Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
303310CF641A. Little Artem and Grasshopper000.000%
303311CF641B. Little Artem and Matrix000.000%
303312CF641C. Little Artem and Dance000.000%
303313CF641D. Little Artem and Random Variable000.000%
303318CF643A. Bear and Colors000.000%
303327CF644C. Hostname Aliases000.000%
303328CF645A. Amity Assessment000.000%
303347CF649D. Дефрагментация памяти000.000%
303354CF651A. Joysticks000.000%
303356CF651C. Watchmen000.000%
303359CF652A. Gabriel and Caterpillar000.000%
303365CF653A. Bear and Three Balls000.000%
303367CF653C. Bear and Up-Down000.000%
303372CF655A. Amity Assessment000.000%
303380CF656B. Scrambled000.000%
303391CF658A. Bear and Reverse Radewoosh000.000%
303392CF658B. Bear and Displayed Friends000.000%
303396CF659A. Round House000.000%
303398CF659C. Tanya and Toys000.000%
303399CF659D. Bicycle Race000.000%
303403CF660A. Co-prime Array000.000%
303404CF660B. Seating On Bus000.000%
303420CF662D. International Olympiad000.000%
303432CF665A. Buses Between Cities000.000%
303434CF665C. Simple Strings000.000%
303435CF665D. Simple Subset000.000%
303438CF666A. Reberland Linguistics000.000%
303448CF668A. Little Artem and Matrix000.000%
303449CF668B. Little Artem and Dance000.000%
303456CF669C. Little Artem and Matrix000.000%
303457CF669D. Little Artem and Dance000.000%
303460CF670B. Game of Robots000.000%
303461CF670C. Cinema000.000%
303462CF670D1. Magic Powder - 1000.000%
303463CF670D2. Magic Powder - 2000.000%
303466CF671A. Recycling Bottles000.000%
303471CF672A. Summer Camp000.000%
303472CF672B. Different is Good000.000%
303473CF672C. Recycling Bottles000.000%
303476CF673A. Bear and Game000.000%
303477CF673B. Problems for Round000.000%
303482CF674A. Bear and Colors000.000%
303494CF676A. Nicholas and Permutation000.000%
303495CF676B. Pyramid of Glasses000.000%
303497CF676D. Theseus and labyrinth000.000%
303499CF677A. Vanya and Fence000.000%
303500CF677B. Vanya and Food Processor000.000%
303501CF677C. Vanya and Label000.000%
303503CF677E. Vanya and Balloons000.000%
303504CF678A. Johny Likes Numbers000.000%
303505CF678B. The Same Calendar000.000%
303506CF678C. Joty and Chocolate000.000%
303512CF679C. Bear and Square Grid000.000%
303513CF679D. Bear and Chase000.000%
303515CF680A. Bear and Five Cards000.000%
303516CF680B. Bear and Finding Criminals000.000%
303520CF681A. A Good Contest000.000%
303544CF685D. Kay and Eternity000.000%
303546CF686A. Free Ice Cream000.000%
303547CF686B. Little Robber Girl's Zoo000.000%
303556CF688A. Opponents000.000%
303561CF689A. Mike and Cellphone000.000%
303565CF689E. Mike and Geometry Problem000.000%
303583CF691A. Fashion in Berland000.000%
303584CF691B. s-palindrome000.000%
303585CF691C. Exponential notation000.000%
303596CF696A. Lorenzo Von Matterhorn000.000%
303598CF696C. PLEASE000.000%
303602CF697A. Pineapple Incident000.000%
303603CF697B. Barnicle000.000%
303604CF697C. Lorenzo Von Matterhorn000.000%
303614CF699A. Launch of Collider000.000%
303615CF699B. One Bomb000.000%
303625CF701A. Cards000.000%
303631CF702A. Maximum Increase000.000%
303632CF702B. Powers of Two000.000%
303633CF702C. Cellular Network000.000%
303637CF703A. Mishka and Game000.000%
303638CF703B. Mishka and trip000.000%
303639CF703C. Chris and Road000.000%
303642CF704A. Thor000.000%
303644CF704C. Black Widow000.000%
303647CF705A. Hulk000.000%
303649CF705C. Thor000.000%
303652CF706A. Beru-taxi000.000%
303653CF706B. Interesting drink000.000%
303656CF706E. Working routine000.000%
303657CF707A. Brain's Photos000.000%
303660CF707D. Persistent Bookcase 000.000%
303662CF708A. Letters Cyclic Shift000.000%
303663CF708B. Recover the String000.000%
303667CF709A. Juicer000.000%
303668CF709B. Checkpoints000.000%
303672CF710A. King Moves000.000%
303678CF711A. Bus to Udayland000.000%
303679CF711B. Chris and Magic Square000.000%
303683CF712A. Memory and Crow000.000%
303684CF712B. Memory and Trident000.000%
303688CF713A. Sonya and Queries000.000%
303693CF714A. Meeting of Old Friends000.000%