Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
101784[AtCoder]ABC178 E - Dist Max000.000%
101785[AtCoder]ABC178 F - Contrast000.000%
101801[AtCoder]ABC180 B - Various distances000.000%
101821[AtCoder]ABC182 B - Almost GCD000.000%
101845[AtCoder]ABC184 F - Programming Contest000.000%
101853[AtCoder]ABC185 D - Stamp000.000%
101903[AtCoder]ABC190 D - Staircase Sequences060.000%
101920[AtCoder]ABC192 A - Star000.000%
101921[AtCoder]ABC192 B - uNrEaDaBlE sTrInG000.000%
101965[AtCoder]ABC196 F - Substring 2000.000%
101975[AtCoder]ABC197 F - Construct a Palindrome000.000%
102011[AtCoder]ABC201 B - Do you know the second highest mountain?000.000%
102014[AtCoder]ABC201 E - Xor Distances000.000%
102032[AtCoder]ABC203 C - Friends and Travel costs000.000%
102082[AtCoder]ABC208 C - Fair Candy Distribution000.000%
102083[AtCoder]ABC208 D - Shortest Path Queries 2000.000%
102095[AtCoder]ABC209 F - Deforestation000.000%
102104[AtCoder]ABC210 E - Ring MST000.000%
102113[AtCoder]ABC211 D - Number of Shortest paths000.000%
102134[AtCoder]ABC213 E - Stronger Takahashi010.000%
102137[AtCoder]ABC213 H - Stroll000.000%
102142[AtCoder]ABC214 C - Distribution000.000%
102145[AtCoder]ABC214 F - Substrings000.000%
102150[AtCoder]ABC215 A - Your First Judge020.000%
102154[AtCoder]ABC215 E - Chain Contestant000.000%
102155[AtCoder]ABC215 F - Dist Max 2000.000%
102157[AtCoder]ABC215 H - Cabbage Master000.000%
102180[AtCoder]ABC218 A - Weather Forecast000.000%
102184[AtCoder]ABC218 E - Destruction000.000%
102193[AtCoder]ABC219 D - Strange Lunchbox010.000%
102204[AtCoder]ABC220 E - Distance on Large Perfect Binary Tree0200.000%
102205[AtCoder]ABC220 F - Distance Sums 2080.000%
102222[AtCoder]ABC222 C - Swiss-System Tournament000.000%
102231[AtCoder]ABC223 B - String Shifting0140.000%
102233[AtCoder]ABC223 D - Restricted Permutation060.000%
102250[AtCoder]ABC225 A - Distinct Strings000.000%
102251[AtCoder]ABC225 B - Star or Not000.000%
102255[AtCoder]ABC225 F - String Cards000.000%
102257[AtCoder]ABC225 H - Social Distance 2000.000%
102262[AtCoder]ABC226 C - Martial artist000.000%
102264[AtCoder]ABC226 E - Just one000.000%
102270[AtCoder]ABC227 A - Last Card000.000%
102285[AtCoder]ABC228 F - Stamp Game000.000%
102287[AtCoder]ABC228 H - Histogram000.000%
102290[AtCoder]ABC229 A - First Grid000.000%
102293[AtCoder]ABC229 D - Longest X000.000%
102294[AtCoder]ABC229 E - Graph Destruction000.000%
102296[AtCoder]ABC229 G - Longest Y010.000%
102303[AtCoder]ABC230 D - Destroyer Takahashi000.000%
102326[AtCoder]ABC232 G - Modulo Shortest Path000.000%
102330[AtCoder]ABC233 A - 10yen Stamp000.000%
102336[AtCoder]ABC233 G - Strongest Takahashi000.000%
102337[AtCoder]ABC233 Ex - Manhattan Christmas Tree 000.000%
102341[AtCoder]ABC234 B - Longest Segment000.000%
102354[AtCoder]ABC235 E - MST + 1000.000%
102367[AtCoder]ABC236 Ex - Distinct Multiples000.000%
102395[AtCoder]ABC239 F - Construct Highway000.000%
102401[AtCoder]ABC240 B - Count Distinct Integers000.000%
102403[AtCoder]ABC240 D - Strange Balls000.000%
102407[AtCoder]ABC240 Ex - Sequence of Substrings000.000%
102411[AtCoder]ABC241 B - Pasta000.000%
102440[AtCoder]ABC244 A - Last Letter020.000%
102441[AtCoder]ABC244 B - Go Straight and Turn Right020.000%
102445[AtCoder]ABC244 F - Shortest Good Path000.000%
102446[AtCoder]ABC244 G - Construct Good Path000.000%
102486[AtCoder]ABC248 G - GCD cost on the tree000.000%
102491[AtCoder]ABC249 B - Perfect String000.000%
102492[AtCoder]ABC249 C - Just K000.000%
102506[AtCoder]ABC250 G - Stonks000.000%
102511[AtCoder]ABC251 B - At Most 3 (Judge ver.)000.000%
102513[AtCoder]ABC251 D - At Most 3 (Contestant ver.)000.000%
102522[AtCoder]ABC252 C - Slot Strategy000.000%
102523[AtCoder]ABC252 D - Distinct Trio000.000%
102531[AtCoder]ABC253 B - Distance Between Tokens000.000%
102534[AtCoder]ABC253 E - Distance Sequence000.000%
102537[AtCoder]ABC253 Ex - We Love Forest000.000%
102540[AtCoder]ABC254 A - Last Two Digits000.000%
102556[AtCoder]ABC255 G - Constrained Nim000.000%
102557[AtCoder]ABC255 Ex - Range Harvest Query000.000%
102566[AtCoder]ABC256 G - Black and White Stones000.000%
102570[AtCoder]ABC257 A - A to Z String 2142458.333%
102585[AtCoder]ABC258 F - Main Street000.000%
102587[AtCoder]ABC258 Ex - Odd Steps000.000%
102601[AtCoder]ABC260 B - Better Students Are Needed!000.000%
102604[AtCoder]ABC260 E - At Least One000.000%
102626[AtCoder]ABC262 G - LIS with Stack000.000%
102631[AtCoder]ABC263 B - Ancestor000.000%
102640[AtCoder]ABC264 A - "atcoder".substr()010.000%
102646[AtCoder]ABC264 G - String Fair000.000%
102675[AtCoder]ABC267 F - Exactly K Steps000.000%
102682[AtCoder]ABC268 C - Chinese Restaurant000.000%
102684[AtCoder]ABC268 E - Chinese Restaurant (Three-Star Version)000.000%
102685[AtCoder]ABC268 F - Best Concatenation000.000%
102686[AtCoder]ABC268 G - Random Student ID000.000%
102694[AtCoder]ABC269 E - Last Rook000.000%
102700[AtCoder]ABC270 A - 1-2-4 Test090.000%
102703[AtCoder]ABC270 D - Stones0100.000%
102713[AtCoder]ABC271 D - Flip and Adjust080.000%
102725[AtCoder]ABC272 F - Two Strings000.000%
102732[AtCoder]ABC273 C - (K+1)-th Largest Number000.000%