Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
306318CF1178G. The Awesomest Vertex000.000%
306335CF1181E2. A Story of One Country (Hard)000.000%
306466CF1201E2. Knightmare (hard)000.000%
306540CF1211I. Unusual Graph000.000%
306585CF1218B. Guarding warehouses000.000%
306590CF1218G. Alpha planetary system000.000%
306598CF1219F. Guarding warehouses000.000%
306681CF1236F. Alice and the Cactus000.000%
306798CF1252I. Mission Possible000.000%
307031CF1290D. Coffee Varieties (hard version)000.000%
307205CF1320E. Treeland and Viruses000.000%
307344CF1342F. Make It Ascending000.000%
307478CF1361E. James and the Chase000.000%
307605CF1381D. The Majestic Brown Tree Snake000.000%
307664CF1392H. ZS Shuffles Cards000.000%
307766CF1411F. The Thorny Path000.000%
307797CF1418F. Equal Product000.000%
307831CF1423I. Lookup Tables000.000%
307844CF1424H. Lookup Tables000.000%
307880CF1428G2. Lucky Numbers (Hard Version)000.000%
307940CF1438F. Olha and Igor000.000%
307956CF1441D. Black, White and Grey Tree000.000%
307963CF1442E. Black, White and Grey Tree000.000%
307985CF1446D2. Frequency Problem (Hard Version)000.000%
307994CF1447F2. Frequency Problem (Hard Version)000.000%
308091CF1465F. The Thorny Path000.000%
308157CF1474F. 1 2 3 4 ...000.000%
308170CF1476F. Lanterns000.000%
308367CF1508D. Swap Pass000.000%
308475CF1526F. Median Queries000.000%
308532CF1534F2. Falling Sand (Hard Version)000.000%
308540CF1535F. String Distance000.000%
308602CF1545D. AquaMoon and Wrong Coordinate000.000%
308611CF1546F. AquaMoon and Wrong Coordinate000.000%
308652CF1552G. A Serious Referee000.000%
308725CF1563E. Down Below000.000%
308747CF1569F. Palindromic Hamiltonian Path000.000%
308766CF1571J. Two Railroads000.000%
308771CF1572E. Polygon000.000%
308787CF1575C. Cyclic Sum000.000%
308846CF1583G. Omkar and Time Travel000.000%
308953CF1603D. Artistic Partition000.000%
308961CF1604F. Artistic Partition000.000%
308995CF1609G. A Stroll Around the Matrix000.000%
309002CF1610F. Mashtali: a Space Oddysey000.000%
309040CF1615H. Reindeer Games000.000%
309048CF1616H. Keep XOR Low000.000%
309178CF1637G. Birthday000.000%
309259CF1651F. Tower Defense000.000%
309302CF1659F. Tree and Permutation Game000.000%
309360CF1667E. Centroid Probabilities000.000%
309397CF1672I. PermutationForces000.000%
309617CF1707D. Partial Virtual Trees000.000%
309625CF1708F. Partial Virtual Trees000.000%
309870CF1748F. Circular Xor Reversal000.000%
309912CF1758F. Decent Division000.000%
309947CF1763F. Edge Queries000.000%
309955CF1764G2. Doremy's Perfect DS Class (Medium Version)000.000%
310059CF1776M. Parmigiana With Seafood000.000%
310079CF1779G. The Game of the Century000.000%
310137CF1787G. Colorful Tree Again000.000%
310232CF1801E. Gasoline prices000.000%
310241CF1802G. Gasoline prices000.000%
310379CF1824D. LuoTianyi and the Function000.000%
310470CF1838F. Stuck Conveyor000.000%
310513CF1844G. Tree Weights000.000%
310674CF1868D. Flower-like Pseudotree000.000%
310683CF1869F. Flower-like Pseudotree000.000%
310711CF1874E. Jellyfish and Hack000.000%
310799CF1889D. Game of Stacks000.000%
310808CF1890F. Game of Stacks000.000%
310919CF1909G. Pumping Lemma000.000%
311011CF1920F2. Smooth Sailing (Hard Version)000.000%
311105CF1934E. Weird LCM Operations000.000%
311255CF1956F. Nene and the Passing Game000.000%
311314CF1969F. Card Pairing000.000%
311370CF1975G. Zimpha Fan Club000.000%