Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
306572CF1216B. Shooting000.000%
306573CF1216C. White Sheet000.000%
306574CF1216D. Swords000.000%
306575CF1216E1. Numerical Sequence (easy version)000.000%
306576CF1216E2. Numerical Sequence (hard version)000.000%
306577CF1216F. Wi-Fi000.000%
306578CF1217A. Creating a Character000.000%
306579CF1217B. Zmei Gorynich000.000%
306580CF1217C. The Number Of Good Substrings000.000%
306581CF1217D. Coloring Edges000.000%
306582CF1217E. Sum Queries?000.000%
306583CF1217F. Forced Online Queries Problem000.000%
306584CF1218A. BubbleReactor000.000%
306585CF1218B. Guarding warehouses000.000%
306586CF1218C. Jumping Transformers000.000%
306587CF1218D. Xor Spanning Tree000.000%
306588CF1218E. Product Tuples000.000%
306589CF1218F. Workout plan000.000%
306590CF1218G. Alpha planetary system000.000%
306591CF1218H. Function Composition000.000%
306592CF1218I. The Light Square000.000%
306593CF1219A. BubbleReactor000.000%
306594CF1219B. Xor Spanning Tree000.000%
306595CF1219C. Periodic integer number000.000%
306596CF1219D. Workout plan000.000%
306597CF1219E. Jumping Transformers000.000%
306598CF1219F. Guarding warehouses000.000%
306599CF1219G. Harvester000.000%
306600CF1219H. Function Composition000.000%
306601CF1219I. The Light Square000.000%
306602CF1220A. Cards000.000%
306603CF1220B. Multiplication Table000.000%
306604CF1220C. Substring Game in the Lesson000.000%
306605CF1220D. Alex and Julian000.000%
306606CF1220E. Tourism000.000%
306607CF1220F. Gardener Alex000.000%
306608CF1220G. Geolocation000.000%
306609CF1221A. 2048 Game000.000%
306610CF1221B. Knights000.000%
306611CF1221C. Perfect Team000.000%
306612CF1221D. Make The Fence Great Again000.000%
306613CF1221E. Game With String000.000%
306614CF1221F. Choose a Square000.000%
306615CF1221G. Graph And Numbers000.000%
306616CF1223A. CME000.000%
306617CF1223B. Strings Equalization000.000%
306618CF1223C. Save the Nature000.000%
306619CF1223D. Sequence Sorting000.000%
306620CF1223E. Paint the Tree000.000%
306621CF1223F. Stack Exterminable Arrays000.000%
306622CF1223G. Wooden Raft000.000%
306623CF1225A. Forgetting Things000.000%
306624CF1225B1. TV Subscriptions (Easy Version)000.000%
306625CF1225B2. TV Subscriptions (Hard Version)000.000%
306626CF1225C. p-binary000.000%
306627CF1225D. Power Products000.000%
306628CF1225E. Rock Is Push000.000%
306629CF1225F. Tree Factory000.000%
306630CF1225G. To Make 1000.000%
306631CF1227A. Math Problem000.000%
306632CF1227B. Box000.000%
306633CF1227C. Messy000.000%
306634CF1227D1. Optimal Subsequences (Easy Version)000.000%
306635CF1227D2. Optimal Subsequences (Hard Version)000.000%
306636CF1227E. Arson In Berland Forest000.000%
306637CF1227F1. Wrong Answer on test 233 (Easy Version)000.000%
306638CF1227F2. Wrong Answer on test 233 (Hard Version)000.000%
306639CF1227G. Not Same000.000%
306640CF1228A. Distinct Digits000.000%
306641CF1228B. Filling the Grid000.000%
306642CF1228C. Primes and Multiplication000.000%
306643CF1228D. Complete Tripartite000.000%
306644CF1228E. Another Filling the Grid000.000%
306645CF1228F. One Node is Gone000.000%
306646CF1229A. Marcin and Training Camp000.000%
306647CF1229B. Kamil and Making a Stream000.000%
306648CF1229C. Konrad and Company Evaluation000.000%
306649CF1229D. Wojtek and Card Tricks000.000%
306650CF1229E1. Marek and Matching (easy version)000.000%
306651CF1229E2. Marek and Matching (hard version)000.000%
306652CF1229F. Mateusz and Escape Room000.000%
306653CF1230A. Dawid and Bags of Candies000.000%
306654CF1230B. Ania and Minimizing000.000%
306655CF1230C. Anadi and Domino000.000%
306656CF1230D. Marcin and Training Camp000.000%
306657CF1230E. Kamil and Making a Stream000.000%
306658CF1230F. Konrad and Company Evaluation000.000%
306659CF1231A. Dawid and Bags of Candies000.000%
306660CF1231B. Ania and Minimizing000.000%
306661CF1231C. Increasing Matrix000.000%
306662CF1231D. Anadi and Domino000.000%
306663CF1231E. Middle-Out000.000%
306664CF1231F. Marcin and Training Camp000.000%
306665CF1231G. Kamil and Making a Stream000.000%
306666CF1234A. Equalize Prices Again000.000%
306667CF1234B1. Social Network (easy version)000.000%
306668CF1234B2. Social Network (hard version)000.000%
306669CF1234C. Pipes000.000%
306670CF1234D. Distinct Characters Queries000.000%
306671CF1234E. Special Permutations000.000%