Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
308373CF1509D. Binary Literature000.000%
308374CF1509E. Almost Sorted000.000%
308375CF1509F. Complete the MST000.000%
308376CF1509F. Complete the MST
308406CF1513F. Swapping Problem000.000%
308415CF1515D. Phoenix and Socks000.000%
308419CF1515H. Phoenix and Bits000.000%
308422CF1516B. AGAGA XOOORRR000.000%
308425CF1516E. Baby Ehab Plays with Permutations000.000%
308426CF1517A. Sum of 2050000.000%
308427CF1517B. Morning Jogging000.000%
308428CF1517C. Fillomino 2000.000%
308429CF1517D. Explorer Space000.000%
308430CF1517E. Group Photo000.000%
308431CF1517F. Reunion000.000%
308432CF1517G. Starry Night Camping000.000%
308433CF1517H. Fly Around the World000.000%
308451CF1521D. Nastia Plays with a Tree000.000%
308461CF1523H. Hopping Around the Array 000.000%
308471CF1526C1. Potions (Easy Version)000.000%
308481CF1527E. Partition Game000.000%
308485CF1528D. It's a bird! No, it's a plane! No, it's AaParsa!000.000%
308493CF1529F. It's a bird! No, it's a plane! No, it's AaParsa!000.000%
308531CF1534F1. Falling Sand (Easy Version)000.000%
308534CF1534H. Lost Nodes000.000%
308543CF1536C. Diluc and Kaeya000.000%
308559CF1538F. Interesting Function000.000%
308565CF1539E. Game with Cards000.000%
308572CF1540E. Tasty Dishes000.000%
308580CF1542B. Plus and Multiply000.000%
308599CF1545A. AquaMoon and Strange Sort000.000%
308603CF1545E1. AquaMoon and Time Stop (easy version)000.000%
308604CF1545E2. AquaMoon and Time Stop (hard version)000.000%
308605CF1545F. AquaMoon and Potatoes000.000%
308608CF1546C. AquaMoon and Strange Sort000.000%
308616CF1547E. Air Conditioners000.000%
308621CF1548C. The Three Little Pigs000.000%
308629CF1549E. The Three Little Pigs000.000%
308632CF1550A. Find The Array000.000%
308633CF1550B. Maximum Cost Deletion000.000%
308634CF1550C. Manhattan Subarrays000.000%
308635CF1550D. Excellent Arrays000.000%
308636CF1550E. Stringforces000.000%
308637CF1550F. Jumping Around000.000%
308641CF1551C. Interesting Story000.000%
308647CF1552B. Running for Gold000.000%
308698CF1559D2. Mocha and Diana (Hard Version)000.000%
308716CF1562C. Rings000.000%
308719CF1562E. Rescue Niwen!000.000%
308744CF1569C. Jury Meeting000.000%
308763CF1571G. A Battle Against a Dragon000.000%
308768CF1572B. Xor of 3000.000%
308776CF1573D. Xor of 3000.000%
308783CF1574E. Coloring000.000%
308801CF1578C. Cactus Lady and her Cing000.000%
308814CF1579C. Ticks000.000%
308832CF1582A. Luntik and Concerts000.000%
308833CF1582B. Luntik and Subsequences000.000%
308834CF1582C. Grandma Capa Knits a Scarf000.000%
308835CF1582D. Vupsen, Pupsen and 0000.000%
308836CF1582E. Pchelyonok and Segments000.000%
308837CF1582F1. Korney Korneevich and XOR (easy version)000.000%
308838CF1582F2. Korney Korneevich and XOR (hard version)000.000%
308839CF1582G. Kuzya and Homework000.000%
308845CF1583F. Defender of Childhood Dreams000.000%
308861CF1585G. Poachers000.000%
308876CF1588F. Jumping Through the Array000.000%
308988CF1608G. Alphabetic Tree000.000%
308996CF1609H. Pushing Robots000.000%
309009CF1611D. Weights Assignment For Tree Edges000.000%
309013CF1611G. Robot and Candies000.000%
309020CF1612G. Max Sum Array000.000%
309029CF1614C. Divan and bitwise operations000.000%
309043CF1616C. Representative Edges000.000%
309047CF1616G. Just Add an Edge000.000%
309078CF1621B. Integers Shop000.000%
309084CF1621H. Trains and Airplanes000.000%
309085CF1621I. Two Sequences000.000%
309096CF1623E. Middle Duplication000.000%
309108CF1625E1. Cats on the Upgrade (easy version)000.000%
309128CF1628F. Spaceship Crisis Management000.000%
309136CF1630A. And Matching000.000%
309144CF1631C. And Matching000.000%
309177CF1637F. Towers000.000%
309179CF1637H. Minimize Inversions Number000.000%
309202CF1641F. Covering Circle000.000%
309225CF1646C. Factorials and Powers of Two000.000%
309233CF1647E. Madoka and the Sixth-graders000.000%
309240CF1648F. Two Avenues000.000%
309247CF1650A. Deletions of Two Adjacent Letters000.000%
309248CF1650B. DIV + MOD000.000%
309249CF1650C. Weight of the System of Nested Segments000.000%
309250CF1650D. Twist the Permutation000.000%
309251CF1650E. Rescheduling the Exam000.000%
309252CF1650F. Vitaly and Advanced Useless Algorithms000.000%
309253CF1650G. Counting Shortcuts000.000%
309256CF1651C. Fault-tolerant Network000.000%
309283CF1656I. Neighbour Ordering000.000%
309295CF1658E. Gojou and Matrix Game000.000%
309299CF1659C. Line Empire000.000%