Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
201073[AtCoder]ARC107 D - Number of Multisets000.000%
201075[AtCoder]ARC107 F - Sum of Abs000.000%
201161[AtCoder]ARC116 B - Products of Min-Max000.000%
201164[AtCoder]ARC116 E - Spread of Information000.000%
201181[AtCoder]ARC118 B - Village of M People000.000%
201242[AtCoder]ARC124 C - LCM of GCDs000.000%
201273[AtCoder]ARC127 D - Sum of Min of Xor000.000%
201281[AtCoder]ARC128 B - Balls of Three Colors000.000%
201292[AtCoder]ARC129 C - Multiple of 7000.000%
201351[AtCoder]ARC135 B - Sum of Three Terms000.000%
201354[AtCoder]ARC135 E - Sequence of Multiples000.000%
201432[AtCoder]ARC143 C - Piles of Pebbles000.000%
201440[AtCoder]ARC144 A - Digit Sum of 2x000.000%
201444[AtCoder]ARC144 E - GCD of Path Weights000.000%
201455[AtCoder]ARC145 F - Modulo Sum of Increasing Sequences000.000%
201533[AtCoder]ARC153 D - Sum of Sum of Digits000.000%
300007CF3A. Shortest path of the king010.000%
300021CF6B. President's Office000.000%
300054CF12E. Start of the season000.000%
300087CF19C. Deletion of Repeats000.000%
300109CF24C. Sequence of points000.000%
300126CF27E. Number With The Given Amount Of Divisors000.000%
300207CF42B. Game of chess unfinished000.000%
300340CF65B. Harry Potter and the History of Magic000.000%
300350CF67B. Restoration of the Permutation000.000%
300351CF67C. Sequence of Balls000.000%
300367CF70D. Professor's task000.000%
300382CF72I. Goofy Numbers000.000%
300388CF73F. Plane of Tanks000.000%
300433CF82D. Two out of Three000.000%
300448CF85D. Sum of Medians000.000%
300486CF93B. End of Exams000.000%
300493CF94D. End of Exams000.000%
300523CF100D. World of Mouth000.000%
300536CF102B. Sum of Digits000.000%
300570CF109A. Lucky Sum of Digits000.000%
300577CF110C. Lucky Sum of Digits000.000%
300632CF120H. Brevity is Soul of Wit000.000%
300650CF124A. The number of positions000.000%
300699CF132D. Constants in the language of Shakespeare000.000%
300700CF132E. Bits of merry old England000.000%
300707CF134B. Pairs of Numbers000.000%
300730CF138D. World of Darkraft000.000%
300746CF141D. Take-off Ramps000.000%
300754CF143B. Help Kingdom of Far Far Away 2000.000%
300758CF144A. Arrival of the General000.000%
300778CF148D. Bag of mice000.000%
300786CF150B. Quantity of Strings000.000%
300790CF151A. Soft Drinking000.000%
300793CF151D. Quantity of Strings000.000%
300807CF154C. Double Profiles000.000%
300814CF155E. Double Profiles000.000%
300885CF169A. Chores000.000%
300886CF169B. Replacing Digits000.000%
300887CF169C. Substring and Subsequence000.000%
300888CF169D. Lemmings000.000%
300889CF169E. Conveyor000.000%
300893CF171C. A Piece of Cake000.000%
300905CF173B. Chamber of Secrets000.000%
300909CF174A. Problem About Equation000.000%
300910CF174B. File List000.000%
300911CF174C. Range Increments000.000%
300912CF174D. Variable, or There and Back Again000.000%
300913CF174E. Ancient Berland Hieroglyphs000.000%
300915CF175B. Plane of Tanks: Pro000.000%
300917CF175D. Plane of Tanks: Duel000.000%
300919CF175F. Gnomes of Might and Magic000.000%
300963CF181A. Series of Crimes000.000%
300964CF181B. Number of Triplets000.000%
300965CF181C. Trading Business000.000%
300966CF181D. Word Cut000.000%
300967CF181E. Playing with Superglue000.000%
300981CF185D. Visit of the Great000.000%
301105CF207A1. Beaver's Calculator 1.0000.000%
301106CF207A2. Beaver's Calculator 1.0000.000%
301107CF207A3. Beaver's Calculator 1.0000.000%
301108CF207B1. Military Trainings000.000%
301109CF207B2. Military Trainings000.000%
301110CF207B3. Military Trainings000.000%
301111CF207C1. Game with Two Trees000.000%
301112CF207C2. Game with Two Trees000.000%
301113CF207C3. Game with Two Trees000.000%
301114CF207D1. The Beaver's Problem - 3000.000%
301115CF207D10. The Beaver's Problem - 3000.000%
301116CF207D2. The Beaver's Problem - 3000.000%
301117CF207D3. The Beaver's Problem - 3000.000%
301118CF207D4. The Beaver's Problem - 3000.000%
301119CF207D5. The Beaver's Problem - 3000.000%
301120CF207D6. The Beaver's Problem - 3000.000%
301121CF207D7. The Beaver's Problem - 3000.000%
301122CF207D8. The Beaver's Problem - 3000.000%
301123CF207D9. The Beaver's Problem - 3000.000%
301137CF212A. Privatization000.000%
301138CF212B. Polycarpus is Looking for Good Substrings000.000%
301139CF212C. Cowboys000.000%
301140CF212D. Cutting a Fence000.000%
301141CF212E. IT Restaurants000.000%
301147CF214A. System of Equations020.000%
301173CF219B. Special Offer! Super Price 999 Bourles!000.000%
301217CF228A. Is your horseshoe on the other hoof?000.000%