Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
405594GYM102006 G Is Topo Logical?000.000%
405596GYM102006 I Rise of the Robots000.000%
405598GYM102006 K Tourists' Tour000.000%
405603GYM102007 D Driver Disagreement000.000%
405613GYM102012 C Rikka with Consistency000.000%
405664GYM102028 E Resistors in Parallel000.000%
405668GYM102028 I Distance000.000%
405672GYM102032 A Innohorse000.000%
405675GYM102032 D Stones Distribution
405688GYM102035 L Scientist Ayoub (B)000.000%
405692GYM102040 C Divisors of the Divisors of An Integer000.000%
405700GYM102051 A Nate and Actual 3D Girls000.000%
405701GYM102051 B Nate and Bones000.000%
405702GYM102051 C Nate and Contest Invitation000.000%
405703GYM102051 D Nate and Dimension-Hopping Money000.000%
405704GYM102051 E Nate and Enigmatic Torches000.000%
405705GYM102051 F Nate and Fan Meet-and-Greet000.000%
405706GYM102051 G Nate and Game000.000%
405707GYM102051 H Nate and High School Nakama000.000%
405708GYM102051 I Nate and Integer Coefficient000.000%
405709GYM102052 A The Game000.000%
405711GYM102052 C Coins on a tree000.000%
405712GYM102052 D Game of Wizards000.000%
405713GYM102052 E Boolean Expression000.000%
405714GYM102055 A Mischievous Problem Setter
405734GYM102056 I Misunderstood … Missing000.000%
405738GYM102058 A Dumae000.000%
405739GYM102058 B Electronic Circuit000.000%
405740GYM102058 C Fake Plastic Trees000.000%
405741GYM102058 D Fascination Street000.000%
405742GYM102058 E Fractions000.000%
405743GYM102058 F Game on Plane000.000%
405744GYM102058 G Histogram Sequence000.000%
405745GYM102058 H Timsort000.000%
405746GYM102058 I Utilitarianism000.000%
405747GYM102058 J Rising Sun000.000%
405748GYM102058 K Voronoi Diagram Returns000.000%
405749GYM102058 L Repetitive Palindrome000.000%
405750GYM102058 M Coke Challenge000.000%
405752GYM102059 B Dev, Please Add This!000.000%
405760GYM102059 J Histogram Sequence000.000%
405763GYM102059 M Utilitarianism000.000%
405819GYM102129 A Tritwise Mex000.000%
405822GYM102129 D Basis Change000.000%
405837GYM102133 H Plagiarism000.000%
405840GYM102134 A Tennis000.000%
405854GYM102135 G Digital characteristic000.000%
405865GYM102136 G A Bishop's Journey000.000%
405866GYM102136 H Tourist Agency000.000%
405870GYM102141 A Kings in 2D Grid000.000%
405871GYM102141 B Mysterious LCM000.000%
405872GYM102141 C Swipe Your Time Away000.000%
405873GYM102141 D DarkCity, CrimsonCity of FlightLand000.000%
405874GYM102141 E Consecutive Letters000.000%
405875GYM102141 F Palindromadness000.000%
405876GYM102141 G Decode The Alien Message000.000%
405877GYM102141 H Triangle Inside Rectangle Inside Pentagon000.000%
405878GYM102141 I IFibonacci Power Sum000.000%
405905GYM102155 G Piecewise Linearity
405924GYM102157 5 Tree Division000.000%
405928GYM102163 C Hasan and his lazy students000.000%
405933GYM102163 H Mr. Hamra and his quantum particles000.000%
405936GYM102163 L Chemistry Exam000.000%
405973GYM102201 A A Plus Equals B000.000%
405974GYM102201 B Bohemian Rhaksody000.000%
405975GYM102201 C Cactus Determinant000.000%
405976GYM102201 D Dijkstra Is Playing At My House000.000%
405977GYM102201 E Eat Economically000.000%
405978GYM102201 F Fruit Tree000.000%
405979GYM102201 G Good Set000.000%
405980GYM102201 H Hard To Explain000.000%
405981GYM102201 I Increasing Sequence000.000%
405982GYM102201 J Jealous Teachers000.000%
405983GYM102202 A Rainbow Beads000.000%
405984GYM102202 B Gosu000.000%
405985GYM102202 C Voronoi Diagram Again000.000%
405986GYM102202 D A Plus Equals B000.000%
405987GYM102202 E Water Knows the Answer000.000%
405988GYM102202 F Eat Economically000.000%
405989GYM102202 G Increasing Sequence000.000%
405990GYM102202 H Jealous Teachers000.000%
405991GYM102202 I Dijkstra Is Playing At My House000.000%
405998GYM102215 D Country Division000.000%
406002GYM102215 H Missing Number000.000%
406007GYM102215 M Shlakoblock is live!000.000%
406017GYM102218 K K-th Missing Digit000.000%
406059GYM102253 D Division Game000.000%
406060GYM102253 E Expectation of Division000.000%
406079GYM102263 A Is It Easy ?000.000%
406134GYM102277 C Historical TV Remote Control000.000%
406145GYM102279 C Countering Terrorists000.000%
406190GYM102307 D Do Not Try This Problem000.000%
406218GYM102317 J Rising Tides000.000%
406252GYM102331 B Bitwise Xor000.000%
406289GYM102346 E Exhibition of Clownfish000.000%
406318GYM102354 J Tree Automorphisms000.000%
406326GYM102361 H Houraisan Kaguya000.000%
406336GYM102365 F Fair Distribution000.000%
406338GYM102365 H Ancient Wisdom000.000%
406339GYM102367 A Cake Distribution000.000%