Game with Two Trees000.000%
301112CF207C2. Game with Two Trees000.000%
301113CF207C3. Game with Two Trees000.000%
301157CF216A. Tiling with Hexagons000.000%
301221CF228E. The Road to Berland is Paved With Good Intentions000.000%
301310CF245C. Game with Coins000.000%
301342CF251B. Playing with Permutations000.000%
301349CF252D. Playing with Permutations000.000%
301354CF253D. Table with Letters - 2000.000%
301356CF254A. Cards with Numbers000.000%
301614CF305E. Playing with String000.000%
301675CF317D. Game with Powers000.000%
301871CF354B. Game with Strings000.000%
301878CF355D. Game with Strings000.000%
301990CF378A. Playing with Dice000.000%
302035CF386D. Game with Points000.000%
302265CF436A. Feed with Candy000.000%
302340CF451A. Game With Sticks000.000%
302497CF482C. Game with Strings000.000%
302504CF483E. Game with Strings000.000%
302697CF524C. The Art of Dealing with ATM000.000%
302713CF527A. Playing with Paper000.000%
302727CF529E. The Art of Dealing with ATM000.000%
303165CF616B. Dinner with Emma000.000%
303290CF637C. Promocodes with Mistakes000.000%
303291CF637D. Running with Obstacles000.000%
303381CF656C. Without Text000.000%
303539CF683J. The Hero with Bombs000.000%
303768CF729A. Interview with Oleg000.000%
303826CF738A. Interview with Oleg000.000%
303932CF757E. Bash Plays with Functions000.000%
304310CF822A. I'm bored with life000.000%
304455CF850C. Arpa and a game with Mojtaba000.000%
304463CF851E. Arpa and a game with Mojtaba000.000%
304574CF870D. Something with XOR Queries000.000%
304578CF871B. Something with XOR Queries000.000%
304585CF872D. Something with XOR Queries000.000%
304697CF896B. Ithea Plays With Chtholly000.000%
304704CF897D. Ithea Plays With Chtholly000.000%
304829CF919F. A Game With Numbers000.000%
304895CF930B. Game with String000.000%
304897CF930D. Game with Tokens000.000%
304903CF931E. Game with String000.000%
304960CF944D. Game with String000.000%
304962CF944F. Game with Tokens000.000%
305286CF1002C1. Distinguish zero state and plus state with minimum error000.000%
305287CF1002C2. Distinguish zero state and plus state without errors000.000%
305353CF1013A. Piles With Stones000.000%
305425CF1029E. Tree with Small Distances000.000%
305608CF1062D. Fun with Integers000.000%
305636CF1067A. Array Without Local Maximums 000.000%
305644CF1068D. Array Without Local Maximums 000.000%
305702CF1077F1. Pictures with Kittens (easy version)0220.000%
305703CF1077F2. Pictures with Kittens (hard version)0190.000%
305814CF1092F. Tree with Maximum Cost000.000%
305875CF1103B. Game with modulo000.000%
305880CF1104B. Game with string000.000%
305882CF1104D. Game with modulo000.000%
306033CF1133F1. Spanning Tree with Maximum Degree000.000%
306034CF1133F2. Spanning Tree with One Fixed Degree000.000%
306089CF1144F. Graph Without Long Directed Paths000.000%
306157CF1155B. Game with Telephone Numbers000.000%
306613CF1221E. Game With String000.000%
306821CF1256A. Payment Without Change000.000%
306844CF1260D. A Game with Traps000.000%
306871CF1264C. Beautiful Mirrors with queries000.000%
306918CF1270G. Subset with Zero Sum000.000%
307064CF1296A. Array with Odd Sum000.000%
307067CF1296D. Fight with Monsters000.000%