Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
301615CF306A. Candies000.000%
301616CF306B. Optimizer000.000%
301617CF306C. White, Black and White Again000.000%
301618CF306D. Polygon000.000%
301629CF311A. The Closest Pair000.000%
301633CF311E. Biologist000.000%
301634CF312A. Whose sentence is it?000.000%
301636CF312C. The Closest Pair000.000%
301644CF314A. Sereja and Contest000.000%
301645CF314B. Sereja and Periods000.000%
301647CF314D. Sereja and Straight Lines000.000%
301651CF315C. Sereja and Contest000.000%
301652CF315D. Sereja and Periods000.000%
301669CF316G1. Good Substrings000.000%
301670CF316G2. Good Substrings000.000%
301671CF316G3. Good Substrings000.000%
301678CF318B. Strings of Power000.000%
301684CF319C. Kalila and Dimna in the Logging Industry000.000%
301685CF319D. Have You Ever Heard About the Word?000.000%
301691CF320E. Kalila and Dimna in the Logging Industry000.000%
301702CF323A. Black-and-White Cube000.000%
301703CF323B. Tournament-graph000.000%
301704CF323C. Two permutations000.000%
301717CF325A. Square and Rectangles000.000%
301718CF325B. Stadium and Games000.000%
301719CF325C. Monsters and Diamonds000.000%
301720CF325D. Reclamation000.000%
301721CF325E. The Red Button000.000%
301722CF326A. Banana000.000%
301723CF326B. Palindrome000.000%
301724CF326C. More Reclamation000.000%
301725CF326D. Rectangles and Square000.000%
301726CF326E. Counting Skyscrapers000.000%
301727CF326F. Buy One, Get One Free000.000%
301733CF328A. IQ Test000.000%
301734CF328B. Sheldon and Ice Pieces000.000%
301736CF329B. Biridian Forest000.000%
301737CF329C. Graph Reconstruction000.000%
301741CF330B. Road Construction000.000%
301743CF330D. Biridian Forest000.000%
301744CF330E. Graph Reconstruction000.000%
301759CF332C. Students' Revenge000.000%
301765CF333D. Characteristics of Rectangles000.000%
301772CF335A. Banana000.000%
301773CF335B. Palindrome000.000%
301774CF335C. More Reclamation000.000%
301775CF335D. Rectangles and Square000.000%
301776CF335E. Counting Skyscrapers000.000%
301777CF335F. Buy One, Get One Free000.000%
301781CF336D. Vasily the Bear and Beautiful Strings000.000%
301793CF339A. Helpful Maths000.000%
301800CF340C. Tourist Problem000.000%
301803CF341A. Tourist Problem000.000%
301813CF343A. Rational Resistance000.000%
301817CF343E. Pumping Stations000.000%
301820CF344C. Rational Resistance000.000%
301828CF345F. Superstitions Inspection000.000%
301829CF345G. Suffix Subgroup000.000%
301831CF346B. Lucky Common Subsequence000.000%
301838CF347D. Lucky Common Subsequence000.000%
301871CF354B. Game with Strings000.000%
301878CF355D. Game with Strings000.000%
301884CF356E. Xenia and String Problem000.000%
301885CF357A. Group of Students000.000%
301891CF358B. Dima and Text Messages000.000%
301902CF360C. Levko and Strings000.000%
301909CF361E. Levko and Strings000.000%
301911CF362B. Petya and Staircases000.000%
301931CF366B. Dima and To-do List000.000%
301946CF369B. Valera and Contest000.000%
301986CF377B. Preparing for the Contest000.000%
301993CF378D. Preparing for the Contest000.000%
302008CF381B. Sereja and Stairs000.000%
302013CF382B. Number Busters000.000%
302028CF385B. Bear and Strings000.000%
302032CF386A. Second-Price Auction000.000%
302033CF386B. Fly, freebies, fly!000.000%
302034CF386C. Diverse Substrings000.000%
302035CF386D. Game with Points000.000%
302039CF387D. George and Interesting Graph000.000%
302065CF391F1. Stock Trading000.000%
302066CF391F2. Stock Trading000.000%
302067CF391F3. Stock Trading000.000%
302072CF392E. Deleting Substrings000.000%
302078CF394A. Counting Sticks000.000%
302082CF394E. Lightbulb for Minister000.000%
302096CF398D. Instant Messanger000.000%
302109CF401B. Sereja and Contests000.000%
302117CF402E. Strictly Positive Matrix000.000%
302120CF403C. Strictly Positive Matrix000.000%
302125CF404C. Restore Graph000.000%
302141CF407D. Largest Submatrix 3000.000%
302148CF409A. The Great Game000.000%
302149CF409B. Mysterious Language000.000%
302150CF409C. Magnum Opus000.000%
302151CF409D. Big Data000.000%
302152CF409E. Dome000.000%
302153CF409F. 000001000.000%
302154CF409G. On a plane000.000%
302155CF409H. A + B Strikes Back000.000%