Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
309842CF1743E. FTL000.000%
309843CF1743F. Intersection and Union000.000%
309844CF1743G. Antifibonacci Cut000.000%
309854CF1746C. Permutation Operations000.000%
309871CF1749A. Cowardly Rooks000.000%
309872CF1749B. Death's Blessing000.000%
309873CF1749C. Number Game000.000%
309874CF1749D. Counting Arrays000.000%
309875CF1749E. Cactus Wall000.000%
309876CF1749F. Distance to the Path000.000%
309887CF1753A1. Make Nonzero Sum (easy version)000.000%
309896CF1754C1. Make Nonzero Sum (easy version)000.000%
309972CF1766A. Extremely Round000.000%
309973CF1766B. Notepad#000.000%
309974CF1766C. Hamiltonian Wall000.000%
309975CF1766D. Lucky Chains000.000%
309976CF1766E. Decomposition000.000%
309977CF1766F. MCF000.000%
309986CF1768C. Elemental Decompress000.000%
309994CF1769C2. Подкрутка II000.000%
310033CF1774C. Ice and Fire000.000%
310042CF1775B. Gardener and the Array000.000%
310054CF1776H. Beppa and SwerChat000.000%
310068CF1778B. The Forbidden Permutation000.000%
310126CF1786B. Cake Assembly Line000.000%
310142CF1788C. Matching Numbers000.000%
310268CF1807E. Interview000.000%
310288CF1810C. Make It Permutation000.000%
310312CF1813A. Buffer Sharing in Multi-tenant Database Environment000.000%
310319CF1815A. Ian and Array Sorting000.000%
310327CF1816C. Ian and Array Sorting000.000%
310704CF1873F. Money Trees060.000%
400133GYM100070 A A000.000%
400134GYM100070 B B000.000%
400135GYM100070 C C000.000%
400136GYM100070 D D000.000%
400137GYM100070 E E000.000%
400138GYM100070 F F000.000%
400139GYM100070 H H000.000%
400140GYM100070 I I000.000%
400141GYM100070 J J000.000%
400142GYM100070 K K000.000%
400143GYM100070 L L000.000%
400155GYM100083 A Предок000.000%
400156GYM100083 B Поиск цикла000.000%
400157GYM100083 C Мосты000.000%
400158GYM100083 D Точки сочленения000.000%
400159GYM100083 E Противопожарная безопасноть000.000%
400160GYM100083 F Конденасация графа000.000%
400196GYM100091 A A000.000%
400197GYM100091 B B000.000%
400198GYM100091 C C000.000%
400199GYM100091 D D000.000%
400200GYM100093 A A000.000%
400201GYM100093 B B000.000%
400202GYM100093 C C000.000%
400203GYM100093 D D000.000%
400204GYM100093 E E000.000%
400205GYM100093 F F000.000%
400228GYM100107 A Titan Ruins: Hidden Entrance000.000%
400229GYM100107 B Titan Ruins: Overtaking Fire000.000%
400230GYM100107 C Titan Ruins: Passing through Walls000.000%
400231GYM100107 D Titan Ruins: Old Generators Are Fine Too000.000%
400232GYM100107 E Titan Ruins: Serial Control000.000%
400233GYM100107 F Titan Ruins: Repeating Success and Failure000.000%
400234GYM100107 G Titan Ruins: Stability is a Sign of Stagnation000.000%
400235GYM100107 H Titan Ruins: Better Late than Killed000.000%
400236GYM100107 I Titan Ruins: Inaction Leads to Decay000.000%
400237GYM100107 J Titan Ruins: Making Headway000.000%
400238GYM100107 K Titan Ruins: the Infinite Power of Magic000.000%
400239GYM100109 A Cafe000.000%
400240GYM100109 B Chess Championship000.000%
400241GYM100109 C Cut the rope, another rope and so on!000.000%
400242GYM100109 D Divide The Kingdom000.000%
400243GYM100109 E Dragons and Princesses000.000%
400244GYM100109 F Dumbbells000.000%
400245GYM100109 G Database Optimization000.000%
400246GYM100109 H Sultan's Pearls000.000%
400247GYM100109 I Gena vs Petya000.000%
400248GYM100109 J Ternary Password000.000%
400249GYM100109 K Tree Queries Online000.000%
400250GYM100109 L Preparing Problem000.000%
400273GYM100113 A Article000.000%
400274GYM100113 B Airlines - 2000.000%
400275GYM100113 C Blots on Paper000.000%
400276GYM100113 D Compression000.000%
400277GYM100113 E Teach Yourself Pottery000.000%
400278GYM100113 F The Young Networker000.000%
400279GYM100113 G Pattern Matching000.000%
400280GYM100113 H Roman Cities000.000%
400281GYM100113 I Sequence Sum000.000%
400282GYM100113 J Order Splitter000.000%
400283GYM100113 K The Merry Student Life During the Term...000.000%
400284GYM100113 L Sum000.000%
400285GYM100114 A Hanoi Tower000.000%
400286GYM100114 B Island000.000%
400287GYM100114 C Sequence000.000%
400288GYM100114 D Selection000.000%
400289GYM100114 E Multiplication Puzzle000.000%
400290GYM100114 F GCDs000.000%