Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
305270CF1001B. Generate Bell state000.000%
305271CF1001C. Generate GHZ state000.000%
305272CF1001D. Distinguish plus state and minus state000.000%
305273CF1001E. Distinguish Bell states000.000%
305274CF1001F. Distinguish multi-qubit basis states000.000%
305275CF1001G. Oracle for f(x) = k-th element of x000.000%
305276CF1001H. Oracle for f(x) = parity of the number of 1s in x000.000%
305277CF1001I. Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm000.000%
305278CF1002A1. Generate superposition of all basis states000.000%
305279CF1002A2. Generate superposition of zero state and a basis state000.000%
305280CF1002A3. Generate superposition of two basis states000.000%
305281CF1002A4. Generate W state000.000%
305282CF1002B1. Distinguish zero state and W state000.000%
305283CF1002B2. Distinguish GHZ state and W state000.000%
305284CF1002B3. Distinguish four 2-qubit states000.000%
305285CF1002B4. Distinguish four 2-qubit states - 2000.000%
305286CF1002C1. Distinguish zero state and plus state with minimum error000.000%
305287CF1002C2. Distinguish zero state and plus state without errors000.000%
305288CF1002D1. Oracle for f(x) = b * x mod 2000.000%
305289CF1002D2. Oracle for f(x) = b * x + (1 - b) * (1 - x) mod 2000.000%
305290CF1002D3. Oracle for majority function000.000%
305291CF1002E1. Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm000.000%
305292CF1002E2. Another array reconstruction algorithm000.000%
305307CF1005C. Summarize to the Power of Two000.000%
305314CF1006C. Three Parts of the Array000.000%
305347CF1012A. Photo of The Sky000.000%
305355CF1013C. Photo of The Sky000.000%
305374CF1017A. The Rank000.000%
305375CF1017B. The Bits000.000%
305376CF1017C. The Phone Number000.000%
305377CF1017D. The Wu000.000%
305378CF1017E. The Supersonic Rocket000.000%
305379CF1017F. The Neutral Zone000.000%
305380CF1017G. The Tree000.000%
305381CF1017H. The Films000.000%
305393CF1023B. Pair of Toys000.000%
305427CF1030A. In Search of an Easy Problem000.000%
305444CF1032E. The Unbearable Lightness of Weights000.000%
305457CF1034D. Intervals of Intervals000.000%
305480CF1039A. Timetable000.000%
305481CF1039B. Subway Pursuit000.000%
305482CF1039C. Network Safety000.000%
305483CF1039D. You Are Given a Tree000.000%
305484CF1039E. Summer Oenothera Exhibition000.000%
305485CF1040A. Palindrome Dance000.000%
305486CF1040B. Shashlik Cooking000.000%
305487CF1040C. Timetable000.000%
305488CF1040D. Subway Pursuit000.000%
305489CF1040E. Network Safety000.000%
305492CF1041C. Coffee Break000.000%
305579CF1058A. In Search of an Easy Problem000.000%
305592CF1060B. Maximum Sum of Digits000.000%
305618CF1064B. Equations of Mathematical Magic000.000%
305655CF1070I. Privatization of Roads in Berland000.000%
305705CF1078B. The Unbearable Lightness of Weights000.000%
305713CF1079E. The Unbearable Lightness of Weights000.000%
305819CF1093E. Intersection of Permutations050.000%
305824CF1095C. Powers Of Two0610.000%
305877CF1103D. Professional layer000.000%
305901CF1107G. Vasya and Maximum Profit000.000%
305903CF1108B. Divisors of Two Integers000.000%
305909CF1109A. Sasha and a Bit of Relax000.000%
305914CF1109F. Sasha and Algorithm of Silence's Sounds000.000%
305928CF1112A. Technogoblet of Fire000.000%
305938CF1113C. Sasha and a Bit of Relax000.000%
305948CF1115G1. AND oracle000.000%
305949CF1115G2. OR oracle000.000%
305950CF1115G3. Palindrome checker oracle000.000%
305951CF1115U1. Anti-diagonal unitary000.000%
305952CF1115U2. Chessboard unitary000.000%
305953CF1115U3. Block unitary000.000%
305954CF1116A1. Generate state |00⟩ + |01⟩ + |10⟩000.000%
305955CF1116A2. Generate equal superposition of four basis states000.000%
305956CF1116B1. Distinguish three-qubit states000.000%
305957CF1116B2. Not A, not B or not C?000.000%
305958CF1116C1. Alternating bits oracle000.000%
305959CF1116C2. "Is the bit string periodic?" oracle000.000%
305960CF1116C3. "Is the number of ones divisible by 3?" oracle000.000%
305961CF1116D1. Block diagonal matrix000.000%
305962CF1116D2. Pattern of increasing blocks000.000%
305963CF1116D3. X-wing fighter000.000%
305964CF1116D4. TIE fighter000.000%
305965CF1116D5. Creeper000.000%
305966CF1116D6. Hessenberg matrix000.000%
305977CF1118D1. Coffee and Coursework (Easy version)000.000%
305978CF1118D2. Coffee and Coursework (Hard Version)000.000%
305996CF1121A. Technogoblet of Fire000.000%
306028CF1133A. Middle of the Contest000.000%
306063CF1140F. Extending Set of Points000.000%
306072CF1141G. Privatization of Roads in Treeland0170.000%
306134CF1151E. Number of Components000.000%
306166CF1156E. Special Segments of Permutation000.000%
306176CF1157G. Inverse of Rows and Columns000.000%
306182CF1158F. Density of subarrays000.000%
306183CF1159A. A pile of stones000.000%
306184CF1159B. Expansion coefficient of the array000.000%
306210CF1164A. Three Friends (1 point)000.000%
306211CF1164B. Triangle Area (1 point)000.000%
306212CF1164C. 7-digit Number (1 point)000.000%
306213CF1164D. Multiple of 29 (1 point)000.000%