Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
301183CF221B. Little Elephant and Numbers000.000%
301184CF221C. Little Elephant and Problem000.000%
301188CF222B. Cosmic Tables000.000%
301212CF227A. Where do I Turn?000.000%
301228CF230B. T-primes000.000%
301249CF234C. Weather000.000%
301261CF236B. Easy Number Challenge010.000%
301270CF238A. Not Wool Sequences000.000%
301277CF239C. Not Wool Sequences000.000%
301286CF241A. Old Peykan000.000%
301317CF246B. Increase and Decrease000.000%
301341CF251A. Points on Line000.000%
301348CF252C. Points on Line000.000%
301372CF257B. Playing Cubes000.000%
301440CF271B. Prime Matrix000.000%
301465CF276B. Little Girl and Game000.000%
301524CF288A. Polo the Penguin and Strings000.000%
301531CF289C. Polo the Penguin and Strings000.000%
301541CF291B. Command Line Arguments000.000%
301575CF298A. Snow Footprints000.000%
301600CF303A. Lucky Permutation Triple000.000%
301606CF304B. Calendar000.000%
301607CF304C. Lucky Permutation Triple000.000%
301629CF311A. The Closest Pair000.000%
301635CF312B. Archer000.000%
301636CF312C. The Closest Pair000.000%
301678CF318B. Strings of Power000.000%
301741CF330B. Road Construction000.000%
301757CF332A. Down the Hatch!000.000%
301835CF347A. Difference Row000.000%
301861CF352B. Jeff and Periods000.000%
301951CF370B. Berland Bingo000.000%
301956CF371B. Fox Dividing Cheese000.000%
301981CF376B. I.O.U.000.000%
301991CF378B. Semifinals000.000%
302166CF413B. Spyke Chatting000.000%
302181CF416B. Art Union000.000%
302221CF426B. Sereja and Mirroring000.000%
302230CF429A. Xor-tree000.000%
302237CF430C. Xor-tree000.000%
302271CF437A. The Child and Homework000.000%
302336CF450B. Jzzhu and Sequences000.000%
302341CF451B. Sort the Array000.000%
302384CF459B. Pashmak and Flowers000.000%
302399CF462B. Appleman and Card Game000.000%
302434CF469B. Chat Online000.000%
302447CF471B. MUH and Important Things000.000%
302452CF472B. Design Tutorial: Learn from Life000.000%
302471CF476B. Dreamoon and WiFi000.000%
302481CF478B. Random Teams000.000%
302511CF485B. Valuable Resources000.000%
302516CF486B. OR in Matrix000.000%
302550CF493A. Vasya and Football000.000%
302618CF508B. Anton and currency you all know000.000%
302623CF509B. Painting Pebbles000.000%
302657CF515B. Drazil and His Happy Friends000.000%
302674CF519C. A and B and Team Training000.000%
302706CF526A. King of Thieves000.000%
302813CF545D. Queue000.000%
302879CF558B. Amr and The Large Array000.000%
302908CF567B. Berland National Library000.000%
302924CF570B. Simple Game000.000%
302934CF572B. Order Book000.000%
302938CF573A. Bear and Poker000.000%
302945CF574C. Bear and Poker000.000%
302974CF579B. Finding Team Member000.000%
303012CF586B. Laurenty and Shop000.000%
303024CF588B. Duff in Love000.000%
303068CF598B. Queries on a String010.000%
303079CF600B. Queries about less or equal elements000.000%
303131CF610B. Vika and Squares000.000%
303136CF611B. New Year and Old Property000.000%
303143CF612A. The Text Splitting000.000%
303171CF617B. Chocolate000.000%
303189CF621B. Wet Shark and Bishops000.000%
303211CF625C. K-special Tables000.000%
303215CF626B. Cards000.000%
303228CF628B. New Skateboard000.000%
303229CF628C. Bear and String Distance000.000%
303243CF630F. Selection of Personnel000.000%
303251CF630N. Forecast000.000%
303268CF633B. A Trivial Problem000.000%
303275CF634A. Island Puzzle000.000%
303282CF635B. Island Puzzle000.000%
303302CF640A. Lazy Caterer Sequence000.000%
303366CF653B. Bear and Compressing000.000%
303397CF659B. Qualifying Contest000.000%
303409CF661A. Lazy Caterer Sequence000.000%
303434CF665C. Simple Strings000.000%
303461CF670C. Cinema000.000%
303477CF673B. Problems for Round000.000%
303521CF681B. Economy Game000.000%
303572CF690C1. Brain Network (easy)000.000%
303580CF690F1. Tree of Life (easy)000.000%
303658CF707B. Bakery000.000%
303704CF716B. Complete the Word000.000%
303736CF722A. Broken Clock000.000%
303837CF740A. Alyona and copybooks000.000%
303876CF747C. Servers000.000%
303892CF750B. New Year and North Pole000.000%