Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
307415CF1354C2. Not So Simple Polygon Embedding000.000%
307416CF1354D. Multiset000.000%
307417CF1354E. Graph Coloring000.000%
307418CF1354F. Summoning Minions000.000%
307419CF1354G. Find a Gift000.000%
307420CF1355A. Sequence with Digits000.000%
307421CF1355B. Young Explorers000.000%
307422CF1355C. Count Triangles000.000%
307423CF1355D. Game With Array000.000%
307424CF1355E. Restorer Distance000.000%
307425CF1355F. Guess Divisors Count000.000%
307426CF1356A1. Distinguish I from X000.000%
307427CF1356A2. Distinguish I from Z000.000%
307428CF1356A3. Distinguish Z from S000.000%
307429CF1356A4. Distinguish I ⊗ X from CNOT000.000%
307430CF1356A5. Distinguish Z from -Z000.000%
307431CF1356B1. Increment000.000%
307432CF1356B2. Decrement000.000%
307433CF1356C. Prepare state |01⟩ + |10⟩ + |11⟩000.000%
307434CF1356D1. Quantum Classification - 1000.000%
307435CF1356D2. Quantum Classification - 2000.000%
307436CF1357A1. Figure out direction of CNOT000.000%
307437CF1357A2. Distinguish I, CNOTs and SWAP000.000%
307438CF1357A3. Distinguish H from X000.000%
307439CF1357A4. Distinguish Rz from R1000.000%
307440CF1357A5. Distinguish Rz(θ) from Ry(θ)000.000%
307441CF1357A6. Distinguish four Pauli gates000.000%
307442CF1357A7. Distinguish Y, XZ, -Y and -XZ000.000%
307443CF1357B1. "Is the bit string balanced?" oracle000.000%
307444CF1357B2. "Is the number divisible by 3?" oracle000.000%
307445CF1357C1. Prepare superposition of basis states with 0s000.000%
307446CF1357C2. Prepare superposition of basis states with the same parity000.000%
307447CF1357D1. Quantum Classification - Dataset 3000.000%
307448CF1357D2. Quantum Classification - Dataset 4000.000%
307449CF1357D3. Quantum Classification - Dataset 5000.000%
307450CF1357D4. Quantum Classification - Dataset 6000.000%
307451CF1357D5. Quantum Classification - Dataset 7000.000%
307452CF1357E1. Power of quantum Fourier transform000.000%
307453CF1357E2. Root of quantum Fourier transform000.000%
307454CF1358A. Park Lighting000.000%
307455CF1358B. Maria Breaks the Self-isolation000.000%
307456CF1358C. Celex Update000.000%
307457CF1358D. The Best Vacation000.000%
307458CF1358E. Are You Fired?000.000%
307459CF1358F. Tasty Cookie000.000%
307460CF1359A. Berland Poker000.000%
307461CF1359B. New Theatre Square000.000%
307462CF1359C. Mixing Water000.000%
307463CF1359D. Yet Another Yet Another Task000.000%
307464CF1359E. Modular Stability000.000%
307465CF1359F. RC Kaboom Show000.000%
307466CF1360A. Minimal Square000.000%
307467CF1360B. Honest Coach000.000%
307468CF1360C. Similar Pairs000.000%
307469CF1360D. Buying Shovels000.000%
307470CF1360E. Polygon000.000%
307471CF1360F. Spy-string000.000%
307472CF1360G. A/B Matrix000.000%
307473CF1360H. Binary Median000.000%
307474CF1361A. Johnny and Contribution000.000%
307475CF1361B. Johnny and Grandmaster000.000%
307476CF1361C. Johnny and Megan's Necklace000.000%
307477CF1361D. Johnny and James000.000%
307478CF1361E. James and the Chase000.000%
307479CF1361F. Johnny and New Toy000.000%
307480CF1362A. Johnny and Ancient Computer000.000%
307481CF1362B. Johnny and His Hobbies000.000%
307482CF1362C. Johnny and Another Rating Drop000.000%
307483CF1362D. Johnny and Contribution000.000%
307484CF1362E. Johnny and Grandmaster000.000%
307485CF1362F. Johnny and Megan's Necklace000.000%
307486CF1363A. Odd Selection000.000%
307487CF1363B. Subsequence Hate000.000%
307488CF1363C. Game On Leaves000.000%
307489CF1363D. Guess The Maximums000.000%
307490CF1363E. Tree Shuffling000.000%
307491CF1363F. Rotating Substrings000.000%
307492CF1364A. XXXXX000.000%
307493CF1364B. Most socially-distanced subsequence000.000%
307494CF1364C. Ehab and Prefix MEXs000.000%
307495CF1364D. Ehab's Last Corollary000.000%
307496CF1364E. X-OR000.000%
307497CF1365A. Matrix Game000.000%
307498CF1365B. Trouble Sort000.000%
307499CF1365C. Rotation Matching000.000%
307500CF1365D. Solve The Maze000.000%
307501CF1365E. Maximum Subsequence Value000.000%
307502CF1365F. Swaps Again000.000%
307503CF1365G. Secure Password000.000%
307504CF1366A. Shovels and Swords000.000%
307505CF1366B. Shuffle000.000%
307506CF1366C. Palindromic Paths000.000%
307507CF1366D. Two Divisors000.000%
307508CF1366E. Two Arrays000.000%
307509CF1366F. Jog Around The Graph000.000%
307510CF1366G. Construct the String000.000%
307511CF1367A. Short Substrings000.000%
307512CF1367B. Even Array000.000%
307513CF1367C. Social Distance000.000%
307514CF1367D. Task On The Board000.000%