Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
304051CF778C. Peterson Polyglot000.000%
304059CF779F. Peterson Polyglot000.000%
304112CF790A. Bear and Different Names000.000%
304114CF790C. Bear and Company000.000%
304118CF791B. Bear and Friendship Condition000.000%
304119CF791C. Bear and Different Names000.000%
304121CF791E. Bear and Company000.000%
304126CF792E. Colored Balls000.000%
304145CF795D. Lie or Truth000.000%
304175CF799E. Aquarium decoration000.000%
304176CF799F. Beautiful fountains rows000.000%
304177CF799G. Cut the pie000.000%
304213CF804D. Expected diameter of a tree000.000%
304221CF805F. Expected diameter of a tree000.000%
304241CF809A. Do you want a date?000.000%
304248CF810C. Do you want a date?000.000%
304258CF812C. Sagheer and Nubian Market000.000%
304266CF813F. Bipartite Checking000.000%
304283CF817B. Makes And The Product000.000%
304307CF821C. Okabe and Boxes000.000%
304315CF822F. Madness000.000%
304326CF825D. Suitable Replacement000.000%
304329CF825G. Tree Queries000.000%
304355CF832C. Strange Radiation000.000%
304373CF835F. Roads in the Kingdom000.000%
304376CF837C. Two Seals000.000%
304380CF837G. Functions On The Segments000.000%
304389CF839C. Journey000.000%
304394CF840C. On the Bench000.000%
304395CF840D. Destiny000.000%
304401CF841E. On the Bench000.000%
304419CF845C. Two TVs000.000%
304422CF845F. Guards In The Storehouse000.000%
304424CF846A. Curriculum Vitae000.000%
304453CF850A. Five Dimensional Points000.000%
304454CF850B. Arpa and a list of numbers000.000%
304455CF850C. Arpa and a game with Mojtaba000.000%
304456CF850D. Tournament Construction000.000%
304457CF850E. Random Elections000.000%
304458CF850F. Rainbow Balls000.000%
304464CF852A. Digits000.000%
304473CF853A. Planning000.000%
304480CF854C. Planning000.000%
304484CF855B. Marvolo Gaunt's Ring000.000%
304486CF855D. Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem000.000%
304497CF858B. Which floor?000.000%
304498CF858C. Did you mean...000.000%
304504CF859C. Pie Rules000.000%
304515CF861B. Which floor?000.000%
304527CF863B. Kayaking000.000%
304535CF864C. Bus000.000%
304536CF864D. Make a Permutation!000.000%
304564CF868F. Yet Another Minimization Problem000.000%
304588CF873B. Balanced Substring000.000%
304594CF875B. Sorting the Coins000.000%
304598CF875F. Royal Questions000.000%
304606CF877B. Nikita and string000.000%
304636CF884C. Bertown Subway000.000%
304638CF884E. Binary Matrix000.000%
304639CF884F. Anti-Palindromize000.000%
304648CF887C. Solution for Cube000.000%
304651CF887F. Row of Models000.000%
304657CF888F. Connecting Vertices000.000%
304670CF891A. Pride000.000%
304677CF892C. Pride000.000%
304718CF900A. Find Extra One000.000%
304719CF900B. Position in Fraction000.000%
304720CF900C. Remove Extra One000.000%
304721CF900D. Unusual Sequences000.000%
304722CF900E. Maximum Questions000.000%
304723CF901A. Hashing Trees000.000%
304730CF902C. Hashing Trees000.000%
304759CF908C. New Year and Curling000.000%
304761CF908E. New Year and Entity Enumeration000.000%
304770CF909F. AND-permutations000.000%
304780CF911G. Mass Change Queries000.000%
304783CF912C. Perun, Ult!000.000%
304860CF923D. Picking Strings000.000%
304866CF924D. Contact ATC000.000%
304881CF926G. Large Bouquets000.000%
304894CF930A. Peculiar apple-tree000.000%
304897CF930D. Game with Tokens000.000%
304902CF931D. Peculiar apple-tree000.000%
304953CF940C. Phone Numbers000.000%
304959CF944C. Peculiar apple-tree000.000%
304962CF944F. Game with Tokens000.000%
304970CF946G. Almost Increasing Array000.000%
304988CF950A. Left-handers, Right-handers and Ambidexters000.000%
304989CF950B. Intercepted Message000.000%
304990CF950C. Zebras000.000%
304991CF950D. A Leapfrog in the Array000.000%
304992CF950E. Data Center Maintenance000.000%
304993CF950F. Curfew000.000%
305014CF953G. Large Bouquets000.000%
305025CF954H. Path Counting000.000%
305036CF956D. Contact ATC000.000%
305043CF957E. Contact ATC000.000%
305051CF958C3. Encryption (hard)000.000%
305057CF958F1. Lightsabers (easy)000.000%
305062CF959C. Mahmoud and Ehab and the wrong algorithm000.000%